Popcorn and Unit Budgets
A new twist in the 2015 Popcorn sale commission structure is 2% to units that sign up to sell AND submit a unit budget, by August 11th. The budget submission is new and is a great way to plan an ideal year of Scouting and increase sales.
Based on surveys and interviews by Trail’s End Popcorn with hundreds of Scout leaders across the country, as well as our own GMC survey of leaders and Popcorn Kernels, units that had a year round budget, for the most part, increased its popcorn sales. Green Mountain Council popcorn committee felt our Council should give it a try for a variety of reasons.
- A year round budget helps unit committees determine what the unit can or can’t do in the upcoming year.
- Budgets help determine how much money is needed to purchase program supplies, badges, pay for membership fees, training, etc. and how much will be needed from the pockets of the parents of the Scouts.
- Budgets help unit committees share with parents where the money comes from and how it is spent, which had a direct effect on the number of Scouts within the unit selling popcorn.
- Budgets allow unit committees and leadership to plan for big events like summer camp, high adventure, a trip to an amusement park or some other large budget event.
Units that have a strong popcorn sale can literally fund its entire year of Scouting with this one fundraiser. Here is how it works:
- Unit committee determines its budget for the year. Money in how, money out why.
- Unit leadership determines how much it will cost each family for his or her son to participate in all activities for the year. Number of families divided by total expenses.
- That dollar amount is calculated into the popcorn sale. For example, if a Scout sells $1000 worth of popcorn he can:
- Go to camp for ½ price
- Attend the big unit trip at no charge
- Have his Pinewood derby car paid for
When parents see the numbers and understand that with some sale work up front, mom and dad won’t have to shell out $10, $20 or $200 for some upcoming event. These incentives work! In addition, it allows the pack to provide other items, like badges of rank, activity pins, certificates of appreciation, etc., without having to do any other fund raisers. Popcorn sales can be the one big fundraiser that can finance the unit the entire year! However, it must all start with a BUDGET!
If your unit already has one, fantastic. Turn it in with the participation form and earn 2% commission right away. If not, get the unit leadership together and get started. It is a very important part of any successful and growing unit. It is also part of the Journey to Excellence requirements.
For more information on how to develop a budget or questions about the sale in general, contact the Scout Service Center in Waterbury at 802-244-5189 or email staff advisor Laurie Sneed at .
Thank you for being part of the sale of the best popcorn in the state!!
P.O. Box 557, Waterbury, VT 05676
(802) 244-5189 Fax (802) 244-5259