Project Summary

The goal of Journey for Advancement in Transparency, Representation and Accountability (JATRA) is that Union Parishads' public finance management systems are strengthened, transparent and aligned with the Local Government Act 2009. The core objectives are: strengthening capacity of the citizens, especially the poor and the marginalized, to engage in budget planning and implementation; strengthening provision and access to information and influencing social accountability practitioners with knowledge and learning for improved results through constructive collaboration and effective networking. Various governments’ institutions, from the local to the national level, will benefit from stronger accountability mechanisms which will ultimately strengthen the local government Division and the effectiveness of the decentralization system of the government of Bangladesh.

The JATRA project has been awarded by the World Bank’s Global Partnership for Social Accountability and will be implemented in 8 Unions of Nilphamari district under Saidpur and Kishoregonj Upazilla; and 7 unions of Gaibandha district under Polashbari Upazilla; located in the North-West of Bangladesh. JATRA a 42 months long initiative starting from the March 2014.

Position Title, Location & Contract Duration

Field Facilitator for Journey for Advancement in Transparency, Representation and Accountability (JATRA) Project under Extreme Rural Poverty Program (06 Positions, Based in CARE Rangpur Field Office)

The duration of the proposed contract is up to August 2017.

I. Job Summary:
In a brief paragraph, state the position's overall purpose or objective, highlighting the general functions for which the position is responsible. Why does the position exist and what must it accomplish
The major responsibilities of the Field Facilitator will be to exercise 'participatory poverty analysis' tool at community level (e.g. power, poverty, gender and vulnerability analyses) and facilitate capacity building workshop for natural leaders/citizens and Union Parishads, S/he will also organize exposure/learning visits for natural leaders/citizens and Union Parishads as per the plan of the project. The other key responsibilities will be conduction of field activities at local/community level (e.g. Ward Shava, folk songs, information day observation, ensuring the practice of participatory budget mechanism and facilitation of UP self-evaluation, 'community score-card' and 'social audit' sessions. S/he will assist the project to document Case story/good practices as per guidance of the project’s senior team and knowledge management partner.
II. Responsibilities and Tasks:
Describe the major responsibilities, principal tasks, competencies and end results for which the position is accountable (try to limit responsibilities to five). List the responsibilities in the order of importance and state the percentage of time the employee spends on each responsibility during a typical year.
Employees who supervise other regular employees on a continuous basis should have Staff Management as the number one Job Responsibility. The general rule of thumb for percentage of time for management of others is 5% per direct report. Example: If a supervisor has six direct reports then at least 30% of his/her job should be allocated to supervising those employees.
Responsibility # 1: Smooth implementation of all field interventions at assigned project area / % of Time
·  Exercise 'participatory poverty analysis' tool at community level (e.g. power, poverty, gender and vulnerability analyses) and engage Union Parishads in the process
·  Work with communities and UPs determine progress against planned activities
·  Facilitate capacity building workshop for natural leaders/citizens, Union Parishad and other stakeholders
·  Work with Union Parishad to conduct Ward Shava in support with support of Natural Leaders
·  Arrange folk song sessions as well as day observation at ward and community level as per project plan for awareness creation and sharing of information
·  Ensure the practice of participatory budget mechanism at UP level
·  Providing training on planning, leadership, decision making, fund management, gender equity and diversity etc. for UPs and Citizens Forum
·  Attend UP monthly coordination meeting
·  Assist in organizing day events at the UP level
·  Arrange workshops on building linkage between community and different service providers. / 25%
Responsibility #2: Establishing Social Accountability Tools within Local Government processes
·  Develop in depth understanding on the social accountability tools (e.g. UP Self-Evaluation, Community Score Card, Social Audit) by attending workshops/training/cross-learning visits
·  Work with the Union Parishads to include the tools in Annual Planning
·  Work with the project to enhance greater understanding on social accountability tools and build capacities accordingly
·  Develop capacities of leaders of citizens forums, so that tools are effective in fostering transparency and accountability / 25%
Responsibility #3: Making budget information available for citizens
·  Use Rights to Information as a basis of developing citizens charter by Union Parishad for general people
·  Work with Massline Media Centre (MMC) to assess present information flow and also demand and then assist UP to develop and improvement plan
·  Work with the UPs to use UP Information Centre effectively for disseminating information to citizens
·  Assist the project to develop leaflets to share information to mass people
·  Use mass communication tools, such as popular theatre, folk songs to share UP information / 15%
Responsibility # 4: Assistance in Knowledge and Learning
·  Arrange exposure/learning visits for natural leaders/citizens, Union Parishad
·  Conduction of UP self-evaluation, 'community score-card' and 'social audit' sessions
·  Collect case story/good practices
·  Attend and contribute in Reflective Learning Sharing workhops / 15%
Responsibility # 5: Support in Monitoring & Evaluation
·  Conduct field sessions for ‘Annual Participatory Impact Assessment’ process in the project area
·  Support in Data collection
·  Support in Submission of monthly ‘MIS’ sheet.
·  Daily field visit / 15%
Responsibility # 6: Other Ad-hoc Tasks
Attend personal capacity building events:
·  This can be in the form of training, cross-visits, etc.
·  Ad-hoc information request:
·  This will be limited as much as possible, but may require attention from time to time. / 5%
III. Reporting:
Project Manager, JATRA Project
IV. Working Condition:
Based in Upazilla Office under Rangpur Region. Will spend approximately 80% time in the field.
V.  Qualification:
·  Bachelors in relevant field
·  At least 3 years of experience of working at grass roots level in projects focused on participatory local governance
VI. Core Competencies:
·  Understanding of development issues and rural context; specially Union Parishad & Local Government system
·  Strong facilitation and communication skills
·  Experience in working with the Union Parishads, preferably in participatory local governance projects/initiative
·  Knowledge of multicultural intervention and ability to deal with UP, NBDs, Natural Organizations etc.
·  Willing to work staying at Upazilla level
·  Experience on Participatory Poverty Analysis and Community Led Development approaches is an asset.
·  Good understanding about rural community, its dynamics, power structure and development issues
·  Possession of a valid motorbike driving license and willing to ride motorbike in the field.

Candidates need to be highly motivated and committed to CARE Bangladesh’s vision, mission, and long term development work to significantly improve the lives of the most vulnerable and marginalized. Candidates must be capable of displaying great learning agility, support and encouragement of knowledge sharing across projects, to the ultimate benefit of all of CARE’s mission wide initiatives.

This is an interesting time in the development of CARE as an organization which is shifting towards a program approach where it has developed longer-term impact visions to have MORE sustainable changes in the lives of the extreme poor and marginalized. CARE is looking for a Field Facilitator who will play a key role in the leadership of the Journey for Advancement in Transparency, Representation and Accountability (JATRA) Project under Extreme Rural Poverty Program whilst at the same time building a learning culture that promotes knowledge sharing across CARE and excellence.


Monthly gross salary is Taka 22,500 plus other admissible benefits as per CARE policy.

CARE Bangladesh invites applications from qualified individuals. Summary job descriptions and the application format can be found on the website at: Please note that only applications filled in as per CARE format will be considered. Please email the application to on or before April 05, 2014. For those wanting to send hard copies of the CARE application format please send to: HR Manager - HRD&M, CARE Bangladesh, 20-21, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka 1215. Interested persons may also collect the application form from our Reception desk (9th floor).

Note: 2 Women are particularly encouraged to apply 2 Any persuasion will disqualify the candidates 2 Internal and external applicants shall be treated equally in the entire selection process2 Please write the position name at the top of the envelope.