Working Group 4

Minutes from the meeting on 1st of November 2001 at Child, Youth and Family

Chair: Mark Booth (Health)


Martin Small, (LTSA), Neil Gordon (Conservation), Mark Booth (Health), Marg Harvey (Labour), Valmai Copeland (IRD), Leon Bakker (Corrections), Rose Ryan, Ingrid Sage (CYF), Margaret Niven (Customs), Greg Claridge (SSC), Roger Waite (Treasury)

Introduction (Chair)

Pathfinder website to be promoted on SSC, Treasury and NZGO sites on 14 November. Agencies to provide any feedback with site improvements ASAP.

WG/WS Process (Mark Booth)

More time should be dedicated to discussions and Q&A sessions. Fewer presentations will be scheduled.

Chair will lead the formation and evolution of agency learning teams. Central agencies not to be involved.

Customs indicated the previous workshop Q&A session very useful as a learning forum.

LTSA suggested an agency round table discussion of greatest challenges to outcome management currently facing each agency.

WS 3 (Nov) to be focussed on Customs’ presentation and Q&A session.

WS 4 (Dec) to be focussed on agency round table discussion of greatest challenges (‘scariest questions’) for each agency.

Useful Products (Roger Waite and Greg Claridge)

Presented “10 step process” and Pathfinder Building Blocks (previously Short – Term Wins) to be the basis for the production of learning points documentation.

Learning points to adopt a simple style focussed on communicating messages to departmental managers. The proposed format is a reasonable starting point.

Each chapter to be accompanied by a glossary to ensure all managers have a common understanding of outcome material.

Content identified in presentation broadly agreed by agencies.

Central agencies to produce learning points documentation for critique and improvement from Working Group, prior to discussion and approval at SG.

Secretariat will arrange course on intervention logic to be presented by Karen Baehler, to be funded jointly by SSC and TSY.