This paper was published under the following citation: Fuller, C. S., Griffin, T. J., & Ludema, J. D. (2000). Appreciative future search: Involving the whole system in positive organization change. Organization Development Journal, 18, 2, 29-41. Do Not Reproduce without the written permission from the authors.
Appreciative Future Search:
Involving the Whole System in Positive Organization Change[1]
Connie S. Fuller
Thomas J. Griffin
James D. Ludema
Large group interventions have become an essential component in organization change efforts in many organizations today. They are favored because they include and give voice to greater numbers of stakeholders, promote whole system organizational learning, produce faster and more sustainable change, generate higher levels of commitment from organization members, and achieve business results. All indications are that this trend will continue at an ever-increasing rate as new hybrid forms of large group interventions are developed and tested. The external environment continues to put enormous pressure on organizations to change almost instantaneously, and many of the traditional methods of change implementation (top-down, bottom-up, representative groups, pilot tests, survey feedback) are simply too slow and unable to generate the creativity, innovation, and commitment needed of organizational members.
In the last 20 years or so, a variety of high-involvement, high-velocity large group intervention approaches have been developed, tested, and proven effective. Bunker and Alban (1997) identify twelve methods for whole systems change: Search Conference (Emery & Purser, 1996), Future Search (Weisbord & Janoff, 1995), Real Time Strategic Change (Jacobs, 1994), ICA Strategic Planning Process (Spencer, 1989), The Conference Model (Axelrod, 1992), Fast Cycle Full Participation (Pasmore, 1994), Real Time Work Design (Dannemiller & Jacobs, 1992), Participative Design (Cabana, 1995; Emery, 1995), Simu-Real (Klein, 1992), Work-Out (Tichy & Sherman, 1993), Open Space Technology (Owen, 1992), and Large Scale Interactive Events (Dannemiller & Jacobs, 1992). Add to this list, the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Summit (Whitney & Cooperrider, 1998).
Drawing their theoretical inspiration from systems theory (von Bertalanffy, 1952; Miller & Rice, 1967), socio-technical systems theory (Emery & Trist, 1960), values theory (Maslow, 1943; McGregor, 1960), social psychology (Lewin, 1951; Katz & Kahn 1978), group dynamics (Bion, 1961), and, more recently, social constructionism (Berger & Luckman, 1967; Gergen, 1994), large group interventions are designed to involve the whole system, internal and external, in the change process (Bunker & Alban, 1997). They are well planned, highly organized, and usually facilitated by outside experts. They have been used effectively to promote innovation and foster change in record breaking time with hundreds of organizations – corporations, non-profits, governments, communities – in a variety of applications, such as organization development, organization redesign, restructuring, strategic planning, visioning, values clarification, process improvement, customer service, global learning, formation of collaborative alliances, and others. Some organizations have even begun to use these large group interventions as a way of managing on an on-going basis.
This article provides a graphic illustration of how two whole system change methodologies – Appreciative Inquiry and Future Search – were combined to shape the strategic direction and organization design for a large, global non-profit organization (American Baptist International Ministries). It begins by providing a brief introduction to Appreciative Inquiry and Future Search. It then moves on to demonstrate how the two methodologies were used to involve over 1200 stakeholders worldwide in helping to shape the strategic future and design of International Ministries. At the heart of this initiative was a three-day “Appreciative Future Search Conference” that brought together from around the world and across cultures and languages over two hundred International Ministries staff, missionaries, and youth to set priorities for the organization’s future. As a result of the event, International Ministries radically altered many of its primary institutional objectives and strategies and dramatically redesigned its organization to advance the new priorities. The article concludes with an examination of the underlying OD values and principles that allow the Appreciative Future Search to achieve its persuasive results.
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative inquiry (Cooperrider & Srivastva, 1987) is an OD process which grows out of social constructionist thought and has been applied in multiple settings to management and organization transformation. Appreciative inquiry is based on the premise that OD has reached the end of problem solving as a mode of inquiry capable of generating and sustaining large-system learning and change. The future of OD belongs to methods that can involve whole systems (groups of hundreds, thousands, and even millions in the context of cyberspace) in meaningful conversation to learn, envision, and build mutually desired futures.
Appreciative inquiry distinguishes itself from other OD methodologies by its deliberately affirmative assumptions about people, organizations, and relationships. It focuses on asking positive questions to ignite transformative dialogue and action within human systems. As a method of organizational intervention, appreciative inquiry differs from conventional managerial problem solving. The basic assumption of problem solving seems to be that "organizing-is-a-problem-to-be-solved." The process usually involves: (1) identifying the key problems; (2) analyzing the causes; (3) analyzing the solutions; and (4) developing an action plan. In contrast, the underlying assumption of appreciative inquiry is that organizing is a possibility to be embraced. The steps include: (1) discovering and valuing; (2) envisioning; (3) design through dialogue; and (4) co-constructing the future. In other words, the four phases of an appreciative inquiry include discovery, dream, design, delivery.
Figure I: Appreciative Inquiry 4-D Model
This appreciative or “positive” approach to organization change provides some significant advantages over traditional “deficit-based” methodologies (Ludema, Cooperrider, & Barrett, 2000). First, it releases an outpouring of new constructive conversations that refocus an organization’s attention away from problems and toward hopeful, energizing possibilities. Second, it produces forward momentum for change by generating large amounts of positive affect and social bonding – including experiences of hope, inspiration, and the joy of creating with one another. Third, the appreciative approach unleashes a self-sustaining learning capacity within an organization. As organization members learn more and more about what enables their health, vitality and success, they deepen their understanding and strengthen their capacity to put those possibilities into practice on an everyday basis. Fourth, by expanding dialogue about innovative possibilities, equalizing relationships, promoting learning, and providing broad access to decision making, appreciative inquiry creates the conditions necessary for self-organizing to flourish. Finally, appreciative inquiry provides a reservoir of strength for positive change. As organizations inquire ever more deeply into the forces and factors that give them life, they tap into what can be called their “positive core” (Cooperrider & Whitney, 1999). Once an idea or initiative is connected to the positive core, it takes a quantum leap forward toward its eventual realization.
Future Search
Future Search Conferencing (Weisbord & Janoff, 1995) represents a dynamic new way of engaging large groups of stakeholders in strategic planning for the organizations of which they are a part. It uses specific techniques to involve participants in exploring the past and present, creating an ideal future, finding common ground, and choosing the actions that will make that future a reality. Through Future Search, it is possible (1) to bring together people who don't ordinarily meet face-to-face, (2) to allow everyone in the organization to understand the “big picture” before acting “locally,” (3) to create a positive future rather than focus on past problems and conflicts, and (4) to engage all organizational members in taking responsibility for their own behavior instead of trying to change each other.
The framework for a Future Search Conference differs from typical participatory meetings or strategic planning sessions in several ways. First, it involves the whole system. Participants representing a cross section of stakeholders from as many different key constituency groups as possible participate in the event. This means that there is more diversity and less hierarchy than one would ordinarily find in a strategic planning or decision making session. Second, scenarios regarding topics are put into both local and global perspectives. By encouraging participants to think globally before acting locally, shared understanding and greater commitment to act are generated. The range of potential actions is also increased. Third, participants are invited to self-manage their work, and to use dialogue as the main tool for completing their tasks. Finally, participants are encouraged to find “common ground” rather than enter into “conflict management.” This is distinctly different from traditional "problem-solving" approaches to organization change. The focus in the Future Search is to honor differences (rather than try to reconcile them), find points of agreement, and move forward together in constructive action.
IMagine 2010!: An Appreciative Future Search Conference Experience
Green Lake Conference Center, Green Lake, WisconsinJanuary, 1999
The room was large, half the size of a ballroom, long and narrow. It was filled with tables, 20 in all. Color markers sat in trays on flip charts next to each table. A raised platform at the front of the room was set up for those who would be speaking to the group. Clustered around each table were eight to ten people of different race, gender, age, and color. Over 30 different languages could be heard among the 200 voices. There was a low buzz that belied the anticipation of what lay ahead. Organizational members from around the globe had come to this place to build their future, together. “IMagine 2010!” was about to begin.
IMagine 2010! was an Appreciate Future Search Conference sponsored by American Baptist International Ministries to engage staff and missionaries living and working worldwide in the creation of a strategic plan for the organization for the new millennium. This conference was a carefully planned event that had its origin nearly a year earlier. It was Phase 2 of a three-part, two-year Appreciative Inquiry process that concluded with significant organizational change and re-design. What follows is a description of how Appreciative Future Search helped International Ministries create their future.
Phase 1 - Discovery
Phase 1 of the appreciative planning process, which was undertaken in 1998, was designed to be a discovery phase. During discovery, members of an IMagine 2010! Planning Task Force, assisted by additional International Ministries staffers, missionaries and supporters, interviewed over 1200 mission partners worldwide. Using the following Appreciative Inquiry protocol, interviewers sought to discover “the best of what is” and “the hopes, dreams, and aspirations” of International Ministries staff and partners.
Appreciative Interview Protocol1. Tell me a story about when your organization has been at its best. What were you doing? What made that moment great?
2. When has your relationship with International Ministries been at its best? What was your organization doing? What was International Ministries doing?
2. What do you most value about your organization and the ministries you carry out in the world?
3. What do you most value about International Ministries, and about the relationship between your organization and International Ministries?
4. In the light of God’s call to the church to be salt and light, and in the light of the tremendous changes that are taking place in our world, it may be that God is calling us to do new things. What might be some of the new things that God may be calling your organization and International Ministries to do together?
5. What are your three greatest hopes or dreams for enhancing the partnership between your organization and International Ministries?
Information from the interviews was compiled by the Planning Task Force and drawn into a set of 11 “Provocative Propositions.” These Propositions were designed to "stretch the status quo, challenge common assumptions and routines, and suggest real and desired possibilities for the future." The Propositions were used to shape the future of the organization in Phase 2 of the process, the Appreciative Future Search Conference.
Phase 2 – Dream & Design
It was a strong desire of the Planning Task Force to use the Appreciative Future Search Conference to create community within this missionary assemblage. The gathering in Wisconsin was the first of its kind, the first time missionaries from around the globe had been brought together, to the same place, at the same time.
Day One
Day one started after lunch. As they entered the ballroom, participants migrated toward assigned seats at one of the 20 round tables. Seating was specifically designed to bring together people who did not know each other prior to the conference. Participants included some young people of high school or college age fondly referred to as MK's, or Missionary Kids. They, too, were spread throughout the room, one or two at each table. After hearing opening remarks, participants spend the first hour introducing themselves at their tables using an appreciative inquiry protocol similar to the one above. Facilitators then roamed the room with microphones, giving those who wished to share their thoughts, highlights of their discussions, challenges, or excitement with the larger group an opportunity to do so. Those who chose to speak invariably told of how they had been moved by another story at their table. There was a sense of reverence among the participants for each other as they shared stories, and a bond was forming between participants at each table. This bond became a foundation for the sense of community realized by these 200 individuals as they departed the conference at the end of Day 3.
Timelines - Capturing the Past
After a break, participants were asked to individually make notes on memorable personal, local/global, and International Ministries events and trends that, for them, represented milestones or turning points in their work. Participants then transferred reflections onto large pieces of butcher paper that had been placed on long tables around the room. Each piece of butcher paper was divided into three time frames, 1900 to 1960; 1960s and 1970s; and 1980s and 1990s. Each sheet had a theme: Personal, Local and Global, and International Ministries. A fourth sheet was dedicated reflections of the young people in the room.
The room came to life! Nearly 200 people were milling about, passing markers from one to another, and adding their own bits and pieces of information to each sheet. In less than an hour, huge sheets of blank, white butcher paper were transformed into information-packed documents depicting nearly a century of the participants' collective history. The four charts were then hung across one end of the meeting room to create a colorful wall of memories and reflections.