Call for Presenters Instructions
Career & Technical Education (CTE), Annual February Conference
February 6-7, 2018
Manhattan Conference Center
Overview: All proposals are welcome. Priority will be given to sessions that illustrate successful partnerships among presenters (i.e. secondary-postsecondary-Business/Industry) and address current issues in CTE or innovative ideas.
Sessions should focus on practical application of strategies or improvements that could be implemented in any school in Kansas, regardless of school size or region. Our goal is for all attendees to leave with the tools to implement the innovative ideas shared at the conference. Though your session may include brief information on a product or vendor that you found to be beneficial to your topic, this is not the appropriate venue for a sales pitch. Those wishing to sell a product at the conference are encouraged to purchase an exhibit table.
Schedule: Sessions will be scheduled for 1 hour unless additional time is requested. Session times will be scheduled in a manner to provide the best mix of offerings to attendees.
Compensation: Conference presenters will receive 50% off the registration cost, an $80 savings. Discounted registration is limited to 2 presenters per session. Individuals presenting, but not attending the full conference, do not need to complete conference registration.
Technology: A LCD Projector (Windows operating system compatible) with VGA Connection and screen will be provided in all meeting rooms. Free High Speed Wireless Internet is available throughout the building.
Presenters are expected to provide their own laptop computer and any other materials needed for the session.
Please complete the presentation proposal on the following page and submit by November 1, 2017 to:
Marie Hall, CTE Coordinator, Greenbush
6822 SE Ross Street
Topeka, KS 66619
Phone: (785) 862-7840
Fax: (785) 862-8688
Presentation Proposal
Career & Technical Education (CTE), Annual February Conference
February 6-7, 2018
Manhattan Conference Center
Session Title:
Abstract for Program (approx. 100 words or less):
Session topic area (please check at least one):
o Agriculture
o Administrators
o AV Communications & Visual Arts
o Business, Finance, Marketing
o CTE Coordinators
o Construction, Manufacturing, and Transportation
o Counselors
o Engineering
o Family & Consumer Sciences
o Government & Public Administration
o Health & Bio Science
o Individual Plans of Study
o Information Technology
o Law/Public Safety
o Other: ______(please list)
A LCD Projector (Windows operating system compatible) with VGA Connection and screen will be provided in all meeting rooms. Free High Speed Wireless Internet is available throughout the building.
Presenters are expected to provide their own laptop computer and VGA adaptor (if necessary).
Please check if you would like the conference staff to provide any of the following optional items in your session room.
Audio Mixer/Speakers / Flip Chart w/ Markers / White Board w/ Markers6’ Table at front of room for Speaker materials / Room set in classroom format (tables & chairs)* / Other (please specify):
Electrical power strip(s) to table(s) / Room set with round tables*
*Note: Most session rooms will be set in theatre format (chairs only). This is necessary in order for us to have the capacity in each room to accommodate all attendees.
Presenter Contact Info:
Presenter OneName
Email Address
Mailing Address
Highest Level of Education*
Presenter Two
Email Address
Mailing Address
Highest Level of Education*
Presenter Three
Email Address
Mailing Address
Highest Level of Education*
Presenter Four
Email Address
Mailing Address
Highest Level of Education*
Presenter Five
Email Address
Mailing Address
Highest Level of Education*
*This information has no impact on your selection as a speaker. It’s simply required by the higher education institution that provides college credit to conference attendees.