September Newsletter 2017

CES Info line 339-7069

CES Website:

Communication is the key. A positive working relationship between home and school is beneficial to your child’s learning. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher to discuss any concerns/questions as they arise.

Dates to Remember:


Sept. 11th Breakfast in classrooms begins

Sept. 11th Hot Lunch Begins $2 per item

Sept. 12th Track and Field begins Gr. 3, 4 and 5

Sept. 13th Meet the teacher 5:45pm

Sept. 18th Afterschool Scrapbooking Begins Gr. 3, 4 and 5

Sept. 26th ½ Day for students – Dismissal is at 11:50

Sept. 29th School Wide Terry Fox Walk - $2

Oct. 11th School Picture Day w/ Harvey Studios

*Please remember we are a Scent Free/Peanut Free School*

“Friday Dismissals are at 11:50”


Hot Lunch Menu: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Corn on Cob Pizza Chicken Strips Garlic Slice

Canteen: Open daily at recess


Meet the Teacher:

On September 13th at 5:45pm, Chipman Elementary will have an “Open House” for families. This will be an opportunity to come to the school to meet your child’s teacher and to learn about your child’s school. We will be serving ice cream at 5:45pm sponsored by Robert’s Independent Grocer. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

School Supply Fee:

The teachers at CES have purchased the necessary school supplies for each of the students. Parents/Guardians are to pay the $40.00 fee by September 29th. If you require a payment plan please communicate with your child’s teacher to set it up.

Cool Cat Cross Country Running Club:

Students in grade 3, 4 and 5 are invited to join the afterschool fitness and running program. We begin on Tuesday, September 12 and end on October 17. Students wear outdoor sneakers and comfortable clothing for fitness activities and trail running. Program begins at 3pm and parents pick-up their child(ren) at 4pm. PLEASE NOTE: No cross country on Sept. 26th - no school in the afternoon for students.

Annual Terry Fox School Run:

Walk, run or wheel(chair) with us Friday, September 29th for our Terry Fox School Run Event. We raise funds for cancer research by asking each student to donate $2 as we continue to keep Terry’s dream alive. Celebrate the legacy of Terry Fox, remember our family and friends, and support survivors. The event will go rain or shine.

Health Note:

“Breakfast” our Brain Food: Breakfast has been proven to be one of the most important meals of the day. Children who start their day with a full belly will be hungry to learn and not hungry for food. As families prepare for the return to school, it’s important to get back into the routine of having a healthy well balanced breakfast. Try to include 3 out of the 4 food groups in your breakfast. This could be a slice of whole grain toast, piece of cheese and fruit or quick oatmeal with berries and yogurt.

Big Benefits of Breakfast:

-Increase in academic performance

-Better concentration and behavior

-Increase self-esteem and self-confidence which leads to positive interactions with peers and adults

-Better attitude towards school and learning

-More vitamin and mineral intake

-Healthy weights

Liz Bailey

For students and staff of CES


“Good citizenship means obeying the rules and working to make your

community a better place”