Abridged CV, Mikael Hård

Mikael HÅRD

Position Professor of History of Technology

Department of History

Darmstadt University of Technology


DE-64283 Darmstadt


tel. +49-6151 16 3097, fax. +49-6151 16 3992

A. Previous Positions

·  Professor of History of Technology, Center for Technology and Society/History Department, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway (Aug. 1994-Sept.1998)

·  Associate Professor of Human Technology (STS), Gothenburg University, Sweden (Jan. 1991-July 1994)

·  Research Fellow, Section of Organization and Technology, Berlin Center of the Social Sciences (WZB), Germany (Sept.91-Aug.92)

·  Research Assistant, Dept. of Theory of Science, Gothenburg University, Sweden (Sept.-Dec.1990, Sept.-Nov. 1988)

·  Research Fellow, SCAS (Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study), Uppsala (Sept. 1989-June 1990)

B. Exams

·  Docent ( Senior Lecturer) of History of Science and Ideas, Gothenburg University (1994)

·  Doctor of Philosophy, Gothenburg University (1988)

·  Master of Arts, Princeton University (1984)

·  Candidate of Philosophy ( BA), Gothenburg University (1981)

C. Awards and Honorary Memberships

·  Invited member of the Royal Norwegian Society for Science and Letters

·  International Fellow of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) (1992-94)

·  Gothenburg University: Doctoral Studies Stipend (1984-87)

·  Princeton University: Graduate Award (1981-83)

·  The Swedish-American Foundation: Johnson’s Stipend (1982)

·  The Fulbright Commission: Supplementary Cash Grant (1981)

D. Research Projects (Non-English titles have been translated)

·  “European Ways of Life in the American Century (EUWOL),” Associate Partner of a EUROCORES project led by R. Oldenziel, financed by the European Science Foundation (ESF) (2007-2010)

·  “Energy Cultures in Urban Contexts: Institution and Practice,” project within in the program “The Intrinsic Logic of Cities,” financed by the LOEWE program of the Hesse Ministry of Science and Arts, led by M. Löw, Darmstadt University of Technology (2008-2011)

·  “Water Supply, Water Usage, and Sewage Treatment as Socio-technical Challenges,“ pilot project run by M. Hård and W. Urban, financed by the Center for Interdisciplinary Engineering Research at the Darmstadt University of Technology (2001-2003)

·  “Technocultural Narratives about the European City,” research theme coordinated by M. Hård within the European/North-American ESF/NSF network “Tensions of Europe: Technology in the Making of Twentieth-Century Europe” (2000-2005)

·  “The Cultural Appropriation of Science: Science and Culture in Norway, 1700-2000,” headed by M. Hård and carried out together with researchers at various departments in Trondheim and Oslo, financed by the Norwegian Research Council (1995-1997)

·  “Consumer User Patterns of Electric Vehicles,” collaborate European project coordinated by Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, financed by the EU Joule program (1996-1997)

·  “Closures and Openings in the History of the Automobile,” led by M. Hård, financed by the Swedish Communication Research Board (KFB) (1992-1995)

·  “The Implementation of Co-generation Technology: An International Comparison,” led by M. Hård, financed by the Swedish Board for Technological Development (Nutek) (1990-1993)

·  “Energy, Power, and the Future: Social Scientific Perspectives on Technological Change,” book project led by M. Hård, financed by the Swedish Board for Technological Development (Nutek) (1989-1990), total budget: SEK 252,000

E.  Selected Monographs

·  [in preparation:] European Technological Dramas: Histories of Consumption and Use, part of the book series Making Europe: Technology and Transformations, 1850-2000, series editors: Johan Schot and Phil Scranton, to be published in 2013 by Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke (with Ruth Oldenziel)

·  Hubris and Hybrids: A Cultural History of Technology and Science, New York: Routledge (2005) (written with Andrew Jamison)

·  Machines are Frozen Spirit: The Scientification of Refrigeration and Brewing in the 19th Century—A Weberian Interpretation, Frankfurta.M. & Boulder, Col.: Campus & Westview (1994)

F. Selected Edited Publications

·  Coping with Modernity: European Ways of Housing in the American Century, special issue (No. 2/2010) of the journal Home Cultures, 7 (2010), pp. 105-238 (co-edited with Liesbeth Bervoets)

·  Urban Machinery: Inside Modern European Cities, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2008; paperback ed. 2010 (co-edited with Thomas J. Misa)

·  The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology: Discourses on Modernity, 1900-1939, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998 (co-edited with Andrew Jamison)

G. Selected Articles in Refereed Journals

·  “The Good Apartment: The Social (Democratic) Construction of Swedish Homes,” in: Bervoets and Hård 2010 (see F above), pp. 117-134

·  “Innovation—The Endless Frontier: Historical Modes of Engineering Science,” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 22 (2010), pp. 443-445 (written with Andreas Knie)

·  ”The Victorian Eye and Its Blind Spot: Toward a Cultural Assessment of Technology,” History and Technology 26 (2010), pp. 173-177

·  “Society, Culture and Users: The Missing Masses of J.D. Bernal,” Centaurus 50 (2008), pp. 103-104

·  ”Zur Kulturgeschichte der Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Medizin. Eine internationale Literaturübersicht,” Technikgeschichte 70 (2003), pp. 23-45

·  ”The Story-Lines of Technological Change: Innovation, Construction and Appropriation,” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 15 (2003), pp.81-91 (written with Andrew Jamison)

·  ”Cultural Politics in Action: Developing User Scripts in Relation to the Electric Vehicle,” Science, Technology, & Human Values 27 (2002), pp. 262-281 (written with Heidi Gjøen)

·  ”The Cultural Dimension of Technology Management: Lessons from the History of the Automobile,” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 13 (2001), pp. 91-103 (written with Andreas Knie)

·  ”The Grammar of Technology: German and French Diesel Engineering, 1920-1940,” Technology and Culture 40 (1999), pp. 26-46 (written with Andreas Knie)

·  ”Alternative Cars: The Contrasting Stories of Steam and Diesel Automotive Engines,” Technology in Society 19 (1997), pp. 145-160 (written with Andrew Jamison)

·  ”Technology as Practice: Local and Global Closure Processes in Diesel-Engine Design,” Social Studies of Science 24 (1994), pp. 549-85

·  “Beyond Harmony and Consensus: A Social Conflict Approach to Technology,” Science, Technology, & Human Values 18 (1993), pp.408-32

H. Selected Book Chapters, Working Papers, and Online Publications

·  “Ingenieure unter dem Sonnenkreuz: Die Norwegische Technische Hochschule während der Besatzungszeit 1940-1945,” in: Noyan Dinçkal, Christof Dipper and Detlev Mares, eds, Technische Hochschulen im ‘Dritten Reich’: Selbstmobilisierung der Wissenschaft, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2010, pp. 145-161

·  “Progressive Dreams: The German City in Britain and the U.S.,” in: Hård and Misa 2008 (see F above), pp. 121-140 (written with Marcus Stippak)

·  “Modernizing European Cities: Technological Uniformity and Cultural Distinction,” in: Hård and Misa 2008 (see F above), pp. 1-20 (written with Thomas J. Misa)

·  “’Das norwegische Athen’: Das geistige Leben im Trondheim des 18. Jahrhunderts,” in: Georg G. Iggers et al., eds, Hochschule – Geschichte – Stadt. Festschrift für Helmut Böhme. TU Darmstadt: Darmstadt, 2004, pp. 121-134 (written with Monica Aase)

·  “Construction, Reconstruction, or Deconstruction: How to Write Engineering History,” in: Hans Glimell and Oskar Juhlin, eds, The Social Production of Technology: On Everyday Life with Things, Gothenburg: BAS Publisher, 2001, pp. 207-226

·  “Getting Out of the Vicious Traffic Circle: Attempts at Restructuring the Cultural Ambience of the Automobile Throughout the 20th Century,” in: Robin Cowan and Staffan Hultén, eds, Electic Vehicles: Socio-economic Prospects and Technological Challenges, Aldershot, Hants.: Ashgate, 2000, pp.21-52

·  “German Regulation: The Integration of Modern Technology into National Culture,” in: Hård and Jamison 1998 (see F above), pp. 33-67

·  “Conceptual Framework: Technology Debates as Appropriation Processes,” in: Hård and Jamison 1998 (see F above), pp. 1-15 (written with Andrew Jamison)

·  “Enforced Marriage: How District Heating and Electricity Systems Have Been Combined,” in: Arne Kaijser and Marika Hedin, eds: Nordic Energy Systems: Historical Perspectives and Current Issues, Canton, MA: Science History Publications, 1995, pp. 187-204 (written with Sven-Olof Olsson)

·  “Technological Drift in Science: The Making of Radio Astronomy in Gothenburg and Onsala, 1942-1976,” in: Svante Lindqvist, ed., Centre on the Periphery: Swedish Physics in the 20th Century, Canton, MA: Science History Publications, 1993, pp. 378-97

·  “The Ruler of the Game: The Defining Power of the Standard Automobile,” in: Knut H. Sørensen, ed., The Car and Its Environments: The Past, Present and Future of the Motorcar in Europe, Proceedings of a COST A4 workshop in Trondheim, Norway, Bruxelles and Luxembourg: The European Commission, 1994, pp. 137-158 (written with AndreasKnie)

I. Other Professional Duties (Selection)

·  Co-director of the PhD Program “Topology of Technology,” Darmstadt University of Technology (2006-2015)

·  Co-editor of NTM – Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, published by Birkhäuser-Springer, Basel, together with M. Epple, H.-J. Rheinberger, W. Roelcke (2008-2013)

·  Member of the German National Committee of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS) (2009-2011)

·  Organizer of the international conference “Modeling Spaces—Modifying Societies,” Darmstadt University of Technology (2009)

·  Co-organizer of the Annual Meeting of the German Society for the History of Medicine, Science, and Technology (DGGMNT), entitled “Science, Medicine, and Technology in a (Post-)Colonial World,” Darmstadt (2008)

·  Member of the Scientific Committee of the EUROCORES program “Inventing Europe,” run by the European Scientific Foundation (ESF) (2006-2010)

·  Member of the History of Technology Section of the German Engineering Society (VDI) (2004-2009)

·  Organizer of the international conference “Transforming Spaces,” Darmstadt University of Technology (2002)

·  Dean of Studies at the School of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Darmstadt University of Technology (2002-2005)

·  Director of the PhD Program “Technology and Society,” Darmstadt University of Technology (2001-2003)

·  Deputy Chairman of the German Society for the History of Medicine, Science, and Technology (DGGMNT) (2000-2006)

·  Director of the History Department, Darmstadt University of Technology (1999-2001, 2009-2011)

·  Member of the Executive Board of the German Society for the History of Technology (GTG) (1999-2003)

·  Member of the committee for the Levinson Prize, The Society for the History of Technology (1998-2000)

·  Member of the Norwegian National Committee of for the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS) (1997-1998)

·  Director of the Center for Technology and Society at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (1995-1997)

·  Contributing editor to the journal Science, Technology, & Human Values (1993-1996)

·  Coordinator of the Local Arrangements Committee for the 1992 Annual Meeting of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) in Uppsala (1988–1991)