FOR: Todesign, build, deliver, and the installation of Modular Custody Facilities
AT:Various Locations
Agency: Portfolio Internal and External Affairs (PIE)
CTC Number: CTC/12-13/PIE/019 - PIE Modular Custody Facilities
You are invited by the Government of the Cayman Islands [Authority] to submit a firm price tender for the above-mentioned works described in the accompanying documents.
Your Tender when completed is to be delivered, together with all other relevant documents to;
To: The Secretary
Central Tenders Committee
Ground Floor
133 Elgin Avenue,
George Town,
Grand CaymanKY1-9000
Cayman Islands
Re: CTC/12-13/PIE/019 - PIE Modular Custody Suites
(no later than 12:00 amonthe 6th March, 2013).
The Form of Tender, and any other supporting documents stated on the Form of Tender together with the Abstract of Particulars and Tender Summary (if provided) when completed and signed are to be received not later than the time given on the Form of Tender in the enclosed envelope which must not bear any indication of the tenderer’s identity.
The following documents are included with this invitation:
- Notice to Tenderers
- Instructions to Tenderers including the evaluation criteria that will be used to assess tenders and their order of importance
- Form of Tender
- Abstract of Particulars
- Acknowledgement of Receipt of Tender Documents
- Non-Disclosure agreement
- Detailed Requirements (To be sent after acknowledgement of tender and with a signed and duly accepted NDA)
For additional information on this invitation, contact the Departmental Tender Committee at ()
Late bids will not be considered and will be returned, CIG will not defray any cost incurred by bidders. The Cayman Islands Government shall not be bound to assign any reason for not accepting any tender.
If you do not wish to tender, all documents and drawings are to be returnedimmediately.
Wesley Howell
Deputy Chief Officer
Portfolio Internal and External Affairs
Cayman Islands Government
PO Box 111
Cayman Islands
FOR: Todesign, build, delivery, and the installation of Modular Custody Facilities
AT:Various Locations
Client Agency: Portfolio of Internal and External Affairs (PIE)
The Tenderer is requested to submit prices for the works below to meet the requirements outlined in the tender.
Brief Scope
The project will involve the design, construction, transportation, and installationof modular custody and associated facilities
The modular building is to be structurally engineered and constructed. These buildings are to be prefabricated off site to meet the required specifications, and assembled and erected on site. Once erected, the buildings are to be able to be disassembled and reassembled at alternative sites with minimal cost and no damage to the integrity of the structures.
Summary design requirements are attached.
Contract award is scheduled for May2013 with project completion scheduled in October 2013.
The successful Tenderer will also be required to adhere to following;
- The contractor is solely responsible for all materials and labour necessary for the completion of the works. Aside from platform and site works which may be separately contacted by the Portfolio of Internal and External Affairs.
- The contractor is responsible for periodic cleaning of the site during the construction process and removal of all construction-associated materials and debris at all times necessary, during and at the end of the construction period.
- The contractor is responsible for ensuring that all safety measures are adhere to on site during the construction process, including the safety of all workmen along with the security of the site.
- Stockpiled materials and construction equipment used for the project shall be suitably contained or stored in the specified locations only, and storedin away not to impede, harm or do damage to pedestrian/vehicular traffic, adjacent properties or the surrounding environs.
- The contractor shall be responsible for the deployment of personnel to regulate construction traffic entering and exiting the site at all times and provide a Traffic Management Plan that meets all regulatory traffic laws.
- The contractor is required to ensure that measures are put in place to mitigate against all potential social and environmental impacts that can arise as a result of the use of equipment and machinery associated with the construction of the project.
- The contractor must design and install electrical, plumbing, fire protection systems that are to be in accordance with the Cayman Islands Laws, Regulations, and relevant codes.
Please Note
A duly signed non-disclosure agreement from qualified tender candidates is required for the release of classified detailed design requirements.
The contractor shall be deemed to examinerequirements of the tender and to have designed and scheduled the works to be done in the way which meets the requirements.
The contractor shall be deemed to have visited the site before preparing his tender and to have examined for himself the conditions under which the works will proceed and all other matters affecting the carrying out of the work and cost thereof.
All tenders shall be returned to the Central Tenders Committee no later than 12:00amonWednesday, 6th March, 2013.
For further queries, please contact email
Yours faithfully,
Wesley Howell
Deputy Chief Officer
Portfolio Internal and External Affairs
Cayman Islands Government
PO Box 111
Cayman Islands
- Tenderers are hereby advised that tenders will be evaluated based on the following criteria. The information herein should be submitted in order to properly score tender returns.
- Proof that business is legally licensed to operate: Fail/Pass
- Proof of financing to under take the project (bank reference letter): Fail/Pass
- The cost of the tender submitted. 45%
- Tender deliverables meet or exceed RFP requirements. 20%
- Firms with experience of similar project type/Scope (Law Enforcement buildings).20%
- Time scale for delivery and completion. 10%
- Supervisory Staff qualifications and experience.5%
The price criteria (C) will be weighed in the following manner (45 point scale):
- Best price without qualification earns 45 points.
- Higher prices awarded pro-rated point depending amount of spread.
All other criteria will be weighted on a sliding scale. With those, meeting the requirements/offering the best deliverables being awarded maximum points, short falls will be pro-rated based on gap analysis.
- The date, time and place for the return of tenders is entered on the tender form. The Authority does not undertake to consider tenders not received in time.
- It is important that you use the enclosed addressed envelope when returning your tender.
- Tenders may not be considered if all the original tender documents requiring signature are not completed, signed and returned by due time.
- The Authority does not undertake to accept the lowest nor any tender.
- If you do not wish to submit a tender, you must return all the enclosed documents using the addressed envelope which should be marked “No Tender”. A letter of explanation can be enclosed should you wish to send one.
- The Authority is not liable for any expense whatsoever incurred by Tenderers, their agents, representatives, sub-contractors or suppliers in the preparation of the Tender nor for any other costs whatsoever entailed in any negotiations in the acceptance of a Tender or otherwise.
- Tenderers are reminded of the need to submit complete tenders strictly in accordance with the enclosed tender documents, i.e. without qualification. All those documents which are required to be completed and/or signed must be completed in full and returned with your tender.
- A tender involving any modification to the design specified in the enclosed tender documents must be made by way of an alternative offer. An alternative tender must also be free of qualifications, show clearly the technical modifications (and different plant, where applicable) and be priced in detail to show how and where costs would differ from those submitted on the basis of the tender documents. Alternative tenders may not be considered unless a tender based strictly on the tender documents is also submitted.
- Any general queries or uncertainties on interpretation arising from the tender documents should be brought to the attention of the DTCemail at the earliest opportunity and before the 28th February 2013. Tenderers are accordingly advised to examine the tender documentation immediatelyupon receipt.
- Tenderers who fail to resolve such points during the tender period and submit qualified tenders or separate letters containing qualifications are advised that the DTC may reject such tenders without consultation.
- Tender Timelines
- Jan 31, 2013 – First notice of Tender
- Feb 6, 2013 – Second Notice of Tender
- Feb 13, 2013 – Final Notice of Tender
- Feb 28, 2013 - Final Date for Questions from Vendors
- Mar 4, 2013 – Final date for answers to vendors
- Mar 6, 2013 12:00pm – Sealed Tenders Due.
To be returned by 12:00 pm on6thMarch, 2013
To: The Secretary
Central Tenders Committee
Ground Floor
133 Elgin Avenue,
George Town,
Grand Cayman KY1-9000
Cayman Islands
FOR: Todesign, build, deliver, and the installation of Modular Custody Facilities.
AT:Various Locations
To the Government of the Cayman Islands
1.We have perused the following documents:
(1)Detailed Design requirements
(2)Notices to Tenderers / instruction to tenderers
2.We agree that the proper law of this Contract shall be Cayman Islands Law.
3.We agree that the essence of selective tendering is that the client shall receive bona fide competitive tenders from all those tendering. In recognition of this principle, we certify that this is a bona fide tender intended to be competitive, and that we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the tender by, under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. We also certify that we have not done and we undertake that we will not do at any time before the hour and date specified for the return of this tender any of the following acts:
- communicate to a person other than the person calling for those tenders the amount or approximate amount of the proposed tender, except where the disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of the tender is necessary to obtain insurance premium quotations required for the preparation of the tender;
- enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other person that he/she shall refrain from tendering or as to the amount of any tender to be submitted;
- offer, pay, give or agree to pay or give any sum of money or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other tender or proposed tender for the said work any act or thing of the sort described above.
In this paragraph, the word “person” includes any persons, body or association, corporate or unincorporated; and “any agreement or arrangement” includes any such transaction, formal or informal, and whether legally binding or not.
4.We undertake to satisfy the “Authority” that the prices furnished with this tender are those on which our tender is based and that they bear reasonable relation to each other.
5.We agree to all the conditions in the Abstract of Particulars and that this tender shall remain open for consideration for 60 days from the date for the return of this tender.
6.Subject to and in accordance with the above paragraphs 2,3,4 and 5that the terms and conditions contained or referred to in the documents listed in paragraph 1.The offer to execute all the deliverables referred to in the said documents in considerationof payment by the Portfolioof Internal and external Affairs of the sum (in words)
Tender Amount:______
______(CI$...... )
Signed ______in the capacity of ______
duly authorised to sign tenders for and on behalf of (in BLOCK CAPITALS) ______
Postal Address ______
Telephone No: ______Fax No: ______
Email: ______Date: ______2013
Tenderers are reminded that the following must be returned along with this signed tender:
- Evidence that Financing for the Works will be arranged as required by the contract documents, within seven days, by an approved Bank or Financing Institution
- Evidence of Legal Business status of the business submitting the tender
- Completed Breakdown Summary of Tendered Price Schedule
- Design and Engineering drawings
- Senior staff resumes
- Evidence of successful prior similar projects and verifiable referrals
- Project Time-table for design, build, delivery and installation
- Detailed specifications – required to meet planning approval and meet relevant codes.
1 of 10
FOR: The design, build, delivery, and installation of Modular Custody Facilities
AT:Various Locations
Requested by: ______
For and on behalf of:______
(Name of Company)
Address: ______
(of Company)
Tel ______Email ______
Date: ______
Date NDA Signed: ______
Position with the Company: ______
FOR: The design, build, delivery, and installation of Modular Custody Facilities
AT:Various Locations
Collected by: ______
For and on behalf of:______
(Name of Company)
Address: ______
(Name of Company)
Tel ______or Fax ______or Email ______
Date: ______FORM TL/2
The design, build and install of Modular Custody Cells and associated worksRFP1 of 10