Ms. Lorri Hanson (ext. 804)
Mrs. Erin Royse (ext. 123)
As the title of the course implies, this class focuses on recreational physical activities. Projected activities will expose students to fitness options which are popular in our region of the country, and try to expose students a broad spectrum of activities so they may find new ways to stay healthy outside of school. Students will enjoy some traditional PE units while experiencing new activities also.
Anticipated Activities: Archery,Badminton, Boating (kayaking/canoeing), Bocce ball, Bowling, Cross-Fit, Dancing, Disc-Golf, Fitness, Golf, Handball, Hiking, Lacrosse, Orienteering, Pickleball, Rock Climbing, Scavenger Hunts, Snowshoeing, Soccer, Soccer-Golf, Speedball, Speedminton, Tennis, Triathlon, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Yoga. *Please note that some of these activities depend on weather conditions and funding, thus the ‘anticipated’ element.
- Students are expected to participate daily, wearing PE clothing. This includes dressing down, warm ups/stretches, activity of the day, & cool down/class conclusion. CGHS PE uniform, sweatpants or sweatshirts are okay attire, not clothes worn to school that day. Must have close-toed tennis shoes.
- Students are expected to participate to the best of their ability every day. The expectation is that the student will still do the best he/she can do THAT DAY, regardless of illness, still dressed down.
- Students are expected to exemplify good sportsmanship and social responsibility at all times. This includes respecting classmates, teachers/subs, our facilities, the equipment, and themselves.
- Cell phones should not be in PE class!All electronics will be taken and sent to office for remainder of the school day as per student handbook.
- Non dress policy
- Students may borrow PE uniform from instructor before class begins.
- Student may deliver documentation of non-suit to Dean of Students in the office and return to class (first time), remain in office (more than one), serve lunch detention (more than two).
Grades are based on 4 categories:
- Participation- Effort in all activities demonstrated during activities50%
- Makes up excused absences
- Dressed down appropriately when roll is taken
- Social Responsibility- Demonstrates superior sportsmanship, encourages others, 20%
displays fair play, and no profanity
- Stays on task and takes care of school equipment
- Not disruptive to other students/Not talking when teacher is talking
- Quiz/Test10%
- Missed assignments/tests/quizzes due to excused absence will get two (2) grace days
- Fitness/Skill Development20%
- Effort in fitness activities/testing-shows improvement and effort
- Demonstrates/attempts to use skills correctly
Grading Scale:
A = 92%-100% B- = 80%-81%D+ = 68%-69%
A- = 90%-91% C+ = 78%-79%D = 62%-67%
B+ = 88%-89%C = 72%-77%D- = 60%-61%
B = 82%-87% C- = 70%-71% F = 59% and Below
- Unexcused Absences cannot be made up. The points are lost. Therefore, it is extremely important for students to clear all absences through the Attendance Office in the allotted time.
- If a student has an excused absence,it may be made up within 2 school days of the students’ return. PE Make-up forms are available in both locker rooms.A maximum of one (1) absence can be made up each day.
- Points lost because of unexcused absences, tardies, non-suits, poor effort and discipline cannot be made up.
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
Students are expected to refrain from the harassment, intimidation, or bullying of others, which is an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act that:
- Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property,
- Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education, or the orderly operation of the school,
- Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment, or
- Is repeated, intentional or has a power imbalance/perceived power imbalance.
I, the parent/guardian of ______, have read and understand the expectations for CGHS Recreational Fitness and agree to support my son/daughter on her healthy journey.
Student’s Name Printed: ______Period ______
Parent Name Printed: ______Date ______
Parent signature:______
Parent contact number: ______
*Please return by Tuesday, September 13th.