Porterville College: Developmental Disabilities PSYT P020A

Porterville College: Developmental Disabilities PSYT P020A

Class Syllabus

Porterville College: Developmental Disabilities– PSYT P020A

Spring 2014


Units: 2.5

Instructor: Elizabeth Keele, RN, B.S.N.

Office: 2004 HC

Office phone: 559-791-2493

Home Phone: 559-793-1664

Cell Phone:559-310-4974


Hours/ Days:

Thursday & Friday: 8:30 AM – 2:20PM (HC – 2051)

January 9 – 28, 2014

Final Exam: February 6, 2014 (8:30 – 10:00 AM)

Course Description:

This course includes the study of the causes, classifications, diagnosis and prevention of developmental disabilities.


93 – 100% = A

84 – 92% = B

75 – 83% = C

< 75% = F


Quizzes (6 x 30 points) 180*points

Research Paper TOPIC 25 points

Research Sources & Bibliography 25 points

Mid-term Exam 100 points

Research Paper100 points

Participation (iClicker) (8 X 5 points) 40 points

Pop Quiz ?* points

Final Exam:100 points__


* Point values are approximates

Office Hours:

Thursday & Friday 11:45 – 12:45 PM & 2:20 – 3:00 PM

Wednesday 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM

By appointment 2004 HC Phone: 559-791-2493

You may e-mail me at (if I do not reply within 24 hours, please call me)

I am also available by phone at 559-793-1664 -Please do not call after 10:00 PM or on Sundays

Web Site:

or go to go to and go to the instructors web sites and click on Elizabeth Keele. You may obtain power point presentation, handouts and class syllabus on-line.

Textbook / Supplies:

  • Understanding Mental Retardation (2004) Ainsworth, Patricia & Baker, Pamela
  • iClicker. This is a standard iClicker, which is absolutely required for this class. It is an electronic device used for in-class polling, quizzes, etc. One iClicker can be used by a single student for any number of classes at the same time and can be used again in future semesters. Each student MUST have his/her own iClicker and will need to bring it to class daily.
  • Scan-tron form #882-ES (approximately 8)

Quizzes & Tests:

A quiz, test or work-sheet will be given on a daily bases. Please bring a scan-tron form #882-ES to all quizzes and tests. Tests and quizzes are timed at 1 minute for each question. Quizzes and tests are based on reading and lecture notes. The opportunity to make up onemissed exam will only be allowed if the student informs the instructor prior to the scheduled exam. Pop quizzes may not be made up. Some quizzes will be administered using the iClicker, you must bring it to class daily. If you arrive late to class during a test or failure to use a scan tron will result in a 10% drop in the test score.

Quizzes are based predominantly on the subject matter that was taught in the most resent previous lecture, however they may include information from earlier lectures. The Mid-term Exam is cumulative from Day One. The Final Exam is cumulative from Day One.

Students will notbe allowed to retake any exam or quiz on which an unsatisfactory grade was earned.

Students may make arrangement with the instructor to review an individual exam up to two (2) weeks after the exam is returned. The final exam will not be reviewed in class.

All cell phones, pagers, and/or electronic device must be turned OFF during exams/quizzes unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor. Electronic devices other than a calculator may not be used for in-class calculations work (ie. Cell phones, PDA’s, etc).

Pop quizzes will also be administered periodically throughout the course – during the lecture time. These pop quizzes will be administered via the iClicker.


Participation points will be given in this class based on your use of the iClicker during class discussions. Participation points are awarded as an “all or nothing”; five points per class session. You may miss one iClicker participation session (during one class day) and still get full credit for the day, but if you miss more than one (a minimum of 90%), you will receive no participation points for the day.

If you are caught cheating using the iClicker – you will be penalized all participation points for the whole course (40 Points). Cheating includes, but is not limited to “clicking” in for someone else when they are not present.


There is a mandatory research paper required to pass this course. This paper is due onJanuary 31, 2014 at 11:59:59 PM. The paper is to be submitted to turnitin.com an online resource to check for plagiarism. Please see the attached research paper guidelines. The grading rubric will be given out at a later date.


Students are expected to be on time and attend each scheduled class and assume responsibility for assigned activities, be active in the learning process and meet all established level objectives. Students are expected to call the instructor is they are unable to attend. If you are unable to attend class, you must notify the instructor prior to class. Only excused absences will be given an opportunity to make up quizzes/tests. Homework will not be accepted late unless excused by the instructor. Cell phones and pagers must be turned off or placed in silent mode. Children are not allowed in classroom.

Reasonable Accommodation:

If you have a disability that may require assistance or accommodation, or you have questions related to any accommodation for testing, note takers, readings, etc., please speak with the instructor as soon as possible. Students may also contact the Disability Resource Center (559) 791-2215 with questions about such services.

Instructor’s Intellectual Rights:

Individual instructors retain intellectual property rights to lectures and class presentations and related material; notes or other class materials may not be exchanged or distributed for commercial purposes, for compensation or for any other purpose other than study by the individual student enrolled in the class. Unauthorized use of class notes or recordings is subject to the federal Copyright Act, California Civil Code, and Program policy and may subject an individual to failure of the course and/or legal proceedings brought by the instructor, as well as the Nursing Department. Examples of violation of this policy include, but not limited to, audio recording, and any electronic posting such as YouTube, blogging, podcasting, etc. Students may not tape record during any test preview or review


I require honesty on tests and assignments. Following Porterville College policy, if a student cheats on a test or assignment, or plagiarizes, I will give an “F” grade on that assignment and I will report the incident to the Dean. The student will have to meet with the Dean of Students to determine whether further disciplinary action is necessary.

Student Learning Objectives:

By the completion of this course the student should be able to:

  1. Explain and demonstrate behaviors consistent with those of a successful student learner.
  2. Describe and explain the major concepts related to developmental disabilities and mental retardation.
  3. Describe and explain the factors of heredity that influence and/or result in mental retardation.
  4. Identify characteristic morphological features associated with various developmental disabilities and mental retardation syndromes.
  5. Identify and describe common features, problems, traits, and needed treatments of specific chromosomal disorders.
  6. Identify and describe common features, problems, traits, and needed treatments of specific genetic inherited disorders.
  7. Identify and describe non-genetic biological causative factors capable of resulting in developmental disabilities.
  8. Describe and differentiate between the various forms of cerebral palsy.
  9. Describe and differentiate between the various types of seizure disorders.

Course Objectives: The Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians state approved course content is as follows:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Explain in detail the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) definition of mental retardation.
  2. Detail the general deficits experienced by mentally retarded individuals as compared with normal individuals in three distinct developmental stages:
  3. infancy and early childhood
  4. childhood and early adolescence
  5. late adolescence and adulthood
  6. State the formula for and compute I.Q.
  7. Describe the distribution of the developmentally disabled as a population.
  8. List the ranges of I.Q. scores associated with the various levels of mental retardation according to the AAIDD.
  9. Describe expected levels of functioning of the developmentally disabled as a population.
  10. Describe the two types of mental retardation that are determined at the time of conception:
  11. chromosomal abnormalities
  12. gene determined disorders
  13. Identify the trait carrying elements of heredity.
  14. Differentiate between meiosis and mitosis and describe the stages of meiosis and mitosis.
  15. Explain the process by which humans inherit 23 chromosomes from each parent to create a total compliment of 46 chromosomes (23 pairs).
  16. Describe the role and function of:
  17. operator genes
  18. structural genes
  19. regulator genes
  20. Define and explain the relationship between DNA and RNA.
  21. Explain the relationship between the following nitrogenous bases in forming an individual’s genetic code:
  22. Adenine
  23. Thymine
  24. Guanine
  25. Cytosine
  26. Explain how the presence or absence of a Y chromosome determines the sex of an individual.
  27. Define and explain what is included in a karyotype.
  28. Differentiate between autosomal dominant inheritance and autosomal recessive inheritance.
  29. Explain the important role of genetic counseling.
  30. Identify the various morphological features commonly seen in the D.D. client:
  31. Head and face
  32. Eyes
  33. Extremities
  34. Differentiate between the following types of abnormal cell division:
  35. Non-disjunction
  36. crossing over
  37. translocation
  38. Describe the main features seen in the following autosomal disorders:
  39. Down Syndrome
  40. Trisomy
  41. Translocation
  42. Mosaicism
  43. Edward’s Syndrome (trisomy 18)
  44. Patau Syndrome (trisomy 13-15)
  45. Cri Du Chat Syndrome
  46. Prader-Willi Syndrome
  47. Describe the key features associated with the following disorders of the sex chromosomes:
  48. Klinefelter’s Syndrome (XXY males)
  49. XYY males (Criminality-aggressive/antisocial)
  50. XXX females (Superfemale)
  51. Turner Syndrome (XO)
  52. Fragile X (males)
  53. Describe the key features associated with the following dominant inheritance syndromes:
  54. tuberous sclerosis
  55. neurofibromatosis
  56. nevoid amentia
  57. craniostenosis
  58. Apert’s Syndrome
  59. Crouzon’s Syndrome
  60. Marfan’s Syndrome
  61. Identify the metabolic problem and the resulting presentation in each of the following recessive inheritance syndromes:
  62. Phenylketonuria
  63. Galactosemia
  64. Tay-Sachs Disease
  65. Hurler Syndrome
  66. Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
  67. Gaucher’s Disease
  68. Niemann-Pick Disease
  69. Wilson’s Disease
  70. Cretinism
  71. Describe features of the following multiple etiology congenital disorders:
  72. Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
  73. Laurence- Moon Syndrome
  74. Differentiate between microcephaly and macrocephaly.
  75. Differentiate between hydrocephaly and megaloencephaly.
  76. Explain the difference between cultural-familial retardation and psychosocial disadvantage.
  77. Explain what is meant by a neural tube defect and describe the differences between the various forms of this type of disorder.
  78. Identify non-genetic biological causes of development disabilities factors that are required:
  79. Prenatally
  80. Perinatally
  81. Postnatally
  82. Identify the causative agent and the effects on the fetus in the following maternal infections:
  83. Rubella
  84. Toxoplasmosis
  85. Syphilis
  86. Cytomegalovirus
  87. Describe the cause, sequence of events, pathology, and preventative factors of erythroblastosis fetalis.
  88. Describe the relationship of Rh factor disorders and kernicterus.
  89. Describe the fetal effects from maternal use of the following teratogens:
  90. narcotics
  91. marijuana
  92. alcohol
  93. thalidomide
  94. anticonvulsants
  95. tobacco
  96. State the various cause and results to the infant of perinatal asphyxia.
  97. State the symptoms seen in a child suffering from:
  98. lead poisoning
  99. mercury poisoning
  100. Describe the cause and symptoms in the child suffering from the following types of malnutrition:
  101. Kwashiorkor
  102. Marasmus
  103. Differentiate between the following forms of cerebral palsy:
  104. spastic
  105. dyskinetic
  106. ataxic
  107. mixed
  108. Explain the prevalence of seizure disorders in the D.D. population.

Research Paper Guidelines (100 points)

Your research paper must be:

  • Typed, double spaced, in a normal typing font of 12 (Times New Roman or equivalent)
  • 1200 words minimum – 2000 word maximum (excludes cover page and bibliography)
  • Grammatically correct (spelling and grammar count)
  • Written in your own words (no copying from books or the internet)- paraphrased from valid sources (Wikipedia is NOT a valid source!)
  • Accompanied by a bibliography of 3-5 sources.
  • Writing with In-text citations. You must all include copies of the material that you used. Please use APA format
  • Submitted on time (5 points off for each late day –even if it is 1 second late!)
  • The research paper will be submitted to “turnitin.com” a resource that checks for plagiarism
  • Written to include the following:
  • Cover page (title page)
  • Introduction (to topic)
  • Name of condition / syndrome
  • Body of paper (should discuss the main points regarding the topic)
  • History of condition/ syndrome
  • Etiology (cause) of condition / syndrome
  • Clinical presentation? Signs? Symptoms?
  • How is it diagnosed? Special tests?
  • What is the impact on overall health?
  • What is the impact on intelligence?
  • What is the impact on behavior?
  • What are the current treatment modalities?
  • What are the major nursing concerns / focus?
  • What is the life expectancy?
  • What is the long-term potential?
  • Conclusion (summary of the main points of paper)
  • Bibliography (listing of resources used)
  • Proper writing mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation)

Due Date: January 31, 2014 at 11:59:59 PM

Register your iClicker: Do it before the 2nd day of class!

To register your iClicker:

Go to and follow the instructions. OR

Read and follow the instructions printed on the back of your iClicker.

Use the same first and last name you used to register for classes at PC.

Use your PC Student ID Number as your “Student ID.” Be sure to use the whole number including the @ and all zeros. For example: @00654321. Do not abbreviate. Be sure to use all numbers (do not use the letter O for zero).

The “Remote ID” is a code number printed on the back of YOUR PERSONAL iClicker.

Using Turnitin.com

This online source checks your paper for plagiarism, which is very helpful to instructors. It is very simple to use:

Go to

If you already have an account, simply log on and follow the instructions to add a class using the Class ID and password below.

If you do not already have a Turnitin account, follow the instructions for new users on the turnitin.com web page.

Follow the instructions to create a user

Enter your e-mail address

Create a password for yourself

Enter your first and last name (please use your name as it appears on my role)

Class ID: 7402804

Enrollment password: nursing (all lower caps)

Class Name: Developmental Disabilities Spring 2014

  • When it’s time to submit assignments:
  • Log in to Turnitin.com.
  • Click on the name of the class.
  • Click on “submit” with the square paper icon. You must submit the paper as a DOC, DOCX, or RTF documentto turnitin.com.
  • Follow the upload instructions for the first assignment.
  • (Note that TII cannot process documents uploaded in WPS format from MS Works – if you are using Works, you will need to save your documents as RTF files or simply use the cut and paste option when uploading.)
  • For all subsequent assignments, simply log in and pick the correct assignment to upload.

Elizabeth Keele: Class Syllabus DD Spring 20142/2/20191

Course Outline, Schedule and Assignments:

Date / Lecture Topics / Tests / Quizzes/ Assignments
Day 1
January 9 / The Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians: Course Objectives - #1 - 6
Day 2
January 10 / The Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians: Course Objectives - #7 - 19
Understanding Mental Retardation Ch. 1 / Quiz #1
Day 3
January 16 / The Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians: Course Objectives - #20 - 22
Understanding Mental Retardation Ch. 2 / Quiz #2 (includes chapter 1 of text book)
Research paper Topic Due (8:30 AM)
Day 4
January 17 / The Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians: Course Objectives - #23 – 29
Understanding Mental Retardation Ch. 3 / Quiz #3
Day 5
January 23 / The Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians: Course Objectives - #30 – 33 / Mid-term exam (Includes Ch. 1 & 2 of text book)
Research Sources & bibliography due
Day 6
January 24 / The Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians: Course Objectives - #34 & 35
Understanding Mental Retardation Ch. 9 / Quiz #4
Day 7
January 30 / The Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians: Course Objectives - #36 & 37 / Quiz #5 (includes Ch. 3 of Text book)
Day 8
January 31 / The Board of Vocational Nurses and Psychiatric Technicians: Course Objectives - #38 / Quiz #6
Research Paper Due (11:59 PM)
Final Exam
February 6 / Final Exam (Includes Ch. 1-3 & 9 of text book)
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Elizabeth Keele: Class Syllabus DD Spring 20142/2/20191