Whitehorse City Council celebrates our talented and diverse community.

Council is looking for performers to trial a new public space initiative in Box Hill.

How can individuals/groups participate?

Council is inviting expressions of interest from local performers to participate in a new public space initiative in Box Hill.

Performance may include singing, playing music, conjuring, juggling, puppetry, mime, dance or other suitable entertainment.

Expressions of Interest to perform will be considered on a number of criteria, including suitability for a small public space and based on a short audition / demonstration recording.

A number of short performance spots will be available for suitablesolo performers or groups looking to showcase their talent.

This information and Expression of Interest Application Form is for individuals / groups wishing to perform in a public space in Box Hill.

Important Information, Terms and Conditions:

  • Application forms must be completed in full and returned to Council by Friday 6 March 2015
  • Please ensure to provide all relevant details of performance, including number of performers, equipment, costumes, layout, set up/pack up time, performance duration, and previous performance experience.
  • Applicants will be advised of the status of their application by email by Friday 20 March 2015
  • Council may not be able to accept all expressions of interest or offer the full performance time requested.
  • Council’s decision on applications and allocation of performance times is final. No correspondence or comment will be entered into.
  • Scheduled performance times may be changed or cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • If your Expression of Interest is successful, your signed application form is your agreement to abide by Council’s terms and conditions.
  • All performers must be over the age of 12 years old.
  • Any performer under 18 years old must provide, with their application, a letter of support from a parent/guardian consenting to the individual’s performance in a public space in the City of Whitehorse. The letter must also state that the parent/guardian agrees to accompany the applicant to each and every performance.
  • Performers will not be paid and must not sell or offer or expose for sale any article or commodity.
  • Performers must comply with all directions given by an authorised officer of Council or members of the Victoria Police.
  • This initiative is to be held in a busy public space, so performances must be suitable for a ranging audience. All conduct must be positive and support the Council’s service to the community. Profanity/sexual innuendo/drug and alcohol references are not permitted. Behaviour that could be interpreted as racist, sexist or homophobic is not permitted.
  • Performers should always be neat and tidy in appearance and appropriately clothed. Preference will be given to performers who are dressed imaginatively and appropriately for their act.
  • No stage, amplification equipment or music playback facility will be available.Performers must not use a public address system, amplifier, or any electrical apparatus/device for the reproduction or amplification of sound. Extended brushes must be used on drums and brass instruments must be muted. Loud acts may be asked to lower their volume or cease performance.
  • Performers must not use any dangerous implements or materials such as knives, whips, swords etc. as part of the performance.
  • Balloons and glass bottles are not permitted at Whitehorse City Council events.
  • Any drawings, sketches or other artwork made on any footpath must be easily erasable in a non-permanent medium, such as chalk, charcoal or pastel, and must not be detrimental to the environment.
  • A copy of your Public Liability Insurance (PLI) must be submitted with your application. If you do not have PLI, Council may be able to cover you for the performance day.


Forms are due Friday 27 February, 2015

Name of Act:
Brief description of your act/group:
Contact Name:
Mobile: / Landline:
Email: / Website:
Postal Address:
(Include details of previous experience)
Preferred Length of Set: _____ minutes
No. of people/performers (approx.): _____
Age of Performers:______
Technical requirements: e.g. Equipment, costumes, layout, set up/pack up time
Please note: No stage, amplification equipment or music playback facility will be available. Performers must not use a public address system, amplifier, or any electrical apparatus/device for the reproduction or amplification of sound. Extended brushes must be used on drums and brass instruments must be muted. Loud acts may be asked to lower their volume or cease performance.
Please attach a copy of your Public Liability Insurance (PLI) to your application.


Participant Name:

I, ______(age ______) agree to abide by all of Whitehorse City Council’s terms and conditions.
(Parent / Guardian if under 16)
Sign: ______Date: ______


Participant Name:

I, ______(age ______) give authorisation for my photo / image to be used in any City of Whitehorse or third party printed or online publication for the purpose of promoting or highlighting Council work or activities in perpetuity.
(Parent / Guardian if under 16)
Sign: ______Date: ______
Please return forms to:
Daniel Vincent-Smith
Box Hill Activity Centre Manager
Tel: 03 9262 6269
Post: Locked Bag 2 Nunawading DC VIC 3131
PRIVACY NOTIFICATION: The information requested on this form is being collected for the purpose of organising the community performance. The information will be used solely by Council for that primary purpose or directly related purpose and will not be disclosed to any other party except as required by law. Should enquiries be received after the initiativeregarding your performance, these will be forwarded on to you.

Pop-up Performance EOI February 2015 Page 1 of 3