11th Sunday of the Year
4.30 pm Saint Mary (+Lynne Dove (Anniv.), John & Anne Feeney )
5.30 pm Saint David Lewis (Holy Souls of the people of St. David Lewis Church, +John Keily,
+Joseph Burke)
6.00 pm Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys (+David Page)
9.00 am Saint Anne (+Tony David & Brian Williams)
9.30 am Saint Mary (+McCormack Family (Noreen), +Oreste Battaglia,
+Mary Savini)
10.30 am Saint Michael (Stan Burrows, John Hurley)
11.00 am Saint David (+Rachael Parker, Sr. Brigid Int.)
11.30 am Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Rite of the Ordinariate Mass
6.00 pm Saint Mary (+Michael Anthony Felkin)
9.30 am Saint Michael Morning Prayer Service
10.00 am Saint Mary (Requiem Mass for Mary Patricia Savini)
Tuesday Ss. Alban, Julius & Aaron
10.00 am Saint Anne Devotions
10.00 am Saint Mary (+Mary Patricia Savini,
Private intention of Fr. Joseph Mensah & Suzanne Glennon)
Wednesday St. Aloysius Gonzaga
7.30 am Saint Mary (+Linda Chambers)
10.00 am Saint Mary (Special Int., Sr. Brigid Int.)
7.00 pm Saint Michael Adoration
Thursday Ss. John Fisher & Thomas More
10.00 am Saint Mary (Int. Mrs. Donna Evans. +Philip Octaviano)
Friday Sacred Heart of Jesus
10.00 am Saint Mary (James Mahon, +Philip Madden, +Tony McGonigle)
Saturday Birthday of John the Baptist
10.00 am Saint Mary (Sisters of Llantarnam Abbey)
Next Sunday’s Intentions The Body & Blood of Christ.
Saint Anne : +David Page
Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys : +James & Elizabeth O’Mahony
Saint David :
Saint David Lewis : Billy Masterson
Saint Mary: Glenis Lewis Int. : +Noel Williams :
Saint Michael : Bill James
Saturday 10.45 – 11.45 am Saint Mary
Saturday 3.30 – 4.15 pm Saint Mary
Saints Anne, Basil + Gwladys, David, David Lewis, Mary & Michael
The Year of Saint Matthew
The Body & Blood of Christ
Father’s Day
(Sunday Readings: of year A : Breviary: Week iii)
Scripture: Deuteronomy 8: 2–3, 14–16.
Psalm 147
R/. O praise the Lord, Jerusalem.
O praise the Lord. Jerusalem;
Zion, praise your God;
He has strengthened the bars of your gates,
he has blessed the children within you.
He established peace on your borders,
he feeds you with finest wheat.
He sends out his word to the earth
and swiftly runs his command.
He makes his word known to Jacob,
to Israel his laws and decrees.
He has not dealt thus with other nations;
he has not taught them his decrees.
1 Corinthians 10: 16 – 17.
John 6: 51 – 58.
Intercession : Lord hear us.
Response : Lord, graciously hear us.
Canon Michael Evans Revd. Joseph Mensah Revd. Dermot Tredget
Deacon Pasquale Cinotti Deacon Rigo Logier Sister Brigid Cantwell
Sister Paul Gerard Chidgey Sister Justina Morrin Sister Visitation O’Donoghue
9 Stow Hill, NP20 1TP 01633 265533 Mon.-Fri. 9am-3pm E.Mail a
Website :
Royal Gwent + St. Woolos Hospitals 234234
Sick Calls (Emergency) 07805 696474
Hospital Rota Today : Anita & Bridie Next Sunday : John
Saint Anne £228.25 (Gift Aided : £) 62
Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys £219.00 (Gift Aided : £137.00)
Saint David £609.22 (Gift Aided : £393.00) 186
Saint David Lewis £141.00 (Gift Aided : £35.00) 83
Saint Mary £968.00 (Gift Aided : £272.00) 502
Saint Michael £396.00 (Gift Aided : £62.00)
Saturday : 2.00 Saint Anne’s Summer Fete held in the church grounds.
Sunday : 10.30 Baptism of Joseph Derek Horsfield in Saint Michael’s Church.
10.30 First Holy Communion at Saint Michael’s Church.
5.00 Folk Choir practise in St. Mary’s. New members always welcome.
Monday :
Tuesday :
Wednesday :
Thursday : Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Natters Group meet upstairs in Debenhams (not third Thursday of month)
Friday : 10.30 Coffee Morning in Saint Mary’s Institute all are welcome.
Saturday : 12.30 Baptism of Rosa, Caitlin and Ruari Johnston at Saint Mary’s Church.
Next Sunday : 10.30 Baptism of Susie May Scarpato-Hughes during Saint Michel’s Mass.
11.00 Baptism of Blake Carter Young during Saint David’s Mass
12.30 Baptism of Olivia Cooper-Lao at Saint Mary’s Church.
3.00 Champagne & Strawberries Event. Llantarnam Abbey
5.00 Folk Choir practise in St. Mary’s. New members always welcome.
June 26th Mike Marenghi’s London Trip.
June 30th Confirmation in St Mary’s Church.
July 1st Saint David’s SVP outing to Weston.
July 12th AGM of Saint Mary’s Social Club.
July 15th Saint David Lewis Summer Fete.
July 25th Saint Anne’s Annual trip to Weston
Please pray for the Repose of the souls of Helen Newman, John Perkins, Patricia Hadden, John Foran and all who have died recently.
Please remember also in your prayers, Baby Ali, Sr. Brigid, Fr. Kevin Payne, Nina Ali, Samantha Aranjavelic, Dominic Baretto, Christine Bennett, Marilyn Boddy, Pat Bowen, Chloe Bowker, Liz Breen, Danielle Charmary, Mel Davies, Dave, Albert Evans, Sheila Evans, John Fox, Catherine George, Shelia Gill, Margaret Grainger, Casey Hard, Rose Hackwood, Amanda Harkin, Blanche Hawker, Jim Hart, Marian Hart, Glenys Harvey, Kitty Janet Hawkins, Hayes, Janet Gillian Jones, Ron Kelly, Tom Kelly, Margaret Kroger, Penny Lake, Callum Lewis, Glenis Lewis, Avil McDonald, Anne Monahan, Andrew Moulder, Marie Murphy, Paul O’Brien, Lil O’Hagen, Win O’Sullivan, Mary Park, Simon Park, Monica Pugsley, Colin Richards, Jim Roche, Margaret Rowe, John Ryan, Michael Savage, Idris Skillern, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Lillian Skillern, Linda Smith, Joyce Stewart, Rita Stokes, Lucy Stoneman, Alan Strong, Avril Taylor, Gerald Walker, Tom Ware, Pat Webb, Biddy Williams and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them.
Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’ or ring the Newsletter Secretary on 265533
St. Anne / 17th/18th June / 24th/25th JuneReaders / Mike Glennon
Pat Tempest
MartinKurzik / Bernard Tyson
Ceri Hobbs
Helen Shannon
Communion / Mike Glennon
Pat Tempest / Sr. Visitation
C.L.O.W. / Marta Williams
Trevor Williams / Sian O’Donovan
Beth Linton
Counters / Mike & Janet Singleton / Bernard & Janet Tyson
Cleaners / Marta Williams
Trevor Williams / Sr. Visitation &
Thank you to all for the hard work for our Summer Fete and to all who contributed in any way. We hope we will have a fine day and a pleasant afternoon.
The Community Club's Annual Trip to Weston scheduled forTuesday 25th July.Departat 9:30am is now FULLY BOOKED. Prayers please for sunshine on that day.
St. Basil &St. Gwladys / 17th/18th June / 24th/25th June
Readers / Hillary Leadbetter
Julie Oates / Faith Young
Angela Haines
Communion / Sue Thomas / Mary Cully
Counters / Margaret Whitfield
Tony Sheehan / Margaret Whitfield
Tony Sheehan
Cleaners / Larry & Jackie Cullen / Larry & Jackie Cullen
The Natters group meet every Thursday upstairs in Debenhams.Apart from the third Thursday of the month.
Please can you add your name, telephone number and current duty that you carry out in Church, to the list at the back of the church.
We currently have the follow people however, we need a clear understanding of what duties people undertake so we can get cover if needed or assist people who are taking on lots of extra duties.
Cleaners - The Quinn’s, The Hodgesons and Larry & Jackie Cullen.
Readers - Anthony Quinn, Chris Oates, Julie Oates, Angela Haines, Faith Young, Sr. Paul, Larry Cullen, Hillary Leadbetter.
Eucharistic Ministers - Sue Thomas, Siobhan Quinn, Mary Cully, Larry Cullen.
Counters - Kerry & Robert Hay
Margaret Whitfield & Tony Sheehan
Choir - Please add your name to the list
Upcoming events
BBQ - 20th August at 1.30 ,tickets will be on sale soon.
Christmas lunch – 8thDecember at Crosskeys College.
St. David’s S.V.P. Raffle prizes needed for the SVP outing to Weston on Saturday 1st July.
All donations gratefully accepted.
Contact any SVP member or bring items to St David's church 11am Sunday Mass
St. David / 17th/18th June / 24th/25th JuneCommunion / Sabrina, Gino
Sonia / Angela, Sebastian
St. David Lewis / 17th/18th June / 24th/25th June
Readers / Debbie Travis
David Wats / Marilyn Richards
Davina Gomes
Communion / Annette Rose
Martin Barrett
Sr. Justina / Rita Conway
Sean Barrett
Pam McLoughlin
C.L.o.W. / Yvonne Jones
Mo Crowley / Beth Burke
Mo Crowley
RAFFLE TICKETS - for the Summer Fete will need to be returned by 8th July 2017. Please place the completed tickets in the box provided at the Piety counter.
Date to Remember: Our Summer Fete will be held on Saturday 15th July 2017 from 12:00 Noon to 2:00pm - Venue St. David Lewis Church Ground. ALL WELCOME!!
Summer Fete Help: To make our Summer Fete a success, we would appreciate your help and generous contributions of items to feed our various stalls.
This week’s update:
Steady flow of items , well done and thank you, we still need more for all the stalls - 4 weeks left!!!! Baking Guru’s we will be ready for your contribution on the day.
Committee Members will be available every Saturday evening before and after Mass from now until the fete to answer any questions and help with any items which you may wish to donate . Thanking you in anticipation for whatever support you can give us. All greatly appreciated!!
We are pleased to let you know that our Piety Stall has been restocked with new gift items.
Every Tuesday the prayer group meets at 10:00 am in the church to pray together, followed by a sharing of their talents. Should you wish to join the group, please come along on Tuesday.
LINE DANCING: Why not combine getting fitter with fun and join our LINE DANCERS.
Sessions are held on Monday and Thursday 10:30 am – 12:30 pm And Wednesday 07:30 pm- 09:30 pm ALL WELCOME!!!
The next set of lunch bags ( empty ) handed out on the weekend of June 10/11 are due for return THIS weekend June 17/18.
Our Champagne, Strawberry & Cream event this year will be NEXT Sunday June 25th at Ty Croeso, Llantarnam Abbey from 3-5 pm.
Tickets (£5.00) and raffle tickets will be sold after the three weekend Masses at Saint Mary’s on June 17th/18th.
Thank you – Pam Haywood.
The Legion of Mary candle this week is offered for all suffering in the tragedy of the Grenfell Tower Block fire.
If you have St. Mary’s GIFT AID Envelope No 40 please contact the Parish Office, leaving your name so that tax can be claimed. Please can you also inform us how you obtained the envelopes.
Church Restoration Fund: Don’t forget your extra pound for the second collection which this week amounted to £212.00 other donations can be made at :
Total currently stands at £18,281.78 Our new target set for the 1st September is £25,000. If you have any fundraising ideas, or know anyone who would like to sponsor the funding, please let the Parish office know, or one of the Community Council members.
Ministering to the AssemblySt. Mary / 17th/18th June / 24th/25th June
Readers / Mary Tilley
Bernadette Cook / Hilary Cameron
David Watts
9.30 / Kitty McHugh / Suzan Glennon
Allan Fear
Helen Walmsley
6.00 / John Haywood
Patsy Groves
James Carney / Tony Turner
Vincent Charmary
Communion / As per separate list / As per separate list
Cleaners / Group 5 / Group 6
Adoration on Wednesday at 7.30pm.
St. Michael / 17th/18th June / 24th/25th JuneThe Word / Ann Pollard
Catherine Fisher / Rosemary Anderson
Gerald Anderson
Communion / Sergio Cinotti
Sheila Wigmore / Myfanawy Anderson
Kathleen Maguire
FOLK CHOIR practise 7.30 pm Monday 24.04.17. in the Sacristy.All are welcome.
WORD SEARCH : The words for this weeks word search can be found on the back page.