Course Syllabus: HCA 465 – Analysis and Evaluation Section 5788
Spring 2011
Instructor: Courtney Atkins, MHA, FACHE
Work phone: (714) 377-2907
HCA Program: (562) 985-5694
Day/Time: Mon & Wed 5:30 – 6:45
Location: VEC-202
Office Hours: Wed. 4:30-5:30 p.m. & by appt.
Office: ETC 101
The best way to contact me is by email. Another way to contact me is by phone. I will be very happy to explain something to you either by phone, by email, or in person. I hold limited scheduled office hours, but I am flexible and accessible to you when you need me.
Course Description: Prerequisite or Co-requisite: HCA 202 or 402 and Prerequisite: PSY 110 or SOC 250 or equivalent. Techniques of analysis and evaluation applied to health services with respect to organizing, Staffing, financing and utilization. Emphasis on the analytic process, program evaluation, and report of findings.
Teaching/Learning Objectives: Students who have completed this course should be able to:
· Develop evaluation/research questions, hypotheses, and propose specific analytic methods in health management issues.
· Differentiate between types of qualitative/quantitative evaluation/research philosophies such as monitoring, case studies, survey research, trend analysis, and experimental design; describe the assumptions, threats to validity, and outcomes of each type.
· Define key concepts of research design and methodology.
· Identify the steps of a generic research process, the tasks involved in each, and available data collection and analysis methodologies.
· Conduct content analysis of a focus group and write a brief report illustrating findings.
· Conduct basic analysis of secondary quantitative data through the use of the General Social Survey (GSS) or California Health Interview Survey (CHIS).
· Assemble a spreadsheet in SPSS, conduct basic univariate and bivariate analyses, and write a brief report illustrating findings.
The CSULB HCA program is accredited by AUPHA and this course represents the following domains and competencies required for AUPHA accreditation:
Learning Objective / Domain / Competency / Assessment MethodUnderstand the ethics issues involved in the use of human subjects in research / Professionalism / Professional standards and codes of ethics; Ethics committee’s roles, structure and functions / On-line training module; quiz on training module materials (pass/fail); knowledge and retention of material also tested on in-class exam
Develop evaluation/research questions, hypotheses, and proposal specific analytic methods in health management issues / Business Knowledge and Skills / Outcomes measures and management / Quizzes and tests
Differentiate between types of qualitative/quantitative evaluation research philosophies as monitoring, case studies, survey research trend analysis, and experimental design; describe the assumptions, threats to validity and outcomes of each type. / Business Knowledge and Skills / Data analysis, including manipulation, understanding of, and ability to explain data / Quizzes and tests
Define key concepts of research design and methodology / Business Knowledge and Skills / Comparative analysis strategies / Quizzes and tests
Identify the steps of a generic research process, the tasks involved in each and available data collection and analysis methods. / Business Knowledge and Skills / Data collection, measurement and analysis tools and techniques / Oral presentation with explanatory powerpoint/lecture slides
Conduct basic analysis of secondary quantitative data through the use of the General Social Survey or the California Health Interview Survey / Business Knowledge and Skills / Basis statistical analysis / Computer laboratory exercises completed and turned in; homework exercises completed and turned in, such as the charts and graphs exercise which requires students to graph data
Assemble a spreadsheet in SPSS, conduct basic univariate and bivariate analyses, and write a brief report illustrating findings / Business Knowledge and Skills / Application software / Computer laboratory exercises completed and turned in
Required Reading Materials:
· Saks and Allsop, Researching Health: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods, 2007, Sage Publications, Inc.
· SPSS Survival Manual
· BEACHBOARD is being set up and other reading will be posted for students
This class will follow all applicable University policies relating to cheating, plagiarism, attendance and any other related activities.
Course Requirements and Grading Criteria
Students receive a letter grade for this course based on the percentage of total points earned.
90% to 100% A
80% to 89% B
70% to 79% C
60% to 69% D
0% to 59% F
Student Assignments and Grading:
Tests: There will be two midterms each worth 15% of your grade (30%) and one final exam worth a total of 15% of your grade.
Exercises: There will be five exercises applying analytical concepts to health management issues. These include:
· February 9: Setting up an SPSS spreadsheet with results from 40 surveys (5%).
· February 21: Reading a research article (10%)
· March 9 (part 1) and March 14 (part 2): Statistics homework assignment (10%).
· April 11: Analysis of secondary data Assignment I (10%)
· May 9: Analysis of secondary data Assignment II (10%).
Additional: The remaining 10% will consist of 5% for attendance and 5% for one current article reviews.
Grade Weights and Policies. Assignments turned in late (after the start of class) will be subject to a 2% penalty reduction per weekday unless adequate documentation of an extenuating circumstance can be provided. You may fax or e-mail your assignment if you are unable to come to class as long as you do so that the assignment is received by the posted due date. Students absent for the final exam must provide written third party documentation. Disabled students, who qualify for alternative testing arrangements, please advise the instructor and make arrangements well in advance of the exams.
For Bibliography, go to the Beach board page for the Course under Websites/References
Monday / WednesdayWeek 1
Jan 24/26 / Introduction to the class / Chapter 1 and 2
Week 2
Jan 31/Feb 2 / Chapter 3 and 4 / Chapter 5
Week 3
Feb 7/9 / SPSS survival manual 1-8 / Lab Day CBA 240
DUE: Setting up an SPSS spreadsheet using data from pp. 218 – 221 of text book.
Week 4
Feb 14/16 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7
Week 5
Feb 21/23 / Chapter 8 and midterm review
DUE: Reading a research article / MIDTERM #1
Week 6
Feb 28/Mar 2 / Statistics and Graphing / Chapter 9 and 10
Week 7
Mar 7/9 / Chapter 11 and 12 / SPSS 9 – 13
DUE: Statistics homework part 1
Week 8
Mar 14/16 / Lab Day CBA 240
DUE: Statistics homework part 2 / Chapter 13 and 14
Week 9
Mar 21/23 / Review for midterm / MIDTERM #2
Week 10
Mar 28/30 / SPRING BREAK
Week 11
Arp 4/6 / Relational databases
Excel formulas and secrets / SPSS and lab prep
Week 12
Apr 11/13 / Lab Day CBA 240
DUE: Secondary data analysis 1 / Anatomy of Care Video/Exercise
Week 13
Apr 18/20 / Health Care Reform / Chapter 15 and 16
Week 14
Apr 25/27 / Chapter 17 and 18 / Chapter 19 and 20
Week 15
May 2/4 / Websites / Prep for lab day/catch up
Week 16
May 9/11 / Lab Day CBA 240
DUE: Secondary data analysis 2 / Chapter 21 and Review for Final
Week 17 / FINAL EXAM: Wednesday, May 18 5-7 pm