Dear Parent(s),

As new technologies continue to change the world in which we live, they also provide many new and positive educational benefits for classroom instruction. Therefore, we have decided to implement Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) at our school.

In this initiative, students will bring their own technology devices to school to assist their learning experiences. We want to access tools available through student owned devices, teach the students how to use them for learning, and practice appropriate manners with technology devices in all areas of life.

Please note that students who cannot bring in outside technology will be able to access and utilize the school’s equipment. No student will be left out of instruction.

Personally owned devices will only be connected to the network via the LISD-Wi-Fi Network access connection as outlined in the Acceptable Use Guidelines. The LISD-Wi-Fi Network will provide filtered Internet access.

Leander ISD will not be held responsible for any physical damage, loss or theft of the personally owned device. If a device is stolen or damaged, it will be handled through the administrative office similar to other personal artifacts that are impacted in similar situations.

Possible Consequences for Misuse/Disruption

· Warning

· Device taken away for the period/day

· Device taken away and kept in the front office until parent picks it up

· Student is not allowed to use personal devices at school

· Disciplinary Referral

BYOT Student Agreement

Use of personally owned devices on LISD property or at District sponsored events is governed by the District/campus administration. Teachers always retain the discretion to have electronic devices turned off and put away for a particular activity.

Student must agree to the following conditions (please initial):

_____ User will abide by all provisions outlined in the Acceptable Use Guidelines located in The Student Handbook, Appendix B pages 76-82.

I understand and will abide by the above policy and guidelines. I further understand that any violation is unethical and may result in the loss of my network and/or BYOT privileges as well as other disciplinary action.

Device: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______