Porter Place Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Agenda

February 23, 2010

Unapproved Minutes

Meeting Location: 2548 Stoneview Road

Called to order: 7:05 pm

Board Members attending: All attending

Others in attendance: David Schoppert

Reports of the Board

President’s Report – Blyss Schoppert

Nothing new

Secretary’s Report – Paul Giles

Approval of Minutes from January 6, 2010 meeting

Treasurer’s Report – Matt Harkins

Nothing new

ARB Report /Violations

The board discussed how to review the neighborhood violations. When violations are given to the board from Specialty Management, each board member will check the violations on their street. Maria will be the point of contact for Specialty and once each board member reports back to Maria, Specialty will then receive final instructions on how to proceed on the violations.

Landscaping & Irrigation

The fountain continues to move away from the center. A solution will need to be figured, but currently has been tabled until further notice. There were dead fish in the pond from the cold snap, but all dead fish have been removed.

Neighborhood Watch

Maria and Karl are going to update the neighborhood roster.


Still need the 3 signs that were taken down from the guard house when it was repaired. Matt and Blyss are going to get them back up. Gates are working fine now. Dawn needs to find out about camera contract since it was not replaced by Waste Management when they made the repairs. Maria is going to follow up with Dawn about this.

Stormwater Management

Proxies and meeting notice was sent out to all the homeowners. Each board member is going to collect the proxies. Permitting will cost another $2159 and an additional $500 for a survey. The board decided to hold off on any other expenses related to this until we find out the results from the March meeting.

New Business

Past Dues – The board is going to post the names and lot numbers of anyone who is delinquent with their association dues on the website and also in the minutes. The board is actively working on collecting the late annual assessment amounts.

The Board agreed to have Specialty Management deactivate the gate clicker remote for any delinquent homeowner who has not paid their duesand does not have a payment plan. Also, deactivation will occur for those who are not up to date with their agreed payment plan. The delinquent home owners will still have access to the community with the use of the key pad.

Lights at Front Entrance

Board has approved to go with Palmer Electric to repair or replace the lights at the front entrance with a 1 year warranty for $670.

Other Discussion

Calendar of Events

Next Board meeting will be held:

First Christian Church 2565 E. Kaley March 18 at 7 pm

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at: 8:20 pm

ARB Meeting

Nothing new

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at: 8:21