Name ______

Parts of Speech Mini-Lessons

You will be working in groups of three to teach one of the following topics to the class:

1. nouns (Mrs. O) 5. verbs (helping/main/compound) 9. interjection/article

2. pronoun 6. adverb 10. conjunctions (FANBOYS)

3. adjectives 7. preposition 11. subject

4. verb (action/linking) 8. prepositional phrase 12. predicate

Circle the topic you have been assigned!

There are 4 required assignments:

1. PLAN: Write a plan that describes what you will do during the presentation. (lesson plan)


a. Create a SIMPLE overhead that defines/explains/gives example of the part of speech.

b. Create an overhead that practices identifying your part of speech (5-8 questions).

3. QUIZ: Write 5 quiz questions to be turned in—not presented. (Honors only)

4. PRESENTATION: 10-15 minutes

Lesson Plan/Overhead due: Monday, Sept. 26 Presentations: Block Sept. 28/29

SAMPLE Lesson Plan Format

Group members’ names
Lesson Plan: Capitalization
I. Objectives (2-3 objectives)
Students will be able to….
·  recognize words that should and should NOT be capitalized.
·  identify proper nouns.
II. Plan
In this section, you want to describe exactly what your group (the teachers) and the students will be doing on the day you present: Step-by-step description. You need to make sure you explain the info you will teach, which group member will teach each part, what the students will be doing, and how long each part will take. The presentation should be no longer than 10-15 minutes.
Here’s a sample:
“Part 1: Johnny will teach the 4 important rules for capitalization which are….” (Give the exact info you will teach here. Try and make it interesting; involve the students.) “Students will take notes from the overhead while Johnny explains.” (Don’t forget to give the students time to take notes.) “Time: 5 minutes”
Here’s the order of your lesson:
Part 1: Define/explain/answer question about assigned part of speech using overhead. Give
examples. Remind students to take notes. Keep notes short and SIMPLE.
Part 2: Overhead/worksheet—students practice what they learned from the transparency you have created.
Part 3: Review the answers after the students have completed the worksheet on the overhead.
III. Quiz Questions (five with answers)