Provider Support Call
Notes / 11-27-17


·  ACES$ Two Step Verification

·  ABI Waiver Closure

·  Psychological Evaluations

·  Team Meeting Notices

·  State Auditor Office Forms and Updates

·  Background Check Changes

·  Chapter 45 Training and Rights Restrictions Training

·  Electronic Signature and the Case Manager Monthly Form!

·  Temporary Change to the Provider Support Unit


ACES$ Two Step Verification

Aces$ is now requiring a two-part HIPAA verification in order for anyone calling ACES$ to get information on a participant’s case. The ACES$ corporate office has put this process in place for all of their FMS offices. Anyone calling to access participant information must pass a two-part HIPAA verification, which requires the individual to provide two pieces of information in order to confirm they are who they say they are. This was put in place to make sure appropriate safeguards exist to protect participant information and as a way to document and confirm who is requesting the information. At this time, ACES$ is asking for the last four digits of the participant's social security number and their date of birth for anyone requesting information about a participant. If you have further questions, please contact ACES$.

ABI Waiver Closure

Just a quick reminder, the Acquired Brain Injury Waiver will be closing on April 1, 2018. Participants currently receiving services on this waiver should be choosing either the Supports or Comprehensive Waiver, and the case manager and team should be working to develop a new individualized plan of care. New plans of care can be submitted to the Division to allow for a February 1, 2018 start date. However, plans should be submitted no later than March 1, 2018 to ensure an April 1 start date. Please refer to the

Division website for more information on the ABI closure at this link:

When a case manager contacts the Participant Support Specialist regarding which waiver the ABI participant has chosen, the PSS also needs to be informed of the intended plan of care start date.

Psychological Evaluations

We would like to remind case managers that, when submitting psychological evaluations to EMWS for review, please do not check off any of the boxes under “Psychological Evaluation Review”. When submitting an initial or updated evaluation, please upload the evaluation and enter the date of the evaluation, the name of the psychologist, the IQ information, and the diagnosis. Also, please add comments if there is additional information pertaining to the evaluation uploaded into the EMWS Document Library. Again, please do not check off any of the boxes under “Psychological Evaluation Review” as those boxes are checked off only when the evaluation is reviewed and an eligibility or continued eligibility determination is made.

Team Meeting Notices

Another reminder for Case Managers! Please note that you no longer need to send team meeting notices to your Participant Support Staff. These notices should now be uploaded in EMWS document library.

State Auditor Office Forms and Updates

If you have changed your mailing address in the past year, please update the new mailing address with the State Auditor’s Office ASAP. Last year, many 1099 forms were sent back to the State Auditor’s Office due to incorrect addresses. When this happens, the State Auditor’s Office will suspend all payments to that provider until the provider changes their address with SAO. Please start the address change process immediately or call SAO to see if they have your correct address on file.

Background Check Changes

The background check procedure for Developmental Disabilities Waiver providers changed on November 2, 2017. This was due to a change in positions at the Wyoming Life Resource Center. At this time, we are experiencing a backlog of background checks that are being processed by the Department of Health, Office of Human Resources. If you have questions about where a background check is in the process, please call the Behavioral Health Division front desk at307-777-7115. We will take your name, phone number, provider organization, and any other information about the questions you have regarding background checks.Youwill then receive a follow-up call from the Office of Human Resources with an update on yourinquiry.

Please remember that, while the state and national criminal history screenings arepending, provider staff can provide services to participants that are age 18 and older following a successful Department of Family Services and Office of Inspector General screening.

If you have a programmatic question about background checks (what are the offenses not allowed to provide services, etc.) please refer the questions to the Specialist in your area.

The standard fingerprint processing fees are as follows:

The cost is $49.00 for the completebackgroundscreening. This amount includes $39.00 for the fingerprint cards for the state and national criminal check and $10.00 for the Department of Family Services (DFS) screening.

This amount must be paid by either a money order or cashier’s check made payable to the State of Wyoming. We do not accept personal checksor cash.

The completed fingerprint cards, DFS form, completed cover sheet, and payment is sent to:

Wyoming Department of Health


2300 Capitol Avenue

Cheyenne, WY 82002

Information is logged, processed, and sent to Department ofCriminal Investigation and Department of Family Services forbackground investigation. The results are returned to Wyoming Department of Health and a result form is sent out to the organization or provider. This process could take 4–6 weeks.

We realize the importance of this process and the need for timely background checks. Thank you for your patience during this transition.

Questions during the call:

Can we use business checks to submit as payment for the background checks?

We have reached out to our fiscal office to see if these are acceptable. We have yet to receive an answer but will make sure and provide this clarification.

If we were submitting the DFS Central Registry Screen on our own before, can we continue to do now?

Please continue the process that you have been doing in the past with this type of screening until further guidance can be given.

Chapter 45 Training and Rights and Positive Behavior Support Plans

The Division is getting ready to release a training about new Medicaid Chapter 45 Waiver Provider Certification and Sanctions. Please keep an eye out for an email with more information!

The Division is making updates to the Rights Restrictions and Behavior Supports sections of the Individual Plans of Care. Please review the training outlining all changes, which can be found at under the Rights and Restrictions Information header. Key changes to the rights section changed the definition of lifelong supports, added spots to upload required doctor's notes, and updated language to align with the rules. Key changes to the behavior supports section include combining the Functional Behavior Analysis and the Positive Behavior Support Plan into a single document and reducing the total number of required categories for both. Please direct questions to your Participant Support Unit Plan Reviewer.

Electronic Signature and the Case Manager Monthly Form

The Division received quite a bit of feedback regarding the roll out of Electronic Signature on the Case Manager Monthly Forms. The Division has made changes based on the feedback, and we hope the responses below will clarify the use of the form and electronic signature.

ElectronicSignatureis coming to the Case Management Monthly Forms. The Division has received approval to allow the submitting of the Case Manager Monthly Form in EMWS as a form ofelectronicsignature. Thissignatureis unique to the EMWS user and is time stamped and dated. This change will go into effect on November 1, 2017.

How do I submit my monthly form?

Nothing changes besides the fact that you no longer have to print, sign, and upload the Case Manager Monthly form! When you select the submit button at the bottom on the form like you do now, you are” signing” the form. Hitting “submit” is yourelectronicsignature.

After I submit my monthly form in EMWS, what if I have changes?

If you need to change something in your Case Manager Monthly Documentation, once you have submitted it through EMWS, please email the EMWS helpdesk for a roll back to change documentation.

NOTE: You cannot change ANY documentation once you have billed for case management for the month in which you are requesting a roll back. Once you have billed, this documentation is final.

What about any service observations or other forms I would like to upload with these notes?

NO documents will be able to be uploaded into the Case Manager Monthly Electronic Form. All supplemental documents (Service Observation, Home Visit Verification, etc.) will need to be kept until your renewal of certification date and these will be checked by the Provider Support Unit Staff during your renewal. This is to cut down on the amount of rollbacks performed by the Division, as there are too many at this time for the capacity of staff at the Division. We would encourage case managers not only to double check all documentation submitted for accuracy but also to document as much as possible in the Case Manager Monthly Form so some of these documents are not needed to be kept.

When can I start submitting my Case Manager Monthly Forms Electronically?

On November 1, 2017 and this can include any Case Manager Monthly Form that is outstanding for the past year as well. There are many outstanding Case Manager Monthly forms in EMWS. Please be advised that, if these forms have not been submitted but you have billed for the service, this is considered fraud and will be referred to the Medicaid Program Integrity Unit.

Note**** If you would like to print your Case Manager Monthly form for your records this can now be done! After submitting electronically, go back into the Case Manager Monthly form you want to print and there is a print option at the bottom of the form. You will not be able to see this before you submit your documentation; this feature is only available after you have submitted the form.

****Keep in mind,BEST PRACTICEis to complete and submit Case Manager Monthly Documentation within 60 days following the month being documented. Remember, the Case Manager Monthly form is the documentation that the Provider Support Unit, Participant Support Unit and Program Integrity Unit use and review to determine if the service definition is being followed and the participant is having their needs met by the case manager.

We are very excited about this change. Please contact the EMWS helpdesk if you have any issues!

Temporary Change to the Provider Support Unit

As of mid to late December, Julie Newlin, Provider Support Unit Manager will be out of the office for an extended leave with no access to email or voicemail. Her estimated date of return is in early to mid-April. Please contact your Provider Support Specialist in your area for all Provider Support issues. If you need to contact a manager, please contact Portia Peterson, Program Operations Manager, who will be the interim manager for the Provider Support Unit at 307-777-6693 or at .

EMWS Note: As part of the State's continuous maintenance and support of its IT systems, ETS will be replacing the current network infrastructure Tuesday Night, November 28. This will cause a service interruption for all State public-facing websites, including EMWS and IMPROV from Tuesday, November 28 at 11:00 PM, through Wednesday, November 29 at 5:00 AM.


No Call in December 2017

Next call will be on January 29t, 2018