To all members of the Economy Committee
Cllr Gill Dixon, Cllr John Turner, Cllr David Shaw, Cllr Chris Flecknoe, Cllr Thomas Sutton.
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Economy Committee
to be held in the Baildon Library, Hallcliffe, Baildon
on Thursday 22thMarch at 7.00pm
Gary StevensonDeputy Town Clerk, 15thMarch 2018
members of the press and public are entitled by law to attend all meetings of the Council and to record the proceedings of those meetings in accordance with the Council's policy on the effective managementofrecordingatCouncilmeetings.However,undertheprovisionsofthePublicBodies (AdmissionstoMeetings)ActI960SI(2),membersofthe publicandthepresswillbeexcluded
during consideration of business of a confidential nature.
To note Councilors attending but not as members of the Committee.
3Apologies forabsence
To receive any apologies for absence.
4Disclosures ofinterest
To receive disclosures of interest from members on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosure should include the nature of the interest. An interest must also be disclosed at the meeting when it only becomes apparent to the member during the meeting.
members may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is pecuniary. If the interest is pecuniary, the member must withdraw from the meeting unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Monitoring Officer.
5Public participation (No resolution can be made to publicparticipation)
PROPOSAL to adjourn the meeting in order that the members of the public may speak.
6Public sessionresponse
To reconvene the meeting and to refer any matter arising from the public session requiring determination to a future meeting of the Committee, the Full Council, a different committee, the Clerk, or to a sub-committee/workinggroup as appropriate.
Date of document: 15thMarch 2018Meeting date: 22nd March 2018Page 1 of2
ToapprovetheMinutes(attached)ofthemeetingoftheEconomyCommitteeheldon25thJanuary 2018.
8Clerk's report forinformation
ToreceivetheClerk'sreportofanycorrespondenceoroutstandingactionsnotdetailedon theagenda.
- Northern Powerhouse Consultation (Councilor Dixon)
9Committee Budget
Latest budget report 2017/18 and consideration of outstanding commitments (attached)
10Farmers Market
Annual report (and finance reports)
Website cost (invoice attached for approval)
11Friends of Baildon Station
a. To note the date of the next FOBS AGM which is Tuesday 1st May at 7pm at Baildon Rugby Club
b. To consider a financial contribution towards the cost of laying a pedestrian tarmac footpath(2018/19) alongside the unadopted road/track Roundwood Road / Baildon Station, which is very heavily used and in a terrible condition ( a map will be tabled)
A quote from Bradford Council Highways suggests a cost of £5400 as a maximum.
12Baildon Libraryupdate
- Volunteers
- Progress on other issues.
13Christmas Lights and Switch on Event
Update from meeting with our contractor.
14Bunting 2017/18
To consider arrangements for installing bunting during summer 2018.
15Baildon Ignition Group
To appoint a representative from the Committee to be an associate member of the Baildon Ignition Group.
16Promotional opportunities
To agree any promotional opportunities arising from this agenda, to delegate items for promotion to the Council's appointed spokespersons for publicity, and to agree who is to provide copy.
17Date of next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be confirmed at the annual council meeting in May 2018.
Town Clerk Tel. (0 1274) 593169 E mail: clerk@,