Melrose Primary School
Parent Council Meeting Minutes of Wednesday 1st May 2013 DRAFT
Attendees: / Staff members; Gilly Innes (GI) Head teacher, Dawn Fernie (DF) –Depute Head, Danielle Patterson (P7 teacher)Miss Graham (P4 teacher), Caroline Santini (P2 teacher)
Parent members: Lori Thomson (LT), Ruth Magowan -Chair / acting sec (RM), Giles Etherington (GE) Jenny Linehan (JL)
PeterGibson (PG)
Pupil council reps; Mitchell Green (P7) and Martha Barton (P5) - Pupil Council reps
Apologies: Emma Sowerby (ES) Depute Head, Sarah Dalrymple (SD) secretary, Helen Whitaker (HW) treasurer, Jan McGowan (JM) teacher,
Angie Temple (parent)
Minutes of Wednesday 6th March 2013
Outstanding action points –
DF – message to SBC requesting information on queries relating to meat scandal –
It was agreed that Angela Wight, Emma Sowerby and Sarah Dalrymple should be added as additional signatories. Rhona White and Kerry Clark are to be removed as signatories. HW would lodge the form with the bank and await confirmation of the change from the bank.
ES – action to obtain ‘barometer’ from Leigh Riddell for raising funds for staging / RM now following this up – on-going
HW to confirm
Matters arising from minutes of 6th March meeting:
• Bereavement resources - Ruth and Jenny had both found out about local resources and support available to families and school who are affected by loss. These are to be forwarded to Mrs Fernie.Possible “links " page on the website but it should include other resources for families as well as bereavement links. The information may also be put in the school information book - Mrs Innes to decide where best to keep these resources.
• Sound system - we have a second quote and have realised that first quote included a screen which is not needed and is therefore approx. £3300 - it was agreed to get Mr Hart to look at value for money and the PC agreed to fund this and make this the focus of fund raising at the school fair. / GI. /SMT to decide.
Pupil Council presentation - Mitchell and Martha told the parent council of exciting plans;
-To open a Fair Trade Tuck Shop to sell healthy fair trade items. This will be held every 2 weeks and it is hoped that not only will this be a good learning experience for childrenbut that it will also raise awareness of fair trade and link with Eco school.
GE suggested that a business plan would be written and that in principle we would be prepared to lend the Pupil Council money to get this venture started. Suggestions also included that school should get amembership card for a wholesaler - e.g. Booker Galashiels, and that children should also approach the local fruit and veg shop. They hoped to launchthe shop at the school fair and sell smoothies and other fair trade items.
Talent show - the Pupil Council are organising a talent show for the whole school. They plan to hold auditions during Monday meetings on 13th and 20th May. P1-4 1045-1130and p5-7 1130 – 1215. They askedfor help from parents to help with judging - 2 parents per session .The final will be held on 17th Juneduring the Monday meeting and they discussed filming this and selling DVDs of the event.
The Pupil Council were thanked for their excellent presentation and fantastic ideas. It was suggested that they attend Parent Council meetings on a regular basis to report on Pupil Council activities.
Head Teachers Report:
Staffing update: E.Tod on sick leave.
- Supply teacher/short term contracted teachers - P1 Miss Donella McCann until June, P3 supply cover available to end of June, other P3 Laura Thomson (permanent contract) every Monday, plus supply until end of May.
- The aim is to keep as much stability as possible and minimise disruption for the school. Recruitment of quality staff is very hard and Mrs Innes reminded us that as support staff retire that SBC are not replacing these staff - this is the same for all schools but it also makes it more important to encourage parent helpers and helpers from the local community.
There are to be interviews in the next fees weeks for the seconded post.
-Old School House Garden - by August the ground will be ready and safe for schoolto develop a natural play area.
-Classes for next year -. There will be the same number of classes next year, there will be some composite classes - letter detailing this to go to all parents from school soon . There will 13 classes, composite in P1/2,P5/6, P6/7. The SBC composition class policy has been followed and Mrs Innes has also tried to ensure that children who have previously been in a composite class will not be next year.
-SBC follow up inspection is to take place on 28th and 30th Mayto review progressin the past year. This is an opportunity to showcase changes and developments. They will observe each class twice, talk to staff, pupils, (p4 and p7) and parents. They will report back to the staff at the end of the second day. A letter reporting on progress will be sent to parents, councillors and SBC Education department.
- P7 to have different coloured sweatshirts to distinguish them as senior pupils - for buddies and other pupils. Staff to let pupils vote for a colour from a small selection.
They might also have" leavers”hoodies but this will be a separate issue and not a formal part of school uniform.
The current p7 have received their hoodies and it has been agreed they may wear these on Fridays or as outerwear, not in class.
Treasurer’s Update: HW not present – from previous meeting minutes
£4400-00 balance.
Funding possibilities
JL – Garden - Jenny reported that we had not been successful with the Tesco grant but Jenny has linked the school to the Royal Horticultural Society, which has lots of curriculum links and good ideas. Login for site is melrose_1, password: melrose.” Grounds for learning” can be viewed on Utube.
- Summer Fair –Lori
- Date for Summer Fair Friday 7th June 2013
LT – discussed possible police and fire engine
Lori requested that all the classes decide what they are doing and let her know, as she needs to plan the space. The fair is planned to be outside and gazebos to be used if wet.
Caterers are organised - Andy Jack - food? Cost - LT?
Sandy Fairburn - bar
LT will organise and request help for tasks at the fair. Lori also plans to send out an email asking for help - doodle poll suggested.
The fair is to be officially opened by the Melrosian and by dances - Mrs Kershawis organising this and the Ribbon dancers will also perform.
/ LT – to get caterer quotes
HW – to investigate previous accounts from summer fair
JM – to contact EHS for hair braiding/ styling
- School Strategic Plan -GI
- Mrs Innes shared the strategic plan for the curriculum for next year. This is apart of a three-year curriculum plan with different specific focus each year. As part of curriculum for excellence this planning allows for specific areas to be identified focusing on in the next three years and demonstrates how all the areas of the curriculum are interrelated. Next year focustopics include writing, and science. A copy will be on the website when approved by SBC.
Correspondence –none
Everyone reminded school still recycling bottle tops .
Next meeting: -5th June2013 at 7pm.
All welcome.