Possible Themes/ Ideas for a Concentration

The ideas below are listed as a way to get you thinking and are meant to be expanded upon.


These ideas are meant to bejumping off points to help get you started.

Your concentration should be something you are passionate about, an ideaYOUwish to explore.

Examples of 3D Concentrations:

A series exploring cultural • intersections

• A series about ritual and self-portraits

• A series about weaving with nontraditional and traditional materials that

evolve into objects

• A series of animal- or plant-inspired forms that evolve into formal objects

• A series of wire figures in various environments

• A series about changing the function of common objects

• A series exploring rhythm and movement with common materials

• A series giving human qualities to common objects

• A series using elements of the urban landscape as a basis for threedimensional


• A series of abstractions from natural objects

• A series using multiples to create formal three-dimensional design

• A series of personal icons

• A series of enlarged common objects constructed from unusual materials

• A series of interpretive busts or figure studies that emphasize expression

and/or abstraction

• A series of architectural models for homes, public buildings, or


• A series of assemblages that juxtapose the coarse and refined qualities of a


• A series of multiples/modules to create compositions that reflect

psychological or narrative events

• A series of sculptures that explore the relationship between interior and

exterior space

• A series of personal or family history communicated through the content

and style of narrative assemblage

• A series of figures exploring aspects of self

• A series of sculptures and installation pieces centered around cultural

views of women and their bodies


A series of sculptures reinterpreting themes • and deities from world


• A series of self-portrait busts

• A series of welded metal sculptures that investigate formal design


2D Concentrations:

  • An exploration of pattern and design found in nature and/or culture.
  • A series of expressive landscapes based upon personal experienceof the particular place.
  • Abstract paintings developed from cells and other microscopic images. Portions of theobjects could be incorporated into the design so the artwork is not completely abstract.
  • Assemblages that juxtapose the brutal and elegant qualities of metal.
  • An exploration of self portraits in reflective objects.
  • Hopper interiors, based on your own surroundings to show quiet and isolation.
  • Illustrate a children’s book in the style of particular artist. The story should be one youneed to tell.
  • Clash of heritages using images and symbols of your own back ground.
  • Comic book. Cannot be something that AP readers will think they have seen before.
  • Incorporate self-portraits into famous paintings.
  • An exploration of mixed media, in landscapes, figure painting, etc.
  • How does Wall Street impact today’s society?
  • Humanize machinery.
  • Juxtapositions; the real with the surreal / old with new /traditional with commercial /East with West
  • Objects inside other objects.
  • Trompe L’Oeil (Literally means, fool the eye) Relate this technique to something importantto you.
  • Night paintings indicate how you feel when you paint at night. Scared and vulnerable,quiet or exhilarated. Show how you feel with your colors and mark making.What gives you joy?What makes you angry?What makes you cry?
  • Visually tell the story of one of your ancestors.
  • What are your fears?

Concentration ideas are not:

A variety of works produced as solutions to class projects;

A collection of works with differing intents;

A group project or collaboration;

A collection of works derived solely from other people’s photographs;

A body of work that simply investigates a medium, without a strong underlying visualidea.

A project that merely takes a long time to complete.

Things to avoid:

Anything too cute, too violent, or too controversial.