Department of Geography and Resource Management

The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong

Second Term, 2010-2011

UGEC 1120B/GRMD 1033BHong Kong and the Pearl River Delta

Lecturer: Dr. Lee Wai Ying, Joanna李慧瑩(Rm230, 2609-6530,) Prof. Xu Jiang徐江(Rm228, 2609-6475, )

Tutor: Ms. Meng Lina蒙莉娜(Rm216,2609-8085, )

Lecture Time and Location: Monday 1:30-2:15pm, FYB LT4

Wednesday 2:30-4:15pm, FYB LT4


Course Description

Since the establishment of the Special Administrative Region in 1997 under ‘One Country Two Systems’, the synergy between Hong Kong and the PRD has been renewed. There is an increasing socio-economic and environmental interaction between the two places. Study of the changing relations between Hong Kong and the PRD will help students understand the dynamic socio-economic development of the region as a rapidly growing mega-city in the world. A wide variety of teaching and learning activities, including lectures, forums and video watching will be conducted to present a lively and comprehensive picture of the Hong Kong-PRD region to students.

Course Objectives

Why has the Pearl River Delta been developed so rapidly (at world record speeds) over the past two decades? Why does its development play a vital role in Chinese economy? What are the opportunities and challenges for Hong Kong in cooperation with and competition against thePRD region? To seek answers for many questions like these is of great interest to Hong Kong people, this course will examine the changing relations between Hong Kong and the PRD from geographical perspective. Course objectives are mainly two-fold:

  • to help students understand the patterns and problems of PRD development in temporal and spatial domain in a comprehensive and integrated way, and
  • to delve into the driving forces and mechanisms that have made the region socio-economically and environmentally so dynamic and complicated.

Expected Learning Outcomes

This course will not only offer a very broad coverage on various aspects of the PRD regional geography, but also place an emphasis on the intricate relationship between Hong Kong and the region. A team of professors will deliver lectures on a wide variety of topics addressing many important socio-economic, environmental, and resource management issues of the Hong Kong-PRD region. The students will be expected:

  • todescribe the historical development of Hong Kong and the PRD;
  • to explain why Hong Kong and the PRD are closely related and intermingled under the rapid process of globalization;
  • to use examples to show how a place’s growth and development is associated with regional and global conditions;
  • to relate knowledge to potential employment in the future;
  • to diagnose the social, economic and environmental problems of the region beyond what is presented in the mass media.

Teaching and Learning Activities

Activity / Objective
Lecture (2 or 3 units every week) / Equip students with basic knowledge and information of the Hong Kong-PRD region
Forum and discussion (10sessions) / Involve students in information sharing and open discussion of Hong Kong-PRD issues
Video watching and discussion
(2 sessions of 2 units each) / Examine case studies and current issues to help students develop
analytical and critical thinking capabilities

Feedback for evaluation: Early course evaluation and WebCT discussion

Student Assessment
Both UGEC1120B and GRMD1033B students will be assessed identically in the following three parts.

(1)Quiz --- 45%, three in-class quizzes (15% each) will be administered throughout the semester (see class schedule below). The duration, format and scope of the quizzes will be announced in class. You are required to pay close attention to the course development and review what you have learnt promptly. The questions will be printed in both English and Chinese.

(2)Forum and essay--- 45%in total

(i)Forum–30% (group work 10% and individual participation 20%=10×2), all students will be divided into 10 groups. Each group will be responsible for a forum on a topic of your choice which is related to the development of Hong Kong-PRD. Members of each group will work together to prepare a 45-minute forum in the format of role-play or debate or expert panel. All other students in the audience will join the discussion.

Each group is required to prepare four questions in a format of Multiple-choice or True/False or fill-in-blank to test the effective participation of other students in the audience. A score will be given to each individual student based not only on the overall group performance, but also on his or her contribution to the group project as rated by all group members.

Each group must provide your topic no later than Jan 26 (W). All topics will be finalized and announced on Feb1 (T). One week before your forum, each group is required to submit your questions and a few pages of handout (e.g., fact sheet, short article, etc.) for making copies for other students.

(ii) Essay--15%,Each student is required to review and follow the mass media coverage of major developments of the Hong Kong-PRDsince 1 July 2010, such as conferences, government initiatives and plans, visit of top government officers, and infrastructure projects, etc. You will select one major event to write a feature story or journal of 1,200-1,500 Chinese characters or 1,500-2,000 English words.

Your essay should include a review and summary of the selected event and offer your analyses, comments and arguments on the significance and impacts of the event on Hong Kong-PRD development. The marking scheme is: selection and review of event –20%, analyses, comments, and arguments–50%, organization, structure and text – 30%. The due date is Wed, April 20 (the last class). Late submission will be penalized by reducing 10% of the mark of your essay for every one day of delay.

(3)Video watching and discussion --- 10%, participation and answering one short question in each of the two sessions (5% each).


Week / Dates (Mon & Wed) /




/ Teacher
1 / Jan10 (M)
12 (W) / Lecture / Course introduction and overview
Hong Kong and the PRD: the geographical setting and changing spatial relationship
香港與珠江三角洲:地理位置與空間關係轉變 / All
2 / Jan 17 (M)
19 (W) / Lecture
Lecture / From farming to manufacturing: socio-economic transformation of the Greater PRD
(Continued) / Lee
3 / Jan24 (M)
26 (W) / Lecture
Lecture / Hong Kong and the PRD: a premier tourist destination
魅力大珠三角: 旅遊業新景象
(Continued) / Lee
4 / Jan31 (M)
2 (W) / Lecture / Foreign investment: angel or devil?
Lunar New Year Holiday / Lee
5 / Feb7 (M)
9 (W) / Video / Lunar New Year Holiday
商機無限 / All
6 / Feb 14 (M)
16 (W) / Forum 1 / CEPA and Hong Kong
CEPA 與香港
Quiz 1 / All
7 / Feb21(M)
23 (W) / Forum 2
Lecture / Cross-border infrastructure development in the Greater PRD: competition vs cooperation
跨境基建:全面規劃還是各施各法? / All
8 / Feb28 (M)
2 (W) / Forum 3
Lecture / Migration in the Greater-PRD
大珠三角人口流動 / All
9 / Mar 7 (M)
9 (W) / Forum 4
Lecture / From state to market: how to satisfy the housing demand in the Greater-PRD?
從國家分配到市場機制:如何滿足大珠三角人口的住房需求? / All
10 / Mar14 (M)
16 (W) /



/ 粵港整合,何去何從? /


11 / Mar21 (M)
23 (W) / Forum 6
Lecture / One country, many systems: competition or cooperation in the Greater PRD
Quiz 2 / All
12 / Mar28 (M)
30 (W) / Forum 7
Lecture / Environmental degradation – a necessary evil of economic growth?
環境惡化–經濟增長之必然代價? / All
13 / Apr4 (M)
6 (W) / Forum 8
Lecture / Planning sustainable cities and region in the Greater PRD
大珠江三角洲城市與區域可持續發展規劃 / All
14 / Apr 11 (M)
13 (W) / Forum 9
Lecture / Mega-city regions: the Greater PRD from global perspective
全球視野中的大珠江三角洲城市群發展 / All
15 / Apr18 (M)
20 (W) / Forum 10 & 11
Forum 12 / Quiz 3 / All


References (* required, # recommended)

All references can be found in the course material box in Reference Room 218, GRM Department (WongFooYuanBuilding).

Hong Kong and the PRD: the geographical setting and changing spatial relationship (Lee)

* Wong, K. K. (2009) A Geographical Survey of the Region. In Wong, K.K.(ed.) Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta: A Geographical Survey. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., pp. 2-24.

*The Greater Pearl River Delta Business Council (2007) An overview of the Greater Pearl River Delta. In: The Greater Pearl River Delta Business Council Annual Report, pp. 29-41.

#陳廣漢(2006)泛珠三角區域合作的回顧與展望。見:梁慶寅等編《2006年: 珠三角區域合作與發展研究報告》,北京市社會科學文獻出版社, 3-21頁。(UL: HC428.C498 F36 2006)

From farming to manufacturing: socio-economic transformation of the Greater PRD (Lee)

*Li, S.M. (2009) The Pearl River Delta: the fifth Asian little dragon. In, Wong, K.K. (ed) Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta: A Geographical Survey. Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., Hong Kong, 178-209.

*Enright, M. J.; Chang, K. M. Scott, E. E. and Zhu, W. H. (2003) Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta : the economic interaction.Hong Kong : 2022 Foundation, pp. 21-35.

#Lin, George C.S. (1997)Red capitalism in South China : growth and development of the Pearl River Delta. Vancouver: UBC Press. Ch. 5.

Hong Kong and the PRD: a premier tourist destination(Lee)

*周運源(2006) 珠港澳旅遊業的合作與發展研究, 饒美蛟及陳廣漢主編 《港澳與珠江三角洲的經濟合作》, 香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司,285-306.

*劉少和; 桂拉旦。2008。”環城地理梯度背景下的旅游休閑業空間布局結構分析——以粵港澳為例”,《社會科學家》,第133期,頁95-99。

#Hanquin, Z.Q.; Henkins, C. L. and Qu, H. (2003) “Mainland Chinese Outbound Travel to Hong Kong and its Implications”, in Lew, A. A. et al (eds) Tourism in China. New York: Harworth Hospitality Press, pp. 277-293.

Foreign direct investment: angel or devil? (Lee)

*Enright, M. J.; Chang, K. M. Scott, E. E. and Zhu, W. H. (2003) Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta : the economic interaction.Hong Kong : 2022 Foundation, pp. 48-74

*黃醒彪(2007) “廣東加工貿易:升級與轉移”, 香港貿易季刊, 第二期, 頁10-15.

#Leung C. K. (1996), Foreign Manufacturing Investment and Regional Industrial Growth in Guang- dong Province, China. Environment and Planning A, 28(3): 513-36. (ARL Periodical: HT166 .E55)

CEPA and Hong Kong(Lee)

*Hong Kong Trade Development Council (2003) CEPA and Opportunities for Hong Kong.Hong Kong : Research Dept., HongKongTrade Development Council.

Cross-border infrastructure development in the Greater PRD: competition vs cooperation(Lee)

*趙大英(2006) 香港與珠冮三角洲基礎設施合作, 饒美蛟及陳廣漢主編 《港澳與珠江三角洲的經濟合作》, 香港: 三聯書店(香港)有限公司,155-184.

*Wang, D. (2009) Hong Kong as a Transportation Hub in the Pearl River Delta: the Way Ahead. In Wong, K.K.(ed.) Hong Kong, Macau and the Pearl River Delta: A Geographical Survey. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., pp. 263-287.

#楊汝萬, 〝從世界秩序仲展看珠江超巨都會崛起〞香港中文大學亞太研究所 Occasional Paper No. 90, Jan., 1999.




Housing (Xu)

*Wu, F, Xu J., and A.G.O. Yeh (2007) Urban Development in Post-Reform China: State, Market and Space, Chapter 3: 49-68. Oxon and New York: Routledge.

#Chan, R.C.K., Yao, Y.M. and Zhao, S.X.B. (2003) Self-help housing strategy for temporary population in Guangzhou.HabitatInternational, 27(1): 19-35.

#Li, S.M. (2000) The housing market and tenure decisions in Chinese cities: a multivariate analysis of the case of Guangzhou.Housing Studies, 15(2): 213-36.

Competition or cooperation in the Greater PRD (Xu)

*Xu, J and Yeh, A.G O (2005), ‘City repositioning and competitiveness building in regional development: new development strategies of Guangzhou, China’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 29(2): 283-308.

#Yeung, Y.M (2005) Emergence of the Pan-PearlRiver Delta. Geografiska Annaler,Series B-Human Geography, Vol. 87B, No. 1: 75-79.

#Yeh, A.G.O. (2001) Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: competition or cooperation? Built Environment, 27(2): 129-45.

Environmental degradation (Xu)

*Lee, Yok-shiu (2002). Towards effective regional environmental governance for the Hong Kong – Pearl River Delta border zone: the relevance of some international experiences. In Yeh, A. G. O. et al. (eds.) Building a Competitive Pearl River Delta Region – Cooperation, Coordination and Planning, The Centre for Urban Planning and Environmental Management, University of Hong Kong, pp. 205-233.

*Lee, Yok-shiu (2006). Managing water resources in the delta border zone: Challenges and opportunities. In Developing a competitive Pearl River Delta Region in south China, Anthony Gar-on Yeh, Victor Sit, Guanghan Chen, and Yunyuan Zhou, eds. Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press.

#Hills, P., L. Zhang and J. Liu (1998) Transboundary pollution between GuangdongProvince

and Hong Kong: threats to water quality in the Pearl River Estuary and their implications for environmental policy and planning. J Environ. Planning and Manage., 41(3), 375-96.

Planning sustainable cities and region in the Greater PRD (Xu)

*Xu, J (2008), 'Governing city regions in China: theoretical discourses and perspectives for regional strategic planning', Town Planning Review, 79(2-3): 157-185.

*Ng, M.K. and P. Hills (2003), ‘World cities or great cities? A comparative study of five

Asian metropolises’, Cities, 20(3): 151-165.

*Wu, F, Xu J., and A.G.O. Yeh (2007) Urban Development in Post-Reform China: State, Market and Space, Chapter 6 & Chapter 7. Oxon and New York: Routledge.

#Xu, J and Yeh, A.G O (2005), ‘City repositioning and competitiveness building in regional development: new development strategies of Guangzhou, China’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 29(2): 283-308.

Mega-city regions: the Greater PRD from global perspective (Xu)

*Hall, P. and Pain, K (eds) (2006) The Polycentric Metropolis: Learning from Mega-City Regions in Europe, London: Earthscan.

#RAP (Regional Plan Association) (2006) America 2050: A Prospectus, New York: Regional Plan Association. (

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