Madeby and between«$!{GUEST_FULL_NAME}»


hereinafter: the Lessee


ORVAS d.o.o., Uvala Baluni 9 , 21000 Split, Croatia




«@before-row#foreach($resItem in $RESERVA»«$!{resItem.getName()}»«@after-row#end#end» / -«$!{resItem.quantity}»% / -«#set($discountPrice=${resItem.getPrice()»«#set($formatter = ${LocaleFormat.getCurr»«${formatter.format(${discountPrice})}»«$!{RESERVATION_CURRENCY}»

Paymenton the spot:

«#set($formatter = ${LocaleFormat.getCurr»

«#foreach($resItem in $RESERVATION_EXTRAS»

«$resItem.getName()» / «${formatter.format(${resItem.getPrice()}»«$!{RESERVATION_CURRENCY}»«#if(${resItem.getIsCustomQuantity()})per»


PAYMENT:50 % of the total amount must bepaidwhensigning the charter contract

and the balance in duesixweeks prior to check in.


Saturday («$!{RESERVATION_DATE_FROM}»),from «$!{RESERVATION_579}»o'clock


Saturday («$!{RESERVATION_DATE_TO}»), until«$!{RESERVATION_580}»o'clock

Booking Terms and Conditions make partofthis Boat Charter Agreement.ThisContractismade in two (2) identicalcopies, from whicheachcontract party keeps one (1).

For "Orvas" d.o.o.:




ORVAS d.o.o.
UvalaBaluni 9
HR-21000 Split / Tel: +385 (0)21 735 377
Fax: +385 (0)21 735 090


1/The priceincludes the charter servicesduring the agreedcruising time, the ship’sdeparture from and arrival in the harbor, fuel and lubricantsconsumedwhilecruising for a daily minimum of 4 hoursper a day (selectedroute), yacht’screw, VAT, insuranceof the ship, the crew and it’spassengerswhile on the boat, minimum 4 hoursof generator workingperday, port and touristfees, complete bed linen and towels.

2/The priceexcludes: food and beverages, extrameal on bord, use of water sport equipmentthatconsumesfuel, entrancefees to nationalparks, specialtaxes to marinas to meet the client'sdemand, specialtransfers, guided tours, specialdemands for embarkation and disembarkationof the client, tips and gratuities for the crew.

3/Payment: The agreedpriceispaid in twoinstalments. The first50% must bepaid in advance as soon as the reservation and the signaturesofagreement are completed-thatpaymentalsomeans booking confirmation. The remaining50% must bepaid6weeksbefore the departure date.

4/Crew list: The agent or the client must deliver the exactcrew list to the company at least4weeksbefore the embarkation. Itisnotpermitted to have more persons on the boatthan are listed in the crew list.

5/The cruise: Unlessunder a specialagreement, the shipswillcruisewithin Croatian territorialwatersaccording to a suggestedroute. The captaincanmodify the routes in the event ofbadweatherconditionsor in the event ofitbeingobjectivelyimpossible to put in to a plannedharbor.

6/Food: Half boardisobligatory. The priceisper a person/weekincludesbreakfast and lunch/orsupper.

Breakfast (approximately) from 08.00 to 09.00 hrs and lunch from 13.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs. Supper from 19.00s to 20.00 hrs. Full boardincludesbreakfast, lunch and supper. Drinks, beverages and extrameals are paidby the client to the waiterorcaptainaccording to the givenprice list. Clients are notpermitted to bringtheirowndrinks and beveragesonto the boat. Clientsmaynotbringtheirownfood on boardifitisnotexplicitlypermittedby the termsof the contract. The bar isopenuntil 23.00 hrs. The companyisobliged to equip the boatwithallnecessaryfood and beverages. All specialdemands must bemadebeforecruising.

7/In the event that the shipisunable to put out to sea, the Company willofferan alternative ship – of the same orevenbetterquality at no additionalcost. In the event that a shipof the same orbetterqualitycannotbeoffered, the Company mayoffer a shipoflowerqualitythan the reserved one and the pricewillbereduced to reflect the difference in quality. However, the clientwillnotbeobliged to accept a shipoflowerquality, in whichcase the Company willoffer the Client a fullrefundofmoniespaid. The company'sliability, ofanykind, islimited to the cruiseprice.

In the event that the Company isunable to provide an alternative ship, the Company may take up to 24 hrs to repair the original ship. Duringthis time allcomplaintsofclient are notacceptable.

8/Specialdiscount on rentingprices: byrequest.

9/Cancellationby the client: Paymentisnon-refundable. The Company reserves the rightto keepalladvancepayment.


The companyshallnotbeliable for anycurtailmentof the holidaycausedthroughfaultorreasonof the passengers. No refundshallbemade in the event ofcurtailmentof the holidayonceithascommenced, howevercaused, norshall the companybeliable for anyconsequentexpensesincurred as a resultofcurtailment.

10/Cancellationorvariationby the company: The Company reserves the right to canceloralter the holidayarrangementsshouldunforeseencircumstancesrequireit. Shouldcancellationbenecessarybeforeembarkation, the Company will, ifpossible, offeran alternative holidayorwillalternatively make a fullrefundofallmoniespaid. The Company isobliged to end the cruise in the harboragreed in the original plannedroute. In the event ofbadweatherconditions, the Company mayend the cruise in the closest place withpublic transport. Company liabilityofanykindislimited to the cruiseprice

11/All additionalpaymentswillbepaid at the endof the cruise to the captainoranyrepresentativeof the Company according to the pricereceipt.

12/The passengers are due to hold on to the captain’srulesregarding the safetyof the yacht and the wellbeingofallpassengers on board. The boatcruisesonlyduring the day - not at night. Onlybyanexplicit arrangement with the Company or as a matterofnecessitycan the boatcruiseduring the night. Smoking belowdeck and in the cabinsisprohibited, the passengers are obliged to abideby the Croatian rulesprotecting the environment as well as rulesgoverningfishing and diving.

13/Working time for the crewisuntil 0.00 hrs at the latest (afterthatitisadditionalwork).

14/Note: you are on a boatthat some raindropscancome in. On check in crew show the clientsfunctionoftoilets and in a caseofthrowingunacceptableobjectsboatmay lose a lotof time in port to fixagain system. Thiscannotberegarded as a legitimatecause for complaint.

15/Embarkationisafter 5 PM on the dayofarrival and disembarkationisbefore 9 AM on the dayofdeparture.

16/The agencyorclientis to report to the Company ifclientshave some malady (chronicorcontagiousallergies) alsoifclientshaveanydietaryrequirements.

17/All remarksorsuggestionscanbesolvedbyagreementswith the captainordirectlywithCompany'srepresentative. Unresolvedcomplaints must bemade in writingbefore the endof the cruiseorimmediatelyupondisembarkation. In the event of a disputebeingtaken to court, the competentcourtis in Split, Croatia

18/These booking terms and conditions are partof the contract and are acceptedwithsigning a contractorconsenting to cruise. Pricesinclude VAT 13%.

Date / signature Date / signature


«$!{GUEST_FULL_NAME}» Orvas d.o.o. (Service provider)