Position Description Form (PDF)“Final”

College:Northern College

Incumbent's Name:

Position Title:Distance Learning OfficerPayband: F

Position Code/Number (if applicable):

Supervisor's Name and Title: – Manager - Distance Learning

Completed by:Andrew FitchDate:November 22, 2012



(Indicates the incumbent has read and understood the PDF)


Supervisor's Supervisor:Date:


Support Staff PDF Beth Crema

Instructions for Completing the PDF

1.Read the form carefully before completing any of the sections.

2.Answer each section as completely as you can based on the typical activities or requirements of the position and not on exceptional or rare requirements.

3.If you have any questions, refer to the document entitled "A Guide on How to Write Support Staff Position Description Forms" or contact your Human Resources representation for clarification.

4.Ensure the PDF is legible.

5.Responses should be straightforward and concise using simple factual statements.

Position Summary

Provide a concise description of the overall purpose of the position.

This position supports the delivery of courses and programs through the Distance Learning services at Northern College campuses. The incumbent is the direct link between the professors and the students by providing support to the professors,and for on-site and off-site students. The incumbent ensures that systems are operational and that users are informed on their utilization, and provides assistance as required with the delivery of courses, and by liaising with the technical staff if maintenance or troubleshooting is required.
The incumbent is also the direct link between Contact North personnel, site coordinators, professors, support staff peers and students with respect to all distance programs based out of Kirkland Lake.

Duties and Responsibilities

Indicate as clearly as possible the significant duties and responsibilities associated with the position. Indicate the approximate percentage of time for each duty. Describe duties rather than detailed work routines.

Approximate % of time annually*
Provides services essential for the effective delivery of Distance Learning programs by:
  • Maintaining effective communications with Contact North and other funding agencies sponsoring students, ensuring that they are aware of programs/courses available from Northern College
  • Maintaining effective communication with department coordinators and faculty
  • In consultation with Program Coordinators, developing program timetables
  • Communicating program information to current and potential students, including students registered on OCAS
  • Providing marketing/advertising information to Contact North as needed, (including program information sheets and promotional materials)
  • Completing and submitting appropriate online bookings for sites, and cancellations, test/exam invigilation, special needs invigilators,and communicates to appropriate individuals
  • Collecting information from students for advanced standing (including transfer credits and PLAR) and providing information to the program coordinators for approval of transfer. Communicating results to student
  • Creating and updating databases for students with Contact North
  • Advising students on addition of or removal of courses for upcoming semester by using tools such as student transcripts and program maps
  • Discussing various educational scenarios and financial implications with students who must repeat courses, and maps out an educational plan (program map) using various modes of delivery (web-based, Ontario Learn, correspondence)
  • Completing Records of Amendments for students
  • Attending advisory committee meetings, department meetings and marks meetings
  • Following up with every student during the first two weeks of classes, and at least once every 30 days after for programs
  • Compiling statistical information for use by Contact North as well as Northern College administration
  • Working with distance students by handling requests and complaints, resolving disputes and seeking solutions to problems and providing assistance with course information.
  • Monitoring Blackboard reports to identify students who have not accessed their course content on a regular basis
  • Updating/maintaining Distance Learning bulletin boards
  • Monitoring and coordinating email account
/ 70%
Provides technical and support services to the Distance Learning classroom by:
  • Ensuring the equipment in the classrooms used for distance learning is fully operational for the purpose of the class
  • Training students and faculty in the proper utilization of the labs
  • Maintaining contact with Northern College and Contact North technicians to report technical failure
  • Having primary responsibility for preparing and maintaining schedules of classes for Distance Learning programs based out of Kirkland Lake
  • Preparing and photocopying examinations
  • Assisting with the scheduling of exams and invigilating tests and exams
  • Assisting FAO with KPI by organizing/mailing out surveys
  • Ensuring website is accurate for programs based out of Kirkland Lake
  • Provide back up to distance learning clerk when needed
/ 15%
Provides support services to Distance Learning team by:
  • Assisting faculty and LEID on making programs that are currently face-to-face available through Distance Learning.
  • Completing Quality Management/Auditing of online courses and providing feedback to faculty
/ 10%
Performs other related duties as assigned. / 5%

*To help you estimate approximate percentages:

½ hour a day is 7%1 hour a day is 14%1 hour a week is 3%

½ day a week is 10%½ day a month is 2%1 day a month is 4%

1 week a year is 2%


A.Check the box that best describes the minimum level of formal education that is required for the position and specify the field(s) of study. Do not include on-the-job training in this information.

□Up to High School or □1 year certificate or2 year diploma or


□Trade certification or □3 year diploma / degree□3 year diploma / degree plus

equivalentor equivalentprofessional certification or


□4 year degree or□Post graduate degree□Doctoral degree or

equivalent(e.g. Masters) or equivalentequivalent

Field(s) of Study:

Business Oriented Diploma

B.Check the box that best describes the requirement for specific course(s), certification, qualification, formal training or accreditation in addition to and not part of the education level noted above and in the space provided specify the additional requirement(s). Include only the requirement that would typically be included in the job posting and would be acquired prior to the commencement of the position. Do not include courses that are needed to maintain a professional designation.

No additional requirements
□Additional requirements obtained by course(s) of a total of 100 hours or less
□Additional requirements obtained by course(s) of a total between 101 and 520 hours
□Additional requirements obtained by course(s) of a total of more than 520 hours


Experience refers to the minimum time required in prior position(s) to understand how to apply the techniques, methods and practices necessary to perform this job. This experience may be less than experience possessed by the incumbent, as it refers only to the minimum level required on the first day of work.

Check the box that best captures the typical number of year of experience, in addition to the necessary education level, required to perform the responsibilities of the position and, in the space provided, describe the type of experience. Include any experience that is part of a certification process, but only if the work experience or on-the-job training occurs after the conclusion of the educational course or program.

□Less than one (1) year
□Minimum of one (1) year
□Minimum of two (2) years
Minimum of three (3) years / Relevant work experience in similar/related work.
□Minimum of five (5) years
□Minimum of eight (8) years

3.Analysis and Problem Solving

This section relates to the application of analysis and judgement within the scope of the position.

The following charts help to define the level of complexity involved in the analysis or identification of situations, information or problems, the steps taken to develop options, solutions or other actions and the judgement required to do so.

Please provide up to three (3) examples of analysis and problem solving that are regular and recurring and, if present in the position, up to two (2) examples that occur occasionally:

#1 regular & recurring
Key issue or problem encountered. / Potential distance students makes contact to inquire about Northern College program(s) offered through Contact North and other modes of delivery, and the process to enrol.
How is it identified? / Discussion with candidate to review program content and method of applying for a college program.
Is further investigation required to define the situation and/or problem? If so, describe. / Incumbent discusses candidate’s educational history and documentation to determine if transfer credits are a possibility or if CAAT testing or upgrading is indicated. Work experience may also factor into program choice.
Explain the analysis used to determine a solution(s) for the situation and/or problem. / Analyze the information gathered from the potential student and advise and guide the student through the registration process. The incumbent is available to the student to assist in resolution of issues that may arise relating to the program and method of delivery.
What sources are available to assist the incumbent finding solution(s)? (e.g. past practices, established standards or guidelines). / Past Practices – this has happened before
Established Standards – other consultants

3.Analysis and Problem Solving

#2 regular & recurring
Key issue or problem encountered / Student at a Contact North site has a problem with a particular class/professor or needs to provide specific information to other staff
How is it identified? / Identified by student e-mailing/phoning directly or by information received from a Contact North site coordinator or the Contact North Liaison Officer
Is further investigation required to define the situation and/or problem? If so, describe. / Necessary to determine the exact nature of the problem to identify who the problem should be addressed by. Must be aware of functions of other staff, i.e. OSAP, Admissions, Special Needs, program coordinator in order to determine who this should be directed to.
Explain the analysis used to determine a solution(s) for the situation and/or problem. / Sometimes e-mails from students can be ambiguous. It may be necessary to phone the student to determine the exact nature of the problem. Incumbent will determine best resolution scenario by directing to staff most closely related to situation and following up to ensure appropriate closure. If the problem is brought to incumbent’s attention by Contact North staff, any parties involved (site coordinators, other classmates, faculty,) may need to be contacted as well.
What sources are available to assist the incumbent finding solution(s)? (e.g. past practices, established standards or guidelines). / Student Handbook
Past practices
#3 regular & recurring
Key issue or problem encountered / Contact North staff advise that a student at a site is not attending class and want to know if class is to be cancelled.
How is it identified? / Site coordinators contact Scheduling staff who in turn contact the incumbent.
Is further investigation required to define the situation and/or problem? If so, describe. / Incumbent contacts professor teaching course to determine if student has been attending class.
Explain the analysis used to determine a solution(s) for the situation and/or problem. / Incumbent’s role is to ensure appropriate attention is given to situation to allow for appropriate retention strategies. If the professor advises student has not been attending class, incumbent advises program coordinator, who in turn contacts the student. If the student advises he/she is dropping the class, the coordinator advises the incumbent and prepares a Record of Amendment withdrawing the student from the course. The incumbent cancels the Contact North site.
What sources are available to assist the incumbent finding solution(s)? (e.g. past practices, established standards or guidelines). / Past Practices
Established standards

3.Analysis and Problem Solving

#1 occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
Key issue or problem encountered / More and more students need and / or want to take their education through distance learning. Assistance is needed to assist faculty and management in making a course or program available through distance delivery.
How is it identified? / These are sometimes identified through our partner, Contact North. They may also be identified through emails from students. Programs may be communicated from the academic team.
Is further investigation required to define the situation and/or problem? If so, describe. / Incumbent may need to research to see what implications there may be in delivering the course through video / web-based technology, such as labs, etc. Incumbent may need to identify and communicate potential solutions
Explain the analysis used to determine a solution(s) for the situation and/or problem. / When a course or program is identified as needing to be available through distance learning, incumbent will work with faculty and management to transition from a face to face environment to distance learning. This may include training on the technology as well assisting the faculty in getting through their first few classes until they are comfortable with it.
What sources are available to assist the incumbent finding solution(s)? (e.g. past practices, established standards or guidelines). / Past practices, partnership with others on the distance learning team, as well as supervisors and academic management.
#2 occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
Key issue or problem encountered / Video/Centra class is disconnected
How is it identified? / Advised by student or faculty or support staff in other locations that video or Centra class has disconnected.
Is further investigation required to define the situation and/or problem? If so, describe. / Contact video conference team for the video classes. Communicate with Contact North staff for Centra classes. Determine if the problem with Centra is due to a problem with our server or Contact North’s server.
Explain the analysis used to determine a solution(s) for the situation and/or problem. / Incumbent seeks the swiftest and most effective alternate scenario to minimize loss of delivery and to resume activity. There is a need to promptly analyze/troubleshoot involving on-campus and off-campus staff. For video classes, staff will advise if they are able to fix the problem or if it is necessary for us to do something from our end. Determine if a technician needs to be contacted. If the problem cannot be fixed quickly, determine if the class can continue with other equipment or in another mode of deliver or if it should be cancelled.
What sources are available to assist the incumbent finding solution(s)? (e.g. past practices, established standards or guidelines). / Past practices
Instructions from Contact North


Planning is a proactive activity as the incumbent must develop in advance a method of acting or proceeding, while coordinating can be more reactive in nature.

Using the following charts, provide up to three (3) examples of planning and/or coordinating that are regular and recurring and, if present in the position, up to two (2) examples that occur occasionally:

#1 regular & recurring
List the project and the role of the incumbent in this activity. / Scheduling of timetables for programs based out of Kirkland Lake with Contact North specified times of each year(usually Feb. 1st, March 1st, and October 1st) as well as inter campus programs.
What are the organizational and/or project management skills needed to bring together and integrate this activity? / Coordinating information on programs and physical resources (room):
  • Meeting with the Program Coordinators involved to ensure overlap of courses is covered for courses which involve more than 1 program.
  • Discussion with other NorthernCollege sites to determine physical space availability at each site.
Creating a schedule that meets all requirements and effectively uses resources. The incumbent, through previous negotiating experiences, ensures best and most advantageous timetabling positioning for the College.
List the types of resources required to complete this task, project or activity. / Incumbent must be aware of physical resources at sites involved and courses to be taught in each program per the Program Synopsis.
How is/are deadline(s) determined? / Deadlines are determined by Contact North staff.
Who determines if changes to the project or activity are required? And who determines whether these changes have an impact on others? Please provide concrete examples. / Contact North Scheduling staff advise if changes are required by providing the incumbent with a Conflict document which notes the various educational institutions involved in the scheduling of specific time periods and the various conflicts which need to be resolved (i.e. more than I institution wanting the same time period for a class). For example, Contact North can advise that a Marketing class scheduled for 2:30 on Thursdays will not work for all Contact North sites involved since some of the sites are already pre-booked by another educational institution. At that point it is up to the incumbent to determine which other time slot would be available keeping in mind the professor’s teaching schedule, the physical space still available, and the individual program schedule.


#2 regular & recurring
List the project and the role of the incumbent in this activity. / Creating a student focused environment. Ensuring that we have a student focused environment
What are the organizational and/or project management skills needed to bring together and integrate this activity? / Consistent communication with students, and program coordinators, conflict management skills
List the types of resources required to complete this task, project or activity. / From the time the students applies to Northern College on OCAS to the time that the student graduates from the program, incumbent should be in contact with them once during the first two weeks of a semester, and once every month during the rest of the semester.
Incumbent is responsible for ensuring he/she has the most up to date information to provide to students, and liaises between the program coordinator and the student.
Incumbent will use Blackboard reports to identify students who may be struggling. When students have been identified, incumbent is responsible for communicating with the student to identify possible solutions for helping the student to succeed. Incumbent is responsible for keeping program coordinators “in the loop” regarding student issues and concerns.
How is/are deadline(s) determined? / Academic Calendar.
Who determines if changes to the project or activity are required? And who determines whether these changes have an impact on others? Please provide concrete examples. / Partnership with supervisor. When students contact the Distance Learning team with questions, incumbent finds the answer and gets back to the student, creating a one stop shop. Examples include reviewing students transcripts, and making recommendations; providing solutions of courses using various modes of delivery
#3 regular & recurring
List the project and the role of the incumbent in this activity. / Creates / updates list of students registered in courses using distance learning.
What are the organizational and/or project management skills needed to bring together and integrate this activity? / Organize paperwork from class lists to determine who is in specific courses and prepare mailing lists required for sending materials to Contact North sites.
List the types of resources required to complete this task, project or activity. / Class lists; SRS information, Contact North site/contact information.
How is/are deadline(s) determined? / By incumbent based on academic cycle, test/assignment due dates per course, mail out schedule. Also dependent on mail schedule and delivery times
Who determines if changes to the project or activity are required? And who determines whether these changes have an impact on others? Please provide concrete examples. / Incumbent determines immediate changes. Changes to courses are approved by Program Coordinators.
