Portland State University Graduate School of Education
"Meeting Our Communities' Lifelong Educational Needs"
Classroom Instruction and Technology Secondary Cohort
CI 513:141 CRN 82008 Summer 2011
Tues/Thurs 1:00-3:50 ED 310G
Gayle Y. Thieman, Ed.D.
Phone: 5037254630 Email: (preferred)
Wiki: www.gtpdx.wikispaces.com 0ffice: 360608-0579 (cell preferred)
Office Hours: GSE 608A Mon 11:00-1:00 Tues 4:00-5:00 by appointment
Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Teacher Education Program- Thieman/Yank Secondary Summer 11 Cohort
The GTEP Secretary, Mark Wallace, can be reached at 725-4753. My mailing address is PO Box 751, Graduate School of Education 608A, Portland, OR 97207. Please call or email me directly to schedule an appointment.
Students needing an accommodation should immediately inform the course instructor. Students will be referred to Disability Services (7254178) to document their need for accommodations and to obtain support services when appropriate. I will work with you to arrange the supports you need in this class.
Course Description “Principles and skills for organization and presentation of K-12 classroom instruction. Topics included are: students’ needs analysis, planning, direct and indirect instructional techniques, use of aids, assessment of pupil achievement, and evaluation of teaching. Includes mediated instruction and preparation and use of instructional materials.” (Portland State University Bulletin)
· How do teachers design units of instruction that address the needs of students within the classroom?
· What does it mean to teach for meaningful understanding and student learning?
· How can technologies be used to develop 21st century skills?
Pre-service teachers will be able to:
· Develop a collaborative unit of instruction with curriculum framing questions (essential, unit, content), goals and objectives (consistent with state standards), lesson plans, and assessments.
· Analyze curriculum guides, teachers’ support materials, electronic media as professional resources for developing instruction.
· Design authentic curriculum, instruction, and assessment which focus on essential questions and develop student learning.
· Establish learning objectives, consistent with goals and state standards.
· Develop plans that consider student growth and development and take into account the needs of diverse learners.
· Select and create formal and informal assessments to support teaching objectives and evaluate instructional practice with rubrics or scoring guides.
· Select and organize instructional materials and equipment.
· Incorporate literacy strategies to enhance student understanding of content.
· Integrate technology to enhance the content and extend student understanding.
· Reflect upon the instructional design process.
International Society for Technology in Education. (2008).
National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers Excerpts:
1. Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to- face and virtual environments.
b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments
2. Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS-S.
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources
d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching
3. Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
b. collaborate with students, parents, peers, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
4. Teachers understand local and global society issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.
a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources
b. address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies and providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources
c. promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information
Maloy, R., Verock-O’Laughlin, R., Edwards, S. & Woolf, B. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston, MA: Pearson
Additional materials on my instructor wiki: http://www.gtpdx.wikispaces.com and cohort wiki: http://www.gthy2011.wikispaces.com
1. Clarity, conciseness, and completeness.
· You address assignment/ activity guidelines and expectations.
· Your main points are clear, well-organized, and well-supported with examples, descriptive details, explanations, and evidence from readings.
2. Insightful reflection about and critique of topic/situations.
3. Authenticity and conviction. Your own voice, experience, and expertise come through!
4. Effective and appropriate use of language conventions to communicate with
5. Professional and ethical use of source material. You include in-text citations for
quoted material (when appropriate) and a complete list of references at the end of your project.
In the PSU Student Conduct Code # 577-031-0136
Proscribed Conduct by Portland State University
The following constitutes conduct as proscribed by Portland State University for which a student or student organization or group is subject to disciplinary action:
(1) Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or other University activities, including the University's public service functions or other authorized activities on University-owned or -controlled property, or any other location where teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or other University activities take place.
(2) All forms of academic dishonesty, cheating, and fraud, including but not limited to: (a) plagiarism, (b) the buying and selling of course assignments and research papers, (c) performing academic assignments (including tests and examinations) for other persons, (d) unauthorized disclosure and receipt of academic information and (e) falsification of research data.
Class Participation and Professionalism 10%
My expectation is that you come to class on time each afternoon prepared to participate fully, support one another as a community of learners, challenge yourselves, and complete your assignments to the BEST of your ability. In case of an emergency, you must contact Dr. Thieman prior to the class regarding your absence. Your grade will be based on a combination of active class participation, completion of all assignments and readings on time, demonstration of honest engagement, and professional demeanor. Participation also includes completion of in-class technology activities. Excessive absences and/or tardies will negatively affect your grade.
Reading and Technology Activities Weekly 30%
You will have weekly assigned readings and technology activities. (see the schedule of activities). For some of the assigned readings you will bring a typed reflection to class and engage in a small group discussion. You will need to post the technology activities to the cohort wiki (http://gthy2011.wikispaces.com) to the specified pages and using the specified file name.
Note: Because of the need for timely communication, late assignments will only be accepted within one class week of the original due date unless other arrangements have been made with the instructor.
Lesson Plan Upload to TK20 Due August 4 Credit assigned in CI 510
One of the two lesson plans you write for your mini unit in CI 513 Instruction and Technology should employ differentiation and accommodation strategies for learners with special needs. Use the lesson planning guide and lesson plan template to help you develop the lesson. Pay close attention to:
· Create observable student objectives consistent with unit goals, national and state standards for each lesson.
· Choose instructional methods and student activities to develop meaningful learning and understanding and address the needs of linguistically, cognitively, and/or culturally diverse students.
Upload your lesson plan to TK20 CI 513 by Thursday August 4.
Lesson Plan Upload to TK20 Due August 11 10%
Submit a second lesson plan for your mini unit in CI 513. The lesson should employ differentiation and accommodation strategies for learners with special needs and also technology strategies. Use the lesson planning guide and lesson plan template to help you develop the lesson. Pay close attention to:
· Create observable student objectives consistent with unit goals, national and state standards for each lesson.
· Choose instructional methods and student activities to develop meaningful learning and understanding and address the needs of linguistically, cognitively, and/or culturally diverse students.
· Select and organize instructional materials and equipment including technology that make a significant contribution to student learning.
Upload your lesson plan to TK20 CI 513 by Thursday August 11.
Small Group Multimedia Project Due August 16 10%
Work with your mini unit group to create a multimedia project (e.g., Power Point, Prezi) as an instructional tool for the mini unit. The multimedia project should be informative and engaging to the audience (secondary students for whom you are designing the mini-unit.) Each student in the group will be required to create four slides for the “group” presentation (include creator’s name on each slide). Specific rubrics will be provided. Post to your team page on the cohort wiki: http://www.gthy2011.wikispaces.com
Collaborative Unit of Instruction Due August 16 30%
Work in groups of 3 students to complete a collaborative, mini unit of instruction. This unit should focus on curriculum framing questions (essential, unit, content) and develop student understanding. Include the following components in the unit:
1) Create curriculum framing questions (essential, unit, content) that are tied to state and/or national standards
2) Develop a unit concept map that shows the relationships among the essential and unit questions, unit goals, curriculum standards, and assessment
3) Develop a minimum of 6 lessons (two from each member of the group) along with any supporting materials needed to teach the lesson.
4) Create assessments that will provide evidence of students’ higher order thinking and understanding of the essential question. Include the directions and a sample of the assessment(s) and scoring criteria.
Each student is responsible for individually developing 2 lesson plans (both lessons should be uploaded to TK20). Use the lesson planning guide and lesson plan template to help you develop the lesson. Incorporate the components from the lesson plan checklist and scoring guide in TK20 and pay close attention to:
· Create observable student objectives consistent with unit goals, national and state standards for each lesson.
· Choose instructional methods and student activities to develop meaningful learning and understanding and address the needs of linguistically, cognitively, and/or culturally diverse students.
· Select and organize instructional materials and equipment including technology that make a significant contribution to student learning.
Lesson Demonstration Due August 18 10%
Work with your group to prepare and present a 30-minute demonstration of a sample lesson/teaching strategy from your mini unit. Make clear in an introductory oral statement the students for whom this lesson is designed, which state standards this demonstration relates to, and why these standards are significant. Follow the lesson planning template and include an assessment strategy. Each member of the group must actively teach part of the lesson.
DRAFT will be updated to meet class needs.
Due July 19
1. Go to Smith Center Instructional Resource Center to obtain an ODIN account by Monday July 18. Bring your username and password to class.
2. Also sign up and pay for your TK20 account by Monday July 18. Bring your login name and password to class.
Concept: Using Technology to Promote Meaningful Learning
Class Activities:
q Review Course Overview & Syllabus
q Become familiar with Gayle’s instructor wiki and cohort wiki (for uploading)
q Meaningful Learning presentation (www.gtpdx.wikispaces.com)
Small Group Discussion: Describe a lesson you have experienced (as a student) that included at least one of the five aspects of "meaningful learning".
q Tech Demo: Visual Ranking—21st Century Skills http://educate.intel.com/en/ThinkingTools/VisualRanking
q Complete Technology Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/93LCX9F
Due July 21
1. Read Maloy, chapter 1 pp. 1-14. Address the following questions in writing (12 pt font double space). Bring to start of class.
a. How much time do you spend with media and what types do you use? (Refer to Technology’s Influence and figure 1.2)
b. What is your readiness to integrate technology into teaching and learning with K-12 students? (Refer to Issue 1 and figure 1.3)
c. What are your top three reasons for using technology in your teaching? (Refer to Issue 2 and figure 1.5)
d. What do you predict will be the biggest barriers to using technology in K-12 classes? (Refer to Issue 3 and figure 1.7)
2. Complete the Technology Activity: Visual Ranking and 21st Century Skills (located at instructor wiki: www.gtpdx.wikispaces.com CI 513) and SAVE to cohort wiki: www.gthy2011.wikispaces.com Follow the directions exactly for naming the file.
Concept: Using Backwards Planning to Design Units of Instruction
Class Activities:
q Backwards Curriculum Design presentation (www.gtpdx.wikispaces.com)
q Brainstorm topic for mini unit (grade/subject/topic) and share.
q Form groups of 3 students to collaborate
q Tech Demo: Unit plan template and sample mini units (www.gtpdx.wikispaces.com)
Due July 26:
1. Read the online summary of Identifying Enduring Understandings (Wiggins and McTighe)
2. Review the information about Curriculum Framing Questions on instructor wiki http://www.gtpdx.wikispaces.com Be sure to review the ppt. rubric, tips for writing CFQs, sample CFQs, writing CFQs.