JuneNewsletter 2017

Discovery Gardens Families

Visit us at: T: (971) 400-8212

Dear Parents/Guardians,
April has come and gone! All staff (directors and teachers) have been pretty busythis past couple of months at all facilities. We had some new employees join our team, some leave, and some come back. A lot more training has been happening, causing upper management to step in the classroom a little more than usual. With that being said, I wanted to personally let all families know that I will be out of town for half the month of May, undergoing some training myself. Lately I’ve been spending most of my days at the Lombard location training with staff hands on. I apologize if I’ve been hard to get ahold of lately. I will be available for families during most of my time away via-email or phone.
During the month of May, students will be focusing their curriculum upon gardens, , bugs, and crawling things. Centers will may be doing Mother’s Day crafts celebrating all of our lovely mothers, please be sure to check your child’s classroom newsletters for more detail. This may be the perfect opportunity for you parents to get involved.
Lastly, please also make sure that you are reading the side margins and marking the dates that we are closed in your personal calendars. You can also export all calendar events straight from our calendar that’s on the website as well.
If you have any questions regarding the newsletter, the website, or just a general questions or concern please feel free to contact me directly at:
Warm regards,
Destiney Clark
Parents Coordinator
Direct Line: (971) 400- 8212

Positive Parenting Tips

As a parent, you give your children a good start in life—you nurture, protect and guide them. Parenting is a process that prepares your child for independence. As your child grows and develops, there are many things you can do to help your child. These links will help you learn more about your child’s development, positive parenting, safety, and health at each stage of your child’s life.
Please visit:

More Important News

Reminder for all Centers: Our Annual Butterfly Release is still going on this year, Butterflies will be here next month (June) and we will be ready to release in July this year! We will inform all parents when they arrive if your children don’t announce it first.

All Center Reminders

Tuition is due between the 1st-4th of every month. The morning of the 5th tuition is automatically late and all families paying late will need to pay an additional $50 fee on top of the tuition owed. Please make sure your tuition is in before the evening of the 4th to late feeds. Lastly, Parents we ask that when writing your tuition checks please use the memo section to write in your child(ren)s name. Thank you very much

Thank you to all families for your patience this month with Invoices. I hope that everyone has received their proof of payment for June’s tuition. Please feel free to email me if you have not received your receipts. Also if anyone needs a copy of the months prior please feel free to ask and I will get those out as soon as possible for you.

Our Annual Butterfly Release should kick off here soon. We have our butterflies at all centers and they are all getting ready to begin the cocooning process, if they haven’t begun already. We are estimating our big release party to happen at the beginning of July picnic style. We will be catering food

ProCare: Discovery Gardens Child Care is pleased to introduceMyProcare, a free online portal for you to access account information and easily pay tuition. This is also going to be important for day-to-day, we will be using this child care software to also sign children in and out. All families will be sent a letter via-email by May 16th to create a user pin and password. Each classroom will have a sign in and out tablet to be able to sign each child in and out and parent will no longer have to physically write in their childs time in but they will be responsibly to electronically sign them in. MyProcare is safe, secure and created with your convenience in mind. You will be able to view your child’s daily schedule (how often they are in care), time card, immunizations, pay tuition using a card, and much more. Please visit the website link below to find out more about ProCare software. IF you have any questions directly regarding ProCareplease feel free to send Destiney Clark an email or give her a call directly.


Staff have used ProCare to electronically sign themselves in and out for two months now to test out the system before introducing families to it. We will begin to have families begin signing in and out as of June 2017. Please check out the ProCare website and get familiar with the new changes coming.

Lastly, I want to let all families know that our Annual Butterfly release will be held this year in July. Unfortunately, due to all the wacky weather we had at the beginning at the beginning of the year with the snow its thrown off our seasons. We are going to celebrate picnic style this year, all families will need to bring a blanket and we will be serving sandwiches, salads, fruits, veggies and other delicious snacks. Final date will be determined sometime next month so please stay tuned for a date to lock into your calendars. We would love to have all families attend.

Contact List

Sheila Watson (Executive Director):

Destiney Clark (Parent Coordinator):

Sanita LaGrone (Human Resources):


Netra Ninen (Quality Assurance/Educational Specialist):

Infant Room:

Wobbler Room:

Toddler Room:

Preschool Room:


Alake Patterson (Director):

Infant Room:

Wobbler Room:

Toddler Room:

Preschool Room:

Older Preschool Room:

Columbia Knolls Location:

Nova Hill-Allen (Director):

Infant Room:

Wobbler Room:

Toddler Room:

Preschool Room:

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