Worden School of Social Service

Delta Delta Chapter

Phi Alpha Honor Society for Social Work

Membership Requirements:

BSW: Students who are a declared social work major who have completed at least 9 credit hours of required social work courses and with a grade point average of 3.25 in social work courses and an overall grade point average of 3.0 qualify for full membership. We ask BSW Phi Alpha members to attend meetings and support chapter activities and outreach initiatives.

MSW: Membership is available to all Worden MSW students (online, on campus, & RGV campus). Students must complete 9 credit hours of social work courses and have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in MSW course work to qualify. We request San Antonio area Phi Alpha members attend meetings and support chapter activities and outreach initiatives. Phi Alpha members attending the online and RGV programs should complete four hours of community service to further their social work knowledge and experience each academic year. We ask that you email us at a brief narrative of where you served and the impact of your efforts by 1 March 2017.

Provisional: If you do not meet the requirements for full membership but want to be involved in chapter activities you can become a provisional member of the Delta Delta chapter.

Membership Benefits:

Full membership benefits include (also see http://www.phialpha.org) :

·  Honors regalia provided for graduation. Phi Alpha membership is the only means of obtaining the social work honors cord.

·  Recognition of academic achievement through membership affiliation.

·  Chapter membership certificate

Name: / OLLU ID #:
Phone: / GPA:
Classification (Check One): /
BSW / On-Campus MSW Foundation / Online MSW Foundation
On-Campus MSW Concentration / Online MSW Concentration
RGV MSW Foundation / RGV MSW Concentration
Anticipated Graduation Date:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Membership Type
Full Membership ($40 required with application
payable to OLLU) / Provisional Membership (no fee)


I acknowledge the community service and chapter involvement obligations.
Student’s Signature:

Mail application and payment (made payable to OLLU) to: Our Lady of the Lake University

Worden School of Social Service

ATTN: Phi Alpha

411 SW 24th Street

San Antonio, TX 78207

Rev 01-15-2016