Portfolio Points Grade 12 - Physics
The Portfolio will be worth 15 % of your final mark.
A portion of your mark will be assessed on the Portfolio points system. You need to pick enough activities so that your total max. points amounts to at least 90. Your entire portfolio will be worth 15% of your final mark. One of the major goals of the senior science courses is to prepare you for study at the university level and imbue with a science awareness. To this end you should be better citizens capable of making informed decisions in your community as it relates to sciences. By completing some of the listed activities, you will begin that journey.
If you are enrolled in multiple science classes, then you have the option of choosing particular activities and having those points count towards both (or all three) of your science courses simultaneously. Those activities are marked with a “yes”. For example, if you prepare a lab for 1 science class, assuming that you do so correctly you would not only receive credit for your Physics class, but you would also receive credit in your Biology and Physics classes if you were enrolled in them.
While achieving your points total, you must pay particular attention to acquiring your points in 2 specific categories: Mandatory and Elective. Depending on the course you will have to achieve 70 points in the mandatory category and 20 points in the elective category.
In a number of cases there are specific assignments in each course that can be modified and submitted as a Portfolio Point activity.
One of the goals of this portfolio is to help you take control of your learning and work towards being more of a self-directed learner. You have an amazing opportunity to make connections with other courses enabling you to make concrete connections between your subjects and making your education a much more meaningful experience. You also have an opportunity to greatly reduce your workload by looking for those connections between your courses. We encourage you to modify assignments that you are completing in other disciplines so that they can be submitted in two or three of your current courses.
Content / DetailsTitle Page / Science Portfolio, Course Code, Name, Teacher's Name
Portfolio Plan / Keep an up-to-date table of contents as work is added to your portfolio.
Mandatory Assignments / Initial Essay, Catapult/Projectile Lab, Cross-curricular question
Elective Assignment(s)
You will be required to meet specific deadlines to submit specific portions of your Portfolio.
February / March / April / May / June17th - Initial Essay / Catapult/Projectile Design Project / Portfolio Plan / Cross-curricular
Elective / Summative Essay
Mandatory (60 points)
Max Points / Activity / Connect with other Science
4 / Initial Essay / No
50 / Catapult/Projectile Design Project and Analysis / No
2 / Portfolio Plan / No
4 / Summative Essay / No
Cross-curricular Questions (10-20 points)- Each one is 10 points. You may choose to do 2 Cross-curricular questions.
Social Sciences/Physics / Environmental Report / Background:
(3 students maximum)
Suppose you are a member of a consulting firm that is approached by the Ministry of the Environment to make a cost-benefit analysis of an energy resource or energy transformation technology (ex. wind, tidal flow, falling water, solar, biomass). You should consider the economic, social, and environmental impact of the resource or technology you choose to analyze.
Physics/ Geography / Geophysics / Geological Engineers, in their search for oil and gas use the sound, radar, remote sensing, etc. to uncover new deposits and resources. Write a report based on your research into this topic.
Geologists use seismic wave from earthquakes and nuclear explosions to learn more about the internal structure the Earth. Write a report based on your research into how this is possible.
History / Historical Physicists / Many Historical Physicists have announced their correct ideas about the nature of the universe only to be outcast by society and the scientific community. Write a persuasive essay arguing the point that the credit for a historical discovery should be reassigned to the rightful scientist.
Guidance / Careers in Quantum Physics / Identify a career that requires the knowledge of quantum mechanics Imagine that you have just graduated from a doctorate program with all the necessary credentials and are now applying for a job in this field. Create a cover letter and resume listing your credentials and explaining why you are qualified to work in that area. Include in your resume:
-your educational background (what university degree or diploma program you graduated with, which educational institute you attended, post-graduate training if any)
-your duties and skills in previous jobs
-your salary expectations
-any awards/additional certification you may have
Physical Education / The Physics of Sports / Choose a sport and describe in detail, using concepts, terminology and diagrams learned in class, the physics behind your sport.
Drama / Screenplay / The history of physics abounds with wonderful stories of success and failure, scientific discoveries from pure genius and pure accident. It includes the stories of men and women persevering in times of war, disaster and oppression. Research one story in the history of physics and write a short (10-15 minutes) screenplay that you will perform for the class. You can do a monologue, dialogue, talk show or include a cast of characters.
Physics/ Hollywood/ Theatre Studies / Movie Critique / Many major motion picture “disaster” movies rely heavily on concepts in physics/astronomy (Armageddon, The Core, The Day After Tomorrow, Dante’s Peak, October Sky, etc.) Research some of the physical phenomena that are depicted in one movie. Analyze the plausibility of such phenomena and comment on how Hollywood “got it wrong” or “did it right” in a report and presentation to the class.
Physics/ English/ History / Novel Summary and Critique / Several excellent novels have been written about the history of science, or the impact of science of society. Read one (or a section of one) teacher approved novel, write a critique of the novel, and prepare a summary presentation to share the major themes with our class.
Or a project of your choice… / (Must get approval by teacher first)
Elective (10-20 points)- If you choose 2 Cross Curricular Questions, no activities need to be done from this section
Max Points / Description / Maximum number a student is allowed to complete/
Maximum Number of Students / Connects with other Science
5 / Class demonstration of a Physics concept (15 minutes - with teacher approval) with reflective response (1 page, double spaced) / 1 / 5 / yes
3 / Low End Poster or model
(collage, descriptive)
-must involve more than 1 science / 1 / no limit / yes
5 / Tutoring (1 hour) with summary of each episode
Reflection includes: summary of what concepts were covered, strategies used, and reflection of the experience. Tutoring must be completed in school and form signed by the teacher. / 1 / no limit / yes
7 / Science Olympics Judge/Facilitator with reflection / 1 / no limit / yes
2 / Single Article Response (<500 words)
(magazine, newspaper, television) / 2 / no limit / yes
3 / Canadians in Physics: biography; significance of their work and contribution to Canadian and global society; picture of what they have contributed.
International Physicists: biography; significance of contributions from physicists from other countries to our global society? / 1 / no limit
5 / Research an issue around a physics concept and write a letter for publication in any school media (school newspaper, website, broadcast) / 1 / no limit
10 / High End Poster (informational) or model
High End Poster or media presentation contributing to the Energy Conservation Fair / 1 / no limit / yes
10 / Stand alone multimedia presentation that covers a concept related to our course of study, including a storyboard showing where text and graphics will be placed and layout of pages. / 1/ no limit
Or a project of your choice (must get approval from your teacher)