MorganCountySchool District Re-3 Consumer Math

Consumer Math

Month / Content and Essential Questions / Skills / Assessment / Resources
August /
Unit One Gross Income
How do you figure the hourly pay?
How do you figure overtime pay?
How do you figure your weekly time card?
How do you figure pay if you are being paid by the amount of work?
How do you figure your pay based on a yearly salary?
How do you figure commission? S. 1.3
How do you figure graduated commission? /
Being able to read word problems. (R)
Being able to use a calculator (M)
Being able to add and subtractdecimals. (M)
Being able to convert hours to minutes. (R)
Being able to estimate answer of a product
Know definitions of words used in unit (M)
Being able to change a decimal to a percent
(M) /
Problem Sets, Quizzes, Tests, activity sheets.
/ Glencoe Mathematics with Business Applications Textbook and Resource File
September / What happened to my money?????
How do I keep a checking account?
What does reconcile mean? S. 1.3, 6.3
/ Find Federal income tax, state income tax, graduated income tax, social security and Medicare tax and figure net salary from gross salary. (I)
Find how much you pay for group insurance. (I)
Read an earnings statement and find net pay. (I)
Being able to use a calculator and reading charts. S. 1.3, 6.2 (M)
Being able to complete a check, check register, and reconcile a checkbook. (R) / Problem sets, quizzes, tests and activity sheets.
Checking account packet from a local bank that simulates a checking account for six months. Test at the end of the activity. / same as above
October / What is the difference in a checking account and savings account?
How do I figure simple interest and compound interest?
How much does an item cost?
Which is the best buy?
Do coupons make a difference? S. 1.3, 6.2 / Fill out a withdrawal slip, deposit slip, find passbook balance, (I)
Find the simple interest using I=PRT (M)
Figure compound interest step by step. (R)
Figure compound interest using a chart. (I)
Find the sales tax, figure total purchase price, find unit price, figuring which is the better buy, find the cost using coupons and rebates, and find the markdown and sale price.
/ problem sets, quizzes, and test
homework, quizzes, newspaper activity, workbook activity, and tests / same as above
November / What is a sales receipt? How do you find finance charge based on different methods? S. 1.3, 6.2
/ Compute the total price, compute the new balance in a charge account, compute the finance charge by the previous-balance method, unpaid-balance method, average daily balance- no new purchases included, based on the average daily balance, new purchases included. (I)
/ homework, quizzes, activities, tests / same as above
December / What is a single payment loan? What is an installment loan? How do you figure simple interest? What is APR? How do you figure a refund of finance charge?
S. 1.3, 6.2 / Compute the maturity value and interest rate of a single-payment loan. (I)
Figure the amount financed on an installment loan. (I)
Compute the monthly payment, total amount repaid, and finance charge on an installment loan (I)
Compute the payment to interest, payment to principal , and the new balance. To compute the final payment when paying off a simple interest installment loan. (I) Determine theannual Percentage Rate. (I) Figure refund of finance charge. (I) / worksheets, homework, quizzes, activities, tests / same as above
January / What is the cost of an automobile? What is dealer's cost? What kind of auto insurance do you need? What is the cost of operating a vehicle, leasing, or renting an automobile?
What is a mortgage loan? What housing costs do we all have?
S. 1.3, 6.2 / Compute the sticker price and dealer's cost of an automobile. (I)
Compute the annual premium for insurance and total cost per mile of operating and maintaining an automobile. (I)
Find the cost of leasing and renting an automobile. (I)
Compute the mortgage loan amount, the monthly payment, total amount paid, and total interest charged. (I)
Find closing costs, assessed value and taxes of real estate. (I)
Compute the annual homeowner's insurance premium and find other housing costs. (I)
/ worksheets, homework, quizzes, guest speaker, and tests
homework, quizzes, worksheets, tests / same as above
February 2006 / What kind of insurance and investments do we need?
What is a budget and do I need one?
S. 1.3, 6.2
/ Figure health insurance premium and benefits. (I)
Find the premium for term life insurance and other types of life insurance. (I)
Figure the interest on a certificate of deposit and find the effective annual yield. (I)
Compute the total cost of a stock investment and find the annual yield and dividend of a stock investment. (I)
Compute the profit or loss from a stock sale. (I)
Compute the annual interest and annual yield of a bond investment. (I)
Compute the average monthly expenditure. (I)
Use records of past expenditures to prepare a monthly budget. (I)
Compare amount budgeted to actual expenditure and personal spending to "typical spending. (I)
/ homework, quizzes, tests, guest speaker
homework, quizzes, tests, activities
/ same as above
March / Are you ready to work for someone else?
What is important in manufacturing?
S. 1.3, 6.2 / Compute the cost of recruiting new employees. (I)
Figure the new salary after merit increase and cost-of-living adjustment. (I)
Compute the rate of benefits based on annual gross pay. (I)
Figure disability benefits and compute the total business travel expense, total employee training costs. (I)
Compute the prime cost of manufacturing an item and find the break-even point in the number of manufactured units. (I)
Compute the percent of defective goods and determine if the process is in or out of control. (I)
Use time-study results to compute how many units can be produced and the percent of time spent on each task. (I)
Compute the dimensions of packaging cartons. (I) / Worksheets, homework, quizzes, guest speaker, tests
worksheets, homework, quizzes, tests, and activities. / same as above
April / How much does an item cost? What is profit?
What is marketing?
S. 1.3, 6.2 / Figure the markup on an item and figure the markup rate. (R)
Find the net profit and net profit rate. (R)
Determine the selling price and markup rate based on cost. (R)
Complete surveys (I)
find the sales potential and market share of a product (I)
figure sales projections (I)
find advertising costs (I)
find selling price based on a profit. (I) / homework, quizzes, worksheets, tests
homework, quizzes, worksheets, tests, activities / same as above
May / What is inventory and what does it cost a business?
S. 1.3, 6.2 / Figure the storage space of an item, take inventory of a business and figure its value. (I)
Find the cost of transportation by truck and air. (I)
/ homework, quizzes, activities, tests / same as above