2009 California Department of Fish and Game Golden Trout Work Trips with Volunteers
Volunteers will be contacted and informed of any changes to the trip itinerary. The specific times and meeting places will be communicated to every volunteer that has signed up for an activity. The need for flexibility of schedule is important on some of these trips. We will do everything possible to communicate specific times and locations to all volunteers in a timely fashion.
Location note: All activities will take place in the Sierra NevadaMountains, at elevations ranging from 7,000 up to 12,000 feet. The weather is usually warm days with potentially very cold nights, and sometimes rain or snow. A good sleeping bag and rain gear is critical. For these high-elevation trips, altitude sickness is a possibility, so being well-rested, well-hydrated and becoming acclimated to the altitude prior to the trip by camping at the trailhead are essential.
Forms: It is required that every volunteer register for all of these activities. It is also important, in the event you have committed to a trip and your plans change, that you let us know if you will not be able to attend. A tremendous amount of planning goes into these trips, and there are people on waiting lists. It will also be necessary to fill out several forms, including special release forms for the time you are working on the project.
Little Kern Genetic Sampling in MaggieLakes and PecksCanyon
June 7-13 (Sunday - Saturday) – subject to delay due to road & trail conditions
Activity: Volunteers will assist CDFG with trout fin collection for genetic analysis using gill nets and flyrods. Volunteers will help to transport and set up equipment, net and catch fish, record data, and assist with camp chores. All crew members will be expected to arrive by Sunday afternoon, June 7th at the Summit Trailhead (8259' elevation, located east of Porterville) and give their gear to the packer so he can make up the loads Sunday afternoon. We will camp at the trailhead Sunday night. Monday morning we’ll hike 9.25 miles to the campsite at LowerMaggieLake (9025'). Volunteers must be fit, able to hike in rough terrain, carry up to 45 lbs in a backpack, and work at high altitude. Food and group equipment will be coordinated and purchased for the group by CDFG. Cost per person for food is estimated at $90.
What to bring: All of your own backpacking, camping and fishing gear. Also bring your own food for camping at the trailhead and the first day’s hike in. The mules will carry personal gear and the group food and cooking equipment. A detailed list and trip itinerary will be provided to confirmed participants.
Volunteers: Two volunteers needed.
Monache Meadow Fence Maintenance
June 20-21 (Saturday – Sunday)
Activity: Help maintain the fence and facilities at the DFGwildlife area and the USFS Olivas pasture to keep the cattle out and protect the habitat along the South Fork of the Kern River and Monache Creek. Pot luck and barbecue Saturday night (meat and homemade ice cream provided by the CDFG). Plan on a full work day and potluck dinner on Saturday, and 1/2 day of work on Sunday. Early morning and afternoon fishing for golden and brown trout on the South Fork of the Kern.
What to bring: Volunteers need to bring their own food, including a contribution for the potluck, and your own camping equipment. Be prepared for very cold nights and warm days. Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts and eye protection (sunglasses). Bring leather work gloves, pliers, and a VHF radio, if you have them. All other tools will be furnished.
The road into Monache requires four wheel drive vehicles with high clearance. We will coordinate car pooling in an effort to minimize the number of vehicles needed. Carpool space is often limited so if you have an appropriate four wheel drive vehicle, please offer to drive.
Volunteers: No limit, but please register to assist with our planning.
Backpack Trips
In past years, we have had mules available for carrying everyone’s personal gear as well as a large group camp set-up and hearty home-cooked meals. This year, because of budget limitations, we have to cut back on the number of mules and therefore, the weight and volume of our food and gear. Food (weight) and camp amenities will be reduced to more of a backpacking-style set-up. Volunteers will be required to carry in their own camping gear and sometimes their food in their personal backpacks. No personal gear will be sent on the mules. On some trips we will be able to plan food and cooking as a group and have the mules pack it in, but it will be lightweight and mostly non-perishable. On other trips, everyone will have to bring and carry their own food, stoves and cookware. See each trip description below regarding the food and kitchen arrangements.
Mulkey Meadow Fence Maintenance
July 6-10 (Monday - Friday)
InyoNational Forest coordinated trip. Details pending.
Groundhog Meadow Headcut Repair
InyoNational Forest coordinated trip. Details pending.
Population Estimates in Golden Trout Creek, Little Whitney Area
August 16-22 (Sunday - Saturday)
Background: The CDFG has established a number of trout population monitoring locations which are sampled by electrofishing on a regular basis (usually every 5 years). Trends in age, growth and size composition of the fishery can then be evaluated over time in relationship to changes in habitat. This area is in the Big Whitney cattle grazing allotment, which is being rested for 10 years. The monitoring data will be used to assist the InyoNational Forest in making a decision whether to continue to rest the allotment.
Activity: Volunteers will assist CDFG with trout population estimates at locations in Golden Trout Creek in the Little Whitney Meadow area. All must be fit, able to hike in rough terrain, carry up to 45 lbs in a backpack, and work long days at high altitude. After a 2-day, 14.5 mile backpack into the work area, volunteers will help to transport and set up equipment, net and transport fish, record data, and assist with camp chores. All volunteers will be expected to arrive by Saturday evening, Aug. 15th at Horseshoe Meadow (west of Lone Pine) and camp at the trailhead (9942' elevation) in order to become acclimated to the altitude. Sunday morning we will backpack 8 miles from Horseshoe Meadow at 9942' elevation, carrying 1 night’s food and camping gear,over TrailPass (10,480’)and camp at Tunnel Meadow (9050'). Monday we will continue to the campsite in Little Whitney Meadow at 8518', set up camp, and have some time for fishing. Food and group equipment from Monday dinner through Friday lunch will be coordinated and purchased for the group by CDFG. Cost per person for food is estimated at $90. The hike out can be done in one or two days, depending on individual preference.
What to bring: All of your own backpacking, camping and fishing gear. Also bring your own food for camping at the trailhead and the first day’s hike in. The mules will not be carrying any personal gear, but they will carry in the group food and cooking equipment. A detailed list and trip itinerary will be provided to confirmed participants.
Volunteers: Four volunteers needed.
Population Estimates in the South Fork Kern at Tunnel Meadow
August 24-28 (Monday - Friday)
Background: The CDFG has established a number of trout population monitoring locations which are sampled by electrofishing on a regular basis (usually every 5 years). Trends in age, growth and size composition of the fishery can then be evaluated over time in relationship to changes in habitat. This site is within the Big Whitney cattle grazing allotment, which is being rested for 10 years. The monitoring data will be used to assist the InyoNational Forest in making a decision on whether to continue to rest the allotment.
Activity: Volunteers will assist CDFG with trout population estimates at locations in the Tunnel Meadow area, by helping to transport and set up equipment, net and transport fish, record data, and assist with camp chores. All crew members will be expected to arrive at Horseshoe Meadow Trailhead (west of Lone Pine) by Sunday evening, Aug. 23, and camp at the trailhead in order to become acclimated to the altitude. Monday morning we will meet at the pack station at 7 a.m., and then backpack, carrying all of our personal gear, via TrailPassto the campsite at Tunnel Meadow. Volunteers must be fit, able to hike in rough terrain, carry up to 45 lbs in a backpack, and work long days at high altitude. The first day we will be hiking 8 miles from Horseshoe Meadow (9942' elevation), over Trail Pass (10,480’)to the campsite (9050'). Food and group equipment will be coordinated and purchased for the group by CDFG. Cost per person for food is estimated at $90.
What to bring:All of your own backpacking, camping and fishing gear. Also bring your own food for camping at the trailhead and the first day’s hike in. The mules will not be carrying any personal gear, but they will carry in the group food and cooking equipment. A detailed list and trip itinerary will be provided to confirmed participants.
Volunteers: Four volunteers needed.
South Fork Kern River and Strawberry Creek Brown Trout Monitoring
September 12 - 16 (Saturday – Wednesday)
Background: Templeton Barrier, at the lower end of Templeton Meadow, is a critical fish migration barrier, as it has successfully prevented non-native brown trout from moving upstream in the South Fork of the Kern River. Strawberry Creek has been identified as a potential route for brown trout to bypass the barrier under extreme high flow conditions. Surveys and brown trout removal are done here annually to reduce that threat.
Activity: This work party will monitor the trout population by electrofishing the South Fork Kern River at the Templeton Barrier. All brown trout caught will be removed. Volunteers will assist CDFG personnel with carrying gear, electrofishing and data collection, and will help with camp chores, work preparations, etc. All crew members will be expected to arrive by Friday evening, September 11th at the Blackrock Saddle Trailhead, and camp at the trailhead. Sunday morning we will gather at 7 a.m., carpool on the Monache Jeep Road to the Bakeoven Trailhead, and then backpack to the camp site at Strawberry Meadow. Volunteers must be fit, able to hike in rough terrain, carry up to 45 lbs in a backpack, and work long days at high altitude. The first day we will be backpacking 7miles from 7950' elevation toStrawberry Meadow (8570'). Food and group equipment will be coordinated and purchased for the group by CDFG and carried in by mules. Volunteers will not be able to send in any personal gear on the mules. Cost per person for food is estimated at $80.
What to bring: All of your own backpacking, camping and fishing gear. You must carry all of your personal gear in your backpack. Also bring your own food for camping at the trailhead and the first day’s hike in. A detailed list and trip itinerary will be provided to confirmed participants.
Volunteers: Four volunteers needed for this project.
Monache Meadow Fence Maintenance
October 3-4 (Saturday – Sunday)
Activity: Help take down the fence at the Monache Wildlife Area and Olivas Meadow for the winter. Volunteers will also assist with electrofishing the south fork Kern in the area near the Schaeffer Barrier.Early morning and late afternoon fishing for golden and brown trout in the South Fork of the Kern. Work full day Saturday, potluck dinner on Saturday night, complete any work to be done and drive out (fish) on Sunday.
What to bring: Volunteers need to bring their own food, including a contribution for the potluck, and your own camping equipment. Be prepared for verycold nights. Bring neoprene waders (if you have some), work gloves and pliers, all other tools will be furnished.
The road into Monache requires four wheel drive with high clearance. We will coordinate car pooling in an effort to minimize the number of vehicles needed. Carpool space is often limited so if you have an appropriate four wheel drive vehicle, please offer to drive.
Volunteers: 15 - 20 volunteers total.