Portuguese for Speakers of Spanish II - 01:810:136

Probable Instructor: Andréa de Castro Melloni

4 Credit Course

Prerequisites: 01:810:135 (Portuguese for Spanish Speakers) or permission of department

Rationale for course: This course will be a continuation class for one of the most popular courses in our program (810:135: Portuguese for Spanish Speakers). Currently, students proceed from 810:135 to 810:203 (Portuguese Conversation and Composition). After thoroughly reviewing our program sequence, the Portuguese language instructors and faculty concluded that an additional class was required to improve student competency prior to 810:203. 810:136 will be that class.

Copy for Catalogue: Continuation of study of Portuguese as it contrasts with Spanish. Development of speaking and listening skills.Practice in specific areas of grammar, linguistic structure, and style. Only open to speakers of Spanish.

COURSE OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of the course is to assist Spanish-speaking students to achieve competence in the Portuguese language as it is used in Brazil as well as to introduce them to the country’s society and its cultural and social characteristics.

To this end, students will develop speaking, listening, and reading comprehension skills through the practice of specific areas of grammar, and linguistic structures and the reading of short stories with composition and class discussions.

A communicative learning approach will be adopted, with only Portuguese used within the classroom.

ASSESSMENT TOOLS: In the tenth or eleventh week of semester, students will take a half-hour written test to assess their level of comprehension of a spoken text. The students will be required to answer 10 questions in writing during the listening comprehension, and their results will be tabulated to assess the group’s overall level of language competency.

The results will be tabulated as follows:

Number of students scoring: / 10 (excellent) / 8-9 (good) / 6-7 (fair) / 5 and below (poor)

The assessment sheet will be forwarded to the Undergraduate director to form part of the Portuguese program assessment.

The following is the required text for the course:

Emma Eberlein O. F. Lima and Samira A. Lunes. Falar…Ler…Escrever… Português – Um curso para Estrangeiros . São Paulo, EPU, 1999 (textbook and workbook).

ISBN - 97 885 12 543 109 9/ ISBN – 97 885 12 543 222.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: include class participation. Students MUST attend classes in order to participate (ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED), homework, four compositions, two exams; four quizzes and one oral presentation in addition to the ASSESSMENT TEST. The presentation will be in groups and will take place at the end of the semester (April 25 and 30). It will consist of any topic covered in the course and chosen by the students in consultation with the instructor. Students are expected to present INPORTUGUESE, but notes may be used.

COMPOSITIONS: Students will write four (4) compositions. Each should be 1-2 pages, double-spaced, and address the recommended topic. Students will be graded on both content and grammar.


Participation/attendance/homework – 20%

Mid-term written exam – 15%

Final written exam - 20%

Quiz - written – 15%

Oral presentation 10%

Compositions– 20%

Please note, the ASSESSMENT TEST does not form part of the student’s final grade but must be taken by ALL students.

GRADING SYSTEM: A: 92-100 B+: 87-91 B: 82-86

C+: 77-88 C: 70-76 D: 60-69 F: 59 and below


  1. The appendixes of the textbook are useful. You will find Verb charts on pages 280-288 and an “Apêndice Gramatical” on pages 276 – 279 as well.
  1. Students should practice in the Exercise Book after each chapter (unidade) of the textbook covered in class.

IMPORTANT: Students are expected to attend all classes; if you expect to miss class, please use the University absence reporting website to indicate the date and reason for your absence. An email is automatically sent to me.

PLEASE NOTE: The instructor policy for missed classes and missed exams is:

More than three (3) absences without justification will result in the loss of 15% in your final grade. Classes start promptly at the time designated and the instructor does not tolerate students who are consistently late or disrupt the class. More than three (3) late arrivals will be considered as absence.

Exams: make-up exams only with a written justification on grounds approved by the policies of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.

Quizzes: no make-up quizzes.

 PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is a very serious offense.

“Plagiarism is the representation of the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic work. To avoid plagiarism, every direct quotation must be identified by quotation marks, or by appropriate indentation, and must be cited properly according to the accepted format for the particular discipline.

Acknowledgment is also required when material from any source is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in one's own words. To acknowledge a paraphrase properly, one

might state: to paraphrase Plato's comment... and conclude with a footnote or appropriate citation to identify the exact reference. A footnote acknowledging only a directly quoted statement does not suffice to notify the reader of any preceding or succeeding paraphrased material. Information that is common knowledge, such as names of leaders of prominent nations, basic scientific laws, etc, need not be cited; however, the sources of all facts or information obtained in reading or research that are not common knowledge among students in the course must be acknowledged. In addition to materials specifically cited in the

text, other materials that contribute to one's general understanding of the subject may be acknowledged in the bibliography.”





QUARTA 18 - Introdução do curso, apresentações.

Unidade 1: páginas 1- 8

ser/estar, artigos, nacionalidades, países, cidades, presente do indicativo verbos AR.

SEGUNDA 23 – Unidade 2: páginas 9-11

artigo definido e indefinido, presente do ind. verbos irreg. IR, TER , presente do ind.verbos ER /IR.

Alfabeto e vogais.

QUARTA 25 - Unidade 2: páginas 12-20

pronomes demonstrativos e possessivos, gostar de , presente contínuo,

+ verbos ER.

SEGUNDA 30– Unidade 3: páginas 21-32

presente do ind. verbo PODER, futuro imediato do indicativo, palavras interrogativas, usos de ser/estar, plural.


QUARTA 01 – Unidade 4: páginas 33-40

pretérito perfeito do ind. AR/ER, presente do ind irreg. QUERER, presente do indicativo verbos irreg. IR, preposições de lugar.

 QUIZ I - Unidade 1-3

SEGUNDA 06 – Unidade 4: páginas 41- 46

em+um, pronomes possessivos, verbo PRECISAR/ DE


QUARTA 08 – Unidade 5: páginas 47-57

presente e pretérito perfeito do ind. reg IR, por, números, dias da semana/mês,horas, pretérito perfeito irreg. SER, ESTAR, TER, IR.

SEGUNDA 13 –Unidade 5: páginas 58-64

roupas, há, cor, gênero

QUARTA 15 – Unidade 6: páginas 65-72

Corpo humano, presente e pretérito perfeito irreg. VER, pertérito perfeito irreg. QUERER/PODER, pronomes do objeto direto

SEGUNDA 20 – Unidade 6: páginas 72- 80

modo imperativo e + pronome objeto direto.

 QUIZ II - Unidade 4- 6

QUARTA 22 – Unidade 7: páginas 81- 92

presente e pretérito perfeito verbos FAZER, PÔR, DIZER, DAR, TRAZER, pronome do objeto indireto.

SEGUNDA 27 – Unidade 8: páginas 93- 106

pretérito imperfeito do indicativo AR/ER – formação, uso, comparação formas regulares e irregulares e comparação.


QUARTA 29 – Unidade 9: páginas 107-122

Verbos irreg. IR (ouvir, pedir, sentir), verbos reflexivos, superlativo e

+ imperfeito.


SEGUNDA 05 – Unidade 10: páginas 123-136

pronomes indefinidos, futuro do presente do indicativo AR/ER, presente do indicativo verbos irreg. IR, diminutivo, verbo dever.

QUARTA 07 – Unidade 11: páginas 137- 144

pronomes indefinidos, presente do indicativo verbos irreg. IR e pronome pessoais depois de preposição (página 103 – unidade 8)

SEGUNDA 19 – Unidade 12: páginas 145- 153

modo presente do subjuntivo – formação e uso

QUARTA 21 – Unidade 12: continuação páginas 154 -162

+ subjuntivo e pronomes relativos

 QUIZ III - Unidades 7-11



QUARTA 28 – Unidade 13: páginas 163- 176

presente do subjuntivo – verbos irregulares, expressões impessoais e advérbios



SEGUNDA 02 - MIDTERM EXAM : unidades de 1 a 11

QUARTA 04– Unidade 14: páginas 177 a 185

imperfeito do subjuntivo e expressões com verbo dar

SEGUNDA 09 – Unidade 14: continuação - páginas 186- 192

futuro do pretério do indicativo - formação e uso

QUARTA 11 – Unidade 16: páginas 211 - 215

futuro do subjuntivo – formação e uso.

 QUIZ IV: Unidades 12, 13 e 14

SEGUNDA 16 – FILME em classe



SEGUNDA 23 – FINAL EXAM: unidades 12, 13 14 e 16

QUARTA 25 – Apresentações orais em grupo

SEGUNDA 30 – Apresentações orais em grupo

Espero que gostem do curso!