Whole Essex Information Sharing Framework (WEISF) 2016-2019
Service Addendum
Appendix 1 Service Area Addendum contents page
- Children in Care
- Employability and Skills Post 16
- Essex Youth Offending Service
Virtual School for Children in Care
1. Purpose for Information Sharing
The purposes for sharing information between Essex County Council’s Virtual School for Children in Care and Education and Learning Providers are:
- to safeguard the welfare of children in care through monitoring of attendance;
- to ensure education providers have the basic information about pupils on their roll and additional information about care status and the professionals that support the child in care is shared to support partnership working;
- to maintain information about the child in care’s education attainment and progress and enable the sharing of information with the current education provider to support improved educational outcomes and to ensure appropriate support for learning;
- ensure sufficient and appropriate learning provision is available to meet the needs of young people up to the age of 18 years old;
- to support in the short and long term strategies to reduce young people NOT in employment, education or training (NEET) and those who are ‘Unknown’ to the local authority;
- to enable all learning providers to utilise data to enhance their current learning provision and offer young people appropriate learning provision.
2. Legal basis for sharing information
Data sharing is undertaken in compliance under Data Protection Act 1998 - Schedule 2 and Schedule 3and other relevant legislation:
- Education Act 2011
- Education Act 1990 s537
- Statutory Instrument 2009 No.1563 Education (England)
2.1. Fair Processing Arrangements
- All Children in Care aged 16 or in Year 11 are sent a privacy notice informing them of their right to opt-out of ECC sharing relevant education data with Post 16 Institutions
- New Post 16 clients loaded onto the database will be sent an ECC Fair Processing Letter as the Data Controller
3. Information Governance
3.1 Data to be shared
Information shared by education providers with ECC
- Name
- Date of birth
- Children in Care status
- SEN information
- Attendance and exclusion information
- Attainment and progress information
- Personal Education Plans (PEP1 & PEP2)
- Provide information on financial support through the 18 – 19 Bursary Fund (if appropriate)
Information shared by ECC with relevant schools, Colleges, Sixth Forms and Training Providers
- Name
- Date of birth
- Children in Care status
- SEN information
- Attendance and exclusion information
- Attainment and progress information
- Personal Education Plans (PEP1 & PEP2)
- Ethnicity/ English as an additional language
- Qualifications gained
- Previous schools
- Designated person to have access to information about children in care attending the provision and the ability to update the CLA Tracker.
- Information shared is in agreement with ECC Corporate Parenting responsibilities
- Information shared is with the consent of the Service Users
- If a young person has been offered a place or enrolled with a Post 16 Learning Provider; additional appropriate information (for example relating to attendance, exclusion, SEN status, Care status, Youth offending status) can only be shared with the consent of the young person and or their parent/carer if a young person should be regarded under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
4.Information format, method (s) and frequency of sharing
By providers
- Information is shared via CLA Tracker and Welfare Call Ltd, a secure portal
By Essex County Council
- Information is shared via CLA Tracker, a secure portal.
5. Data retention and deletion
- ECC is required to retain information on Children in Care for a period of 75 years.
6. Responsibility for exchanging data and ensuring data are accurate
- Data is shared through key contacts with responsibility for accessing and sharing information
- A weekly monitoring schedule ensures that client data is systematically checked on a weekly basis to monitor duplicates, omissions, potential errors and inaccurate records
- Deceased clients are removed from the data base immediately.
7. Other
- Please refer to the overarching Education and Learning Service Information Sharing Protocol for Information quality sections 3,4,5,9 and 10.
4. Essex County Council Local Contacts
Name / Role / Contact email / Contact no.Cathryn Adams / Lead Commissioner for Children in Care and Safeguarding (Virtual School Head) / / 03330131077
Clare Davis / Inclusion Commissioner for Children in Care / / 03330131092
Appendix 1
Children in Care Information Requirements
Activity / Info. Required / FrequencyAttendance records of CLA / Extracted from the Children Looked After Tracker system. / Weekly
Post 16 Learning Providers - Employability and Skills Unit and Children and Young People with Disabilities Service (CYPwD) - Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG)Team
1. Purpose for Post 16 Information Sharing
The purposes for sharing information between Essex County Council’s Employability and Skills unit and CYPwD (IAG Team) and Post 16 Learning Providers are as follow:
- ensure sufficient and appropriate learning provision is available to meet the needs of young people up to the age of 18 years old and upto the age of 25 for those with Learning Difficulties or Disabilities;
- support in the short and long term strategies to reduce young people aged 16-19 and NOT in employment, education or training (NEET) and those who are ‘Unknown’ to the local authority;
- enable all learning providers to utilise data to enhance their current learning provision and offer young people appropriate learning provision.
2. Legal basis for sharing information
Data sharing is undertaken in compliance under Data Protection Act 1998 - Schedule 2 and Schedule 3, and other relevant legislation as follows:
- Education and Skills Act 2008 s10 and s72
To encourage, enable and assist young people into education, employment and training, through the provision of data
- Apprenticeship, Skills Children and Learning Act 2009.
- Children and Families Bill 2013
2.1 Fair Processing Arrangements
- Year 11 students will be sent a privacy notice informing them of their right to opt-out of ECC sharing relevant data.
- New Post 16 clients loaded onto the database will be sent an ECC Fair Processing Letter as the Data Controller
- Detailed Fair Processing Information will be held on Essex County Council’s website.
3. Information Governance
3.1Information shared
By Post-16 providers with ECC
Appendix 1 outlines the information to be shared e.g. name, dob, address etc. and when the information is required.
All Young People
- Offers of Learning
- Not Participation in Learning
- Annual Activity Survey data
- Starters and Leavers
- NEET Not accepted onto programmes
- UCAS Lists
- List of Unknowns
- Changes in addresses and phone numbers.
Information shared by ECC
Appendix 2 Information shared by ECC with relevant Colleges, Sixth Forms and Training Providers
- Relevant information relating to young people who do not have a confirmed place between Year 11 into their post 16 opportunity
- Consideration by the local authority will be given to learning providers requesting additional information using the attached proforma-Appendix 3.
3.2 Consent
- Information shared is with the consent of the Service Users
- If a young person has been offered a place or enrolled with a Post 16 Learning Provider; additional appropriate information (outlined below) can only be shared with the consent of the young person and or their parent/carer if a young person should fall into the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
- Attendance reports
- Exclusion reports
- SEN Status
- Children in Care Status
- English as additional language
- Travellers
- Youth offending Status.
4.Information format, method(s) and frequency of sharing
Essex County Council will be introducing a new secure system for sharing information titled – EGRESS. When further information becomes available schools will be informed.
By providers:-
- ECC will accept secure information, either in Excel or Word format, at any convenient point in the month via email to , or in hard copy, via a secure method, using safe handling procedures, to the address below through registered post marked ‘Private & Confidential’:
Participation and Tracking Team
Ely House,
Churchill Avenue,
Basildon, Essex,
SS14 2BW
- Verbally (e.g. either face to face meetings or via the telephone).
By Essex County Council:-
- Information will be sent within 10 working days of the receipt at: . It will only be sent to the designated person, listed in the learning providers contact details, using the safe handling procedures.
4.1 Additional Information to request
- Any additional requests for information should be made through Appendix 3.
5. Data retention and deletion
- Essex County Council is required to keep information on young people in line with the DfE’s Management Information Guidance. As the Data Controller ECC will retain young peoples’ information up to the age of 23 or 28 if the young person should have learning difficulties or disabilities
- ECC requests that the data shared with providers is used within one month and is securely destroyed within 1 month of receiving the data. ECC will check to ensure this action has been completed.
6.Responsibility for exchanging data and ensuring data are accurate
- Data is shared through key contacts with responsibility for accessing and sharing information
- A weekly monitoring schedule ensures that client data is systematically checked on a weekly basis to monitor duplicates, omissions, potential errors and inaccurate records
- Deceased clients are removed from the data base immediately.
7. Other
- Please refer to Section3, 4, 5, 9and 10 of the overarching Education and Learning Services Information Sharing Protocol.
8. Essex County Council Local Contacts
Person/s responsible for sharing information within Essex County Council.
Name / Role / Contact email / Contact no.Tracy Eve / IAG Manager / / 03330130935
Christine Fitzsimmons / IAG Manager for Children and Young People with Disabilities Service / / 03330131412
Bojan Stankovic
Works with Colleges to supply information. / Participation and Tracking Team Manager / / 033301 30952
Mark Shorter
Works with Training Providers onlyrequest for information only. / Employability and Skills Intervention Team Manager / / 03330134618
Post 16 Information Provision Appendix 1
Activity / Info. Required / Freq. / April / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / March
Offers of Learning / Name, Address DOB, Previous School, Course & Level / Monthly
Non participation in learning for the following year. / Year 12 Students not progressing onto year 13. / 1st.
Activity Survey To include new course entrants. / Name, Address, DOB, Telephone no., Course, Level & Expected end date. / Monthly
UCAS Lists / UCAS lists supplied to schools/colleges. / November / 30th
Starters and Leavers / Name, Address,
Tele. No.,
Pre. School,
Course, Level,
Expected end date
If leaver, reasons for leaving
Update on Unknowns / Information supplied for colleges to check against student data. / Once / 30th
Addresses and phone nos. / Name, DOB and New address and phone no. / Termly or Monthly
In addition Referral Systems are also in place between the Institutions’’ IAG Teams and the Employability and Skills Unit.
Colours denote the year groups for which information is required:-
Red – Years 11 and 12.
Green – All years groups undertaking learning through the establishment.
ECC will share the following with Post 16 Learning Providers (based on Consent) Appendix 2Activity / Info. Required / Freq. / April / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / March
Intended Destination / Names, Addresses, Occupation Interest / May
NEET Data / Name, contact details, dob, occupation code. / Dependent
on relevance and need
Essex Young people Destinations Data / Name, DOB, Address,
i.e. Education, Employment and Training / Providers will need to send a list of leavers with Name, DOB, and ULN when this data is required.
In addition Referral Systems are also in place between the Institutions’’ IAG Teams and the Employability and Skills Unit.
Colours denote the year groups for which information is required:-
Red – Years 11 and 12.
Green – All years groups undertaking learning through the establishment
Appendix 3
Request for additional information through the data sharing agreement
To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, Essex County Council (ECC) and Learning providers must work together to enable the effective and efficient sharing of relevant information within the law. ECC has put in place processes to understand the purpose for which learning providers require data i.e. it must be associated with a training programme that will support young people seeking specific learning opportunities.
Contact name:
Please tick whether you require:
Data:Named Information:
( Data – For provider identifying the level of need for a programme. Named information: This will only be supplied when the course has been agreed to operate).
Purpose for which information is being requested.
Please state the information the school requires.
Please outline how the information will be used.
Signature of sender:………………… Date: ……………………………………….
Name: …………………………………………………………………
Contact Number: …………………………………………………….
Please send requests for information to Mark Shorter – or call 03330134618
1.Purpose for Information Sharing
- To reduce bureaucracy whichsurroundthe potentialrelease,actualreleaseandengagementofyoungpeoplewhooffendintonew opportunities
- To ensure a consistent and streamlined approach between ECC and Education and Learning Providers relating to the recruitment of Young People under police or court ordered interventions into mainstream education, further education, apprenticeship and traineeship programmes
- Toimprovethepotentialeducationaloutcomeforthe group outlined above
- Education Welfare officers (EWOs) and Targeted Youth Advisors (TYAs) are seconded from Education Welfare Service (EWS) and Targeted Youth Service respectively, and are included within this addendum.
2. Legal basis for sharing information
Data sharing is undertaken in compliance under Data Protection Act 1998 - Schedule 2 and Schedule 3, and other relevant legislation as follows:
- Education and Skills Act 2008 s10 and s72
To encourage, enable and assist young people into education, employment and training, through the provision of data.
- Apprenticeship, Skills Children and Learning Act 2009 (ASCL 09)
- Crime and Disorder Act 1998
- Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
- Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012
2.1Fair Processing Arrangements
Young people and their parent or carer must sign written consent before data is shared between agencies for the purpose of assessment and risk management.
3.Information Governance
3.1 Data to be shared
In addition to information to be shared outlined in the overarching protocol, Essex YOS and/or Essex Targeted Youth Service (TYS) may, where it is appropriate and necessary, share information about young people which is sensitive. This may include:
- Offence details
- Police or court ordered interventions
- Risk of harm to self and to others
- Vulnerability issues
- Any other information to ensure the safety of the young person, staff and other students.
3.2 Consent
- Information shared is with the consent of the Service Users.
YOS will only share this information:
- with the express written consent of the young person and/or the young person’s parent/carer (see below), and
- where YOS deems it necessary to do so in the interests of public safety and in accordance with relevant legislation.
Information will NOT be shared where:
- YOS deems it inappropriate to do so, or
- where legislation does not allow information to be shared, or
- consent to share information has been withheld.
Young people’s consent to share information is gained at Court or at an initial planning meeting with the young person and his/her parent/carer following a court appearance or following an out-of-court disposal (such as a Youth Conditional Caution). The purpose of information gathering at this stage is to inform a YOS assessment.
Additional consent is sought to share information with wider services, including mainstream providers of education and training.
Children and Young people taken into custody
Specific information sharing requirements exist under ASCL 09 to share information on children and young people placed in custody in Secure Children’s Centres (STCs) and Young Offender Institutes (YOIs). For full details, please contact .
4.Information format, method(s) and frequency of sharing
YOS/TYS will use the ‘YOS, TYS and College Information Sharing Form’ to
- informtheindividuallearning establishment/the namedCollege contact ofyoungpeople, with their consent and/or their parent/carer’s consent and paying due regard to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Appendix 1),currently subjecttoeither Court Orders or aremand managedbyYOS
- include anassessmentofrisk,thetypeofand lengthof intervention,thenameanddetailsofthekeycontactperson(either the YOT TYA or the YOT CaseManager)andthe levelofsupportrequiredtosupporttheirtrainingneeds
- informandinvolveindividualcollegesintheplanningrelevanttothereleaseofayoung personleavingthesecureestateandjointlyidentifytrainingneeds
- informandworkwithcollegesin terms oftheadditionalsupportthatmaybeprovided totheyoungpersonwithinthemulti-agencyframework(e.g.parenting,mentalhealth etc.)
- provideinformation andadviceregardingthe Youth JusticeSystemandthe preventionofoffending, and arrangeappropriateupdating activitiesforCollege contact,asagreed betweenthemandtheirmanagers
- prioritiseanyappropriatemeetings
- ensurethatadialogueismaintainedwiththeCollege contactbeforeandduringthe educationalofferaboutthestatus, behaviourandany other developmentsinrelationtothe youngperson.
The Targeted Youth Service YOS TYAs
YOT TYAs are seconded to each locality Youth Offending Team to:
- support Year 11 and Post 16 youngpeoplethroughworkingalongsideYOSpractitioners and the College contact toensureequality ofaccessatpointofreferral,duringtheprogrammeandatendoftheirprogramme where appropriate
- act as the gatherer and sharer of information concerning the young person and share this accordingly with the College contact and vice versa the College contact with the YOT TYA
- act either as the single point of contact within a particular Youth Offending Team (YOT), or act as co-worker with the YOT practitioners for specific hard-to-manage young people.
TheFEDECcollegescan support by