ACCOUNTABLE TO: GPC-AACN Board of Directors and Membership

TERM: Elected position -One-year term

Voting Board Member


I. Board Meeting Minutes:

A. Provide the Board of Directors and chapter members with the minutes as


1. Attend all Board meetings and make written records of such. Send copy

of minutes to the clerical assistant at least two weeks prior to the next


2. Ensure the clerical assistant sends a copy of the minutes and agenda to

Board members for review at least one week prior to next meeting.

II. Membership Registration and Renewal:

A. Maintains an on-going membership recruitment and retention program.

1.  Review renewal notice with President-Elect in March.

2.  Mail first renewal notice with annual ballot/May newsletter.

3.  Mail second notice in June. All memberships, expire June 30.

4.  Make personal contact with non-renewed members the end of July.

5.  Review GPC-AACN Membership Letter for any needed changes.

6.  Check with clerical assistant for processing of renewals: membership letter, receipt for dues, chapter membership care and calendar cards.

7.  Verify all information on renewal and update the current GPC-AACN Membership List and addresses.

8.  Review member applications after March 1, Pro-rate the dues by one-half.

a.  If recruitment for the next fiscal year has started, the remaining fiscal is free.

9.  Quarterly, send GPC-AACN applications to all new National AACN members in our region if not local members.

10.  Ensure that a board member is present at all CCRN Review Course and Consortium Courses to introduce members to GPC.

11.  After each, Consortium Course and CCRN Review course send letter of congratulations with membership application.

12.  Any renewal or application indicating committee interest is referred to the President-Elect.

III. Role Development:

A. Perform the role of Secretary of GPC-AACN and participate as an active

member of the Board of Directors.

1. Perform the duties in accordance with guidelines provided.

2. Attend regularly scheduled Board meetings.

3. Attend educational programs sponsored by Greater Portland Chapter.


1. Licensed registered nurse in good standing with State Board of Nursing.

2. Commitment to serve full term of office.

3. Current Member of Greater Portland Chapter and National AACN.

Revised 6/2010