Fr. Kevin Schmittgens, Pastor

May 7 - 8, 2016


Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Web: Sunday: 8:00 & 10:00 am Email:


Rev. Kev’s Cell: 314.960.4745 Rich’s Cell: 636.283.8332

Rev. Kev’s Thoughts: “Wise and Otherwise”

Well, now that the cat’s out of the bag, it is time to get to work. At our last Parish Council meeting, we readied our Parish Profile. We were tasked, based on data, to come up with the ten assets our parish had as well as the ten deficits we saw. Today, I would like to talk about our strengths, because they are so bright. In reverse order: 10) We have a young parish. We have many more baptisms than funerals. We have a lot of kids and a lot of babies. We have a lot of young couples. That is our lifeblood. We need to make sure they all continue to thrive. 9) Our facilities are first rate. Our church, though old, is in good shape. We need some improvements, but it looks great. The rectory just got remodeled and, of course, our Parish Center is still in its infancy. 8) We carry a strong sense of tradition/heritage. Our heritage is what keeps us going. 7) We are a parish of self-starters, with a strong sense of self-reliance. We are your prototypical American parish. If someone sees a problem, they fix it. They don’t wait for the priest to act. 6) Our Parishioners like to work together. We have our moments, everyone does. But for the most part, our parish works hard. Just look around on Homecoming Day. 5) We pay our bills. We have gone from $850,000 in debt to $60,000 in debt in seven years. We can only wish the American government could do as well. This is a monument to the people of this parish. 4.) We have good participation at Mass. OK, when there is a new song, we fudge a bit, but give us Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, and you have auditions for American Idol. We respond strongly. 3.) Our PSR program connects to families. The Midnight Mass spectacular is awesome. Holy Thursday’s Washing of the Feet is great. And just wait for First Communion today. 2.) We have a wonderful family atmosphere. St. Joseph’s is a great place to pray, to play and to grow. And our number 1 asset is a good connection to children. Two words: high fives! Tell me what you think of our list. Let me know if you see things that we forgot, or you absolutely disagree with this. Next week, what we need to work on.

Quick Inspiration:

“The babe at first feeds upon the mother's bosom, but it is always on her heart.”

-Henry Ward Beecher

Excerpts from Mercy in the City by Kerry Weber

In the six weeks since he’s been taking the church history class, Johnny’s learned about topics from the Gospels to Roman emperors. He is learning about the Spiritual Exercise of St. Ignatius, which he has discovered he can relate to. “Some of the practices I’m learning are things I’d done on my own before I even was aware of the class or St. Ignatius. You can just place yourself into the prayers you’re doing or the meditations you’re doing. With the spirituality practices you can sort of put yourself there with Christ as he’s going through whatever he’s going through.” What he describes isn’t all that far off from what I experienced at Xavier a few days earlier at the Stations of the Cross. The universal nature of prayer never ceases to amaze me. Taking the classes has encouraged Johnny not just personally but also in the way he interacts with others around him. “In here there as so many people who seem to be discouraged or upset or angry, and what we’re learning from the church are ways that we can reach out to them, without so much trying to convert them to anything,” says Johnny. “Whether that’s giving them a sandwich or just talking to them in general to make them feel better; to let them know that even if they don’t have anybody on the street, there’s someone here they can talk to. Instead of recognizing them as another prisoner and just walking past them like robots, you can take the time to see if there’s something wrong with them and actually help them.” I think of people I’ve passed by. I think of the ways in which I’ve acted like a robot.

Holy Humor: There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.

A Bit of Useless Information: Julia Ward Howe, a Boston poet, encouraged the conducting of a peace rally by mothers, to convey the message of peace and harmony. The idea of mothers participating in the rally was that, they are the ones who have mainly suffered the pain of losing their near and dear ones.


Simple Secrets for Becoming Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: What is the difference between someone who has healthy habits and someone who doesn’t? It’s not ability. Anyone could choose to eat better foods or avoid unhealthy habits. It’s not inclination. Everyone would prefer being healthy to the alternative. It is, however, attitude. Specifically, an optimistic view of one’s ability to engage in healthy habits is the most important ingredient in actually following those healthy habits. Doctors conducted a study of recently pregnant women and found that the single best predictor of their eating and exercise habits after pregnancy was not their physical condition or their weight, but their belief in their ability to take care of themselves.

Fellow Parishioners:

Please continue to turn in your ACA Pledges either in the collection basket or directly to Jim Noelker. Thank you.

Neighboring Activities

An Open meeting for the Daughters of Isabella for May 10th will be a 'Meet and Greet' meeting for all ladies of the Parish. Come and see what we are all about. Doors will open at 7:00 at the KC Hall on Hwy 50. Refreshments will be served. Don't miss this fun and informational meeting. No reservation needed. Hope to see you there.

Help Wanted

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School in Dutzow is seeking a part-time teacher for the 2016-17 school year. This teacher will work mornings from 8:30 to 11:30 teaching 5th and 7th grade math and 7th grade English/Language Arts.

Applicants should be K-8 certified for the state of Missouri. Send resume to:

Mark Spann, Principal

St. Vincent de Paul School

13495 S. Highway 94

Marthasville, MO 63357

St. Gertrude’s YOTS-Senior Club (Young Old Timers Society)

Is planning their next Road Trip!

Thursday, June 23rd, your travels will take you to Kimmswick, Missouri. There you will visit the Economy Museum, the Mastodon State Historic Site Museum, and have lunch at the Blue Owl Restaurant & Bakery. The all-inclusive trip is $75 per person. Reservations have to be made before May11th. If you are interested please contact the St. Gertrude Rectory, 636-239-4216. This is open to everyone age 50 and up. You do not have to be a member to attend.

St. Joseph Events
Monetary Food Drive ~ The Wildcat Foodpack Organization provides free & nutritious food for eligible children to eat on the weekends.Their families have earned income below the poverty level and chances are their children will not eat a decent meal from Friday’s school lunch until Monday’s morning breakfast. This program, which is NOT funded by federal, state or local district resources, is fully funded from donations provided by concerned citizens.These children depend on YOU. Currently serving 100 kids in our area from K-5th grade. Tax-deductible donations can be placed in the church donation box under Mary’s watchful eye in the front of church April 30-May 8. If you need more information or have questions, please call Kelly at 314-973-0199 Thank you for your support!!! Checks should be made out to Wildcat Foodpack Organization.

Deanery 25th or 50th Anniversary Mass & Dinner beginning with Mass at 4 pm, Sunday, May 22nd at St Ann Clover Bottom. Also couples married over 50 years. No cost. Sign up in back of church by May 15th.

HELP NEEDED: The Dinner Auction Committee has had its first meeting to plan this year’s Dinner Auction which will take place on October 22nd. Save the date – it’s marked on our Church Calendar. We could really use some help from some of our younger parishioners. Our next meeting will be on May 24th at 7:00 p.m. If you would like to help, please come to that meeting so that we can assign you to a committee. Thanks. For more information contact any of our Committee Members: Gerry Donner, Robin Randolph, Brenda Bolzenius, Theresa Flagg, Theresa Straatmann, Cathy Grus, Jane Van Leer, Jessica Haynes, Janet Bolzenius, Cheryl Voss, Doug and Peg Schmidt, Jane Struckhoff, Betty Schmuke, Juanita Miner or Viola Schroeder