Challenger Middle School 2014-2015
Science 8 Course Syllabus
Mr. Talsky B.S. Room 802
(858) 586-7001 ext. 4802
Science Vision Statement: Using the best scientific practices to engage all learners in the inquiry process drawing connections to the world and real life situations by using:
Teamwork – Evidence – Analysis – Discussions – Reflection
Course Description: 8th grade Science is a NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) based yearlong course that prepares students for the rigors of High School science courses. Students will be involved in inquiry-based lessons that build upon each other. Students will be expected to make observations, take notes, analyze data, develop independent science experiments and work on individual, as well as group projects

Course Outline: The nine 8th Grade Next Generation Science Standards (by topic)that will be studied this year (not necessarily in this order):

  • Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms
  • Natural Selection and Adaptations
  • Space Systems
  • History of Earth
  • Forces and Interactions
  • Energy
  • Waves and Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Human Impacts
  • Engineering Design

Homework: Students will have homework in this class. All homework will be posted on the school website (see Homework Hotline). All homework is due the following day unless otherwise stated. Late work will NOT be accepted.
Science Notebooks: Students are expected to keep a notebook in this class. The journal is the students’ official record of work done in my class, so it is important that students do not lose them. Work will include labs, notes, and vocabulary. Students are expected to bring their notebooks to class everyday. Students will use the work in their notebooks for projects and more formal lab write-ups throughout the year.
Grading: All assignments are graded on a straight percentage: 90-100% A 80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

0-59% F

(allcategories i.e. assignments, projects, and tests are weighted evenly.)

Citizenship: A practice of good citizenship is expected on a daily basis. A positive attitude, proper behavior, and respect for others and their property are important components of the citizenship grade. Student achievement is tied to citizenship because an excellent or good citizen is an asset to a class and performs scholastically and participates in class on a regular basis.
Students with poor citizenship “N” or “U” will not be allowed to attend any field trips, neither in my class, nor any other classes.
Behavior Expectations: Students should; (everyday)
1. Be on time and be prepared.
2. Work to the best of his/her ability and meet deadlines.
3. Listen to instructions, follow directions, and cooperate with others.
Rules: Concern for Students' Safety is always 1st Priority.
4. Keep hands and feet to themselves.
5. Keep toys, gum and candy out of the classroom.
Materials Needed (daily basis):
1. Spiral Notebook
2. 2 pens/2 pencils / color pencils (no permanent markers)
3. Eraser
4. Optional… calculator, ruler, invisible Tape/Glue Stick, flash drive, loose leaf paper, graph paper, scissors, ruleretc.
Dear Parents:
I am looking forward to working with you and your son/daughter this year. If you need my assistance, please call the school and leave a message through the main office or e-mail me (this is usually the best.) You may check your student's progress using Power School (when available).
This is a very hands-on course, so participation is essential for success. Absences can really affect a students’ grade, therefore being in class on time every day is very important. Make-up labs must be arranged promptly upon return from an absence.
It is my wish to work with you in order to help your son or daughter have a successful and productive year.
Jeff Talsky (Instructor)
(858) 586-7001 ext.4802

By signing this document, I acknowledge that I have read and understood Mr. Talsky’s Course Syllabus for the 2014-2015 school year.
Student Signature ______
______Date ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______