Greater Reston Newcomers & Neighbors Club

“The Friendly Word”

Serving Northern Virginia

-October 2011-


October 20, 2011

3rd Thursday, Oct. 20

Thursday @ 10:00 AM



Susan Ragland703-437-0784

Fall in love with the interesting history of our region as award winning Civil War author, Chuck Mauro,joins us for our October General Meeting. In honor of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, Chuck will share some of the fascinating local history and stories from the battlefield that have made his books so successful.

Mr. Mauro is the author of five books including, The Civil War History of Fairfax County: Civilians and Soldiersand The Civil War Album of Laura Ratliffe. He received the coveted Nan Netherton Heritage Award for his historical research, writing and photography of The Battle of Chantilly (Ox Hill), A Monumental Storm. Chuck is the Director and co-producer of the documentary Mosby's Combat Operations in Fairfax County, as well as the writer and co-producer of the movieThe Battle of Chantilly (Ox Hill).

Chuck is a wonderful speaker whose presentation willentertain and educate. His books will be available for purchase - a great opportunity to get a head start on your holiday shopping! I hope you'll join us!


Reston Community Center – Lake Anne

(Jo Ann Rose Gallery)


From the North from Reston Parkway: Drive South onReston Parkway. Turn left on to Baron Cameron (Home Depot). Continue .7 miles and take a right on to Village Road, take a left on to North Shore Dr. and an immediate right intoWashington Plaza. The Community Center is located across from the Millennium Bank at 1609A Washington Plaza.

From the South from Reston Parkway:Drive North onReston Parkway. Turn right on to Baron Cameron and follow the above directions.


Dear Members,

Our new VP of Programs, Susan Ragland, has lined up some very interesting speakers for us this year. I hope you’ll join us on October 20 to hear Charles Mauro speak.

Thank you to Allison Marshak and Virginia Gonzalez for starting and chairing 3 of our new activities being offered this fall! There will be signup sheets at the meeting for the Joy of Singing, a Canasta group and a conversational Spanish group.

If you haven’t heard, the game of MahJongg has caught on like wildfire! We are taking names for one or more MahJongg groups to be formed. If you have an interest in starting a group for a new activity or another group of an existing activity we will help you get it up and running. Currently we are looking for someone to chair a Bunco group. If you’d like more information please contact Janet Findley.

Jan Anderson




DATE:Friday, December 9, 6:00-10:00 PM

WHERE:Hidden Creek Country Club

This year’s GRNNC Gala Holiday Party will have a “Gala” theme. There will be a wonderful buffet with a delicious selection of food. We plan to have a DJ playing music from the 50’s - 80’s. The dress is cocktail/suits or formal attire. So, get ready to bring your dancing shoes and rock the night away! See you there!!



DATE:Thursday, December 15,11:00 AM WHERE:McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant

Reston Town Center

We will again meet at McCormick & Schmick’s to celebrate the season with fine food and entertainment. It is a wonderful time of the year to get together and enjoy the company of new friends and old. We hope you can join us!!

In keeping with the Season of Giving, we will again be donating children's books to volunteer organizations in Fairfax County. Please bring a new children's book with gender & appropriate age listed on the wrapping. Thank you for your generosity.

WelcomeNew Members!
Kathryn Day

11288 Spyglass Cove Lane

Reston, VA 20191


Cheryl Treglown

21071 Hooded Crow Drive

Leesburg, VA 20175


CORRECTION: Cindy O'Kane’s e-mail:


Sue Ann McNamara703-476-6240

Ann Herlich703-481-1458

Important Reminder: If you would like to have your information listed in the 2011-2012GRNNCdirectory, you must send in your completed membership form, along with your check in the amount of $30.00, by September 30. We will also accept forms and checks at the General Meeting on September 15th. If your dues are not paid by the 30th, you will not receive the November newsletter.

Thank you to those who have already mailed in your dues for this season.

If you know of someone who is interested and would like additional information, have her contact us by phone or visit our website at

Make check payable to: Greater Reston Newcomers and Neighbors Club. Please send your $30.00 check and the membership form to:


P.O. Box 3104

Reston,VA 20195-1104

Checks due by September 30,2011

Member News

Betty Reed 703-727-4737


We would like to wish a fond farewell to two of our members who are moving: Doris Bessor is moving to Colorado and Margot Richter is returning to Ohio. We have enjoyed your friendship and will miss you!

We wish Fred Precht, Ursula’s husband, a speedy recovery from his surgery.


Please contact me, preferably by e-mail, if you or anyone you know needs a get well wish, a word of cheer, congratulations, or sympathy.Thank you!


Elaine Campbell571-203-9161

I hope to see many of you, new members as well as long-time members, at our October GetAcquainted Coffee.It's an opportunity tocatch up on club news and mingle ina friendly, relaxed setting.

DATE:Wednesday, October 12

TIME:10:00 AM

HOSTESS:Karen Brennan

104 Arbor Oak Place

Herndon, VA

RSVP:Please call or email Karen at:

703-433-1668 or

OCTOBER Board Meeting

Date: Tuesday, October 4

TIME:9:45 AM

HOSTESS:Ann Herlich

2780 Melchester Dr.

Oak Hill, VA

Please call Jan Andersonif you cannot attend (703-787-0398).



YulanGuoOctober 2

SueAnn McNamara October 2

Theresa BebliOctober 3

Alicia Stage October 4

Roxane Hughes October 7

Kay VakericsOctober 14

Alexandria Eadie-FriedmannOctober 20

Susan GershonOctober 23

Myrna SheproOctober 27


Sandra MacDougall703-362-5027

Thanks to all who have helped with distribution of the GRNNC Flyers.You can callor send me anemail anytime if you would like flyers for distribution. Also, don't hesitate to suggest places for distribution. Please help spread the word about our great Club.


Opening Balance – 6/01/2011: $5,399.05


Membership Dues 1,080.00

Special Events (BBQ) 780.00

TOTAL INCOME $1,860.00


VA corporation registration 25.00Lake Ann Gallery 551.25

Special Events Food (BBQ) 446.25

Website 76.74


Closing Balance – 8/31/2011: $6,159.81

Janice Shea703-620-2924



Ladies, I would like to remind you that in October and November I will be collecting hearty Thanksgiving food for our neighbors in need.
Some suggested items are: box of mashed potatoes or mac and cheese, bag of rice, canned vegetables and large cans of juice. A gift card of $25.00 to a food store is always welcome.

Also, remember you can always bring toiletries, foodstuff and linens to the General Meetings and Coffees.


Thursday, Oct. 13

Send articles to:

Terry Morrow


Janet Findley703-481-2579

Remember to take advantage of all our club has to

offer and start attending the different activity groups! Give the Chair a call and make arrangementsto attend an activity. This is a great way to find friendswith the same interests.


Lillian Brodeur703-437-1723

Please shareyour interest with this fun-loving group, be it knitting, crocheting, or embroidery, just to name a few specialties. We meet on the first Thursday of every month at 1PM.

DATE:Thursday, October 6

TIME:1:00 PM

HOSTESS:Pepper Buckley

11298 Spyglass Cove Lane

Reston, VA

Please RSVP to Pepper () or Lillian if you plan to attend. Hope to see you then.


Betty Murray 703-796-1212

DATE: Tuesday,October 11

TIME: 1:00 PM

HOSTESS:Janice Shea

2570 John Milton Drive



Second Tuesday Bridge is a two-table intermediate

bridge group that plays once a month. Anyone

interested in substituting or joining our group, please

contact Betty Murray.


Allison Marshak703-709-7741

DATE: Thursday, October 13, 12NOON

BOOK: Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand

by Helen Simonson

LEADER: Karen Brennan

HOSTESS:Marilyn Eckels

11606 Foxclove Road

Reston, VA

Please RSVP to Marilyn at 703-860-8630.


Claudette Chenevert 703-437-3177

DATE: Tuesday,October 18, 1:00PM

BOOK: Digging to America

byAnne Tyler

LEADER: Doris Bessor

PLACE: La Madeleine Restaurant

Spectrum 1, Reston

Please call or emailElaine Campbell (571-203-9161) or ()to RSVP.


Julie Aurora 703-478-6911

DATE:Monday, October 3, 11:00 AM

BOOK:Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

by James Ford

PLACE:La Madeleine Restaurant

Spectrum 1, Reston


Pepper Buckley:
Roberta Livingston:

Casual Dining is a group of singles and couples meeting at 6 PM onthe 4th Saturday of the month. Each householdbrings amenu item to share. The hostess provides the main course. The rest bring salad, appetizer, vegetable, dessert, bread, and other side dishes. Please email Pepper if you want to participate this year.

Great eating--even greater camaraderie !!!

DATE:October 22, 6:00 PM

HOSTS:Margaret and Rick Nichols

12617 Bayard Drive

Reston 20191

MENU:Potluck BBQ – chicken & steak

It's BYOB and each person contributes $5/meal to defray costs to the hostess.

Please email Pepper if you plan to attend and tell her what you'd like to bring. The week before the event, she will get back to you with the number of persons planning to attend.


Margaret Nichols 703-834-0468

DATE:Saturday, October 15, 8:00 PM

COST: $15.00 per person

HOST:Joanne Esposito

12618 Bayard Drive, Reston VA

RSVP:to Joanne byOctober 9, 2011

r 703-437-3996

This group usually meets in the evening on the

3rd Saturday of the month at a *member’s home.

The host selects and sets up the wines for tasting.

Coffee, tea and dessert are generally served following the tasting. In order for the host to prepare please

RSVP by the date indicated. (*Hostess may select another location for the Tasting.)


Sigrid Nelson703-404-2796

Ursula Precht703-726-8797

Luncheon Delight is a lively group of women that meet every month in a member’s home. We share in the cost and help the hostess prepare, serve and clean up. We’d love to have you!

DATE:Thursday, October 27, 12 NOON
HOSTESS:Susan Ragland
1309 Stamford Way Reston, VA
RSVP:Please call Susan by Saturday, October 22 and let her know what you would like to bring. (703-437-0784 or )

The theme for our October Luncheon is Fall Favorites.
Space is limited, so please call early.


REMINDER for September Luncheon:

DATE: Thursday, September 22, 12 NOON

HOSTESS: Jan Anderson

13244 Middleton Farm Ln

Herndon, VA 20171

RSVP: Please call Jan at 703-787-0398

Space is limited. Lunch will be a Scandinavian smorgasbord.


Betty Reed703-727-4737

We visit various restaurants, some new ones as well as old favorites. Separate checks are issued. Sometimes we gather afterwards in a home for more conversation and dessert. Hope to see you!

DATE:Friday, October 28, 6:30 PM

PLACE:Dante Restaurant (private room)

1148 Walker Rd., Great Falls

Restaurant phone: 703 759-3131

RSVP BY: September 24, 4:00 PM

To make a reservation, please call 703-727-4737 and leave a message or send an e-mail to: . Please put “Destination Dinner” in the Subject line.

Please let me know if you’d like to invite us to your home afterward for dessert.


Margie Kohlberg703-481-8566

The Ladies Luscious Luncheon Group meets the last Tuesday of each month. We meet at various restaurants where we can enjoy good times, laughter and have a pleasant lunch with “new” and “old” friends.

DATE:TUESDAY, October 25, 12:30 PM

PLACE:Market Street Bar & Grill

1800 Presidents Street

(Reston Town Center)

RSVP:Please call Margie by

Sunday, October 23


REMINDER for September Luncheon – DATE CHANGE:

DATE:TUESDAY, September 27, 12:30 PM


Lake Anne Plaza

RSVP:Please call Margie by

Sunday, September 25


Karen Brennan703-433-1668

DATE:Thursday, October 6, 9:30 AM

PLACE:Dumbarton Oaks


Admission is $8 for adults, $5 seniors. We will tour the house and/or gardens, and then head over to Serendipity 3, the famous NYC ice cream parlor that opened here recently for some of their famous Frrozen Hot Chocolate (they also offer the World's Most Expensive Hot Dog). While it's not a bargain, if it's anything like the original, it's unforgettable!
Meet in front of Starbucks in North Point Shopping Center at 9:30 AM. Please call if you would like to go (and let me know if you are willing to drive), as I need to arrange car pools. If you are a passenger, you should give your driver $5 towards gas. The cost of parking in Georgetown will also be shared.


Contact Information

Please email Terry Morrow, Newsletter Editor, with civic and/or recreational information to include on this page.

Please contact Jan Anderson with suggestions, comments, or concerns about this page.

Community Websites:

Reston Association:

Reston Community Events:

Herndon Community Center:

Fairfax Connector (Bus):

Reston Town Center

Fairfax County Government:

Important Phone Numbers and websites:

INOVA Fairfax Hospital: (703) 776-3626

Reston Community Center (Hunter’s Woods):

(703) 476-4500

Reston Hospital (703) 689-9000

Reston Police Department: (703) 478-0904

Reston Post Office: 703) 689-9874

LINK Bus Service: 703-435-5465 (Local)

Washington METRO Transit: (202) 962-5680

The Greater Reston Newcomers and Club does not endorse or sponsor any commercial enterprise or profit making venture. The club does not endorse any religious, political, or business pursuits. Club members may not use the organization to advertise their own business.

Check out this website for information on local events, coupons and saving, restaurants, shopping, etc.



RESTON Farmer’s Market Sats 8:00AM-Noon thru October 29 Lake Anne Village Center

Elden Street Players – 2011-12 Season Tickets on Sale

Reston Community Players – 2011-12 Season Tickets on Sale

Ushers and seamstresses needed!


Chicken Dumpling Cooking Demo Sat, Sept 17 9:00AM

Reston Town Center at Big Bowl – learn to cook dumplings with Chef Oscar Huerta FREE – sign up at restaurant or call 703 787-8852

Singles Saturday at IL Fornaio Bar Sat, Sept 17 2-4PM Reston Town Center - 5 Italian wines paired with 5 Italian Artisan Cheeses. $30 per person 703 437-5544

Celebration of the Jaguars (car show) Sept 18 10:00AM - 2:00PM Reston Town Center 571 213-1847

Book Sale Reston Regional Library (Friends’ Night Tues Sept 21 5:30-7:00PM) – Open to Public Sept 22-23 10-5; Sept 24 10-4; Sept 25 1-3PM - 703-829-5467

Walk to End Alzheimer’s & Candlelight Rally Sun,

Sept 25 5:00PM Reston Town Pavilion

INOVA Blood Drive Tues, Sept 27 12 -7:30PM

Bloodmobile located beside Pavilion –onsite registration -

1 866-256-6372 or

(Monthly 4th Tuesday of the month)

Sr Movie Day Wed, Sept 28 10:00AM Reston Town Center Bow Tie Cinema – doors open at 9:30AM RA presents feature film, refreshments and door prizes prior to the movie.


Reston Community Players - October 14-Nov. 5

“The Drowsy Chaperone”

Center Stage – Reston Community – 2310 Colts Neck Rd, Reston 703 476-4500

Hollywood is Dead Sat, Oct 1 thru Nov 1– Reston Town Center – re imaginings of Hollywood movie posters and images, from the silver screen 703 478-0778

Oktoberfest Fri, Oct 7 3-11PM Sat Oct 8 11:00AM – 11: PM and Sun Oct 9 12-8PM Reston Town Center Pavilion food, live entertainment, children’s rides and more

10th Annual Reston Home Tour – Saturday, Oct 15

10:00AM – 5:00 PM - Tour six outstanding private homes throughout Reston and visit the historic Delong Bowman House – For tickets and more information:

Neighborhood Watch Conference – Saturday, Oct 1510:30AM – 3:30PM Reston Association, 12001 Sunrise Valley, Reston – learn about neighborhood watch, see police safety and rescue equipment – brought to you by Fairfax County Policy Dept and Reston Association

Singles Saturday at IL Fornaio Bar Sat, Oct 15 2-4PM Reston Town Center - 5 Italian wines paired with 5 Italian Artisan Cheeses $30 per person 703 437-5544

“A Midsummer’s Night Dream” – Elden Street Players – Fri, Sat and Sun – beginning Oct 21 – thru Nov 3- $25 per ticket

Apple Picking: Crooked Run Orchard, - 37883 E. Main Street, Purcellville 540 338-6642

Silhouettes in a Snap – Friday Oct 21 11:00AM – 3:00 PM – The Dandelion Patch @ Reston Town Center– Keith Donaldson, famed silhouette artist will do silhouette of children – children sit for 3 minutes – Price range $12-55 Appointment required register at for information:

INOVA Blood Drive Tues, Oct 23– 12-7:30PM

Bloodmobile located beside Pavilion –onsite registration -

1 866-256-6372 or

Sr Movie Day Wed, Oct 26 10:00AM Reston Town Center Bow Tie Cinema – doors open at 9:30AM RA presents feature film, refreshments and door prizes prior to the movie

Trick or Treating at the Reston Town Center – Sat,

Oct 29 12:00-4:00 PM

Halloween Monday at IL Fornaio – Mon Oct 31 4:30 PM to 12:00AM – happy hour priced beverages to all in costume – DJ Juice presents upbeat dance music 703 437-5544

Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
2 / 3
Monday Morning Books / 4
Board Meeting / 5 / 6
Daytime Needlecraft
Travel Treks / 7 / 8
9 / 10 / 11
Second Tuesday Bridge / 12
Get Acquainted Coffee / 13
Book Remarks
Newsletter Deadline / 14 / 15
Wine Tasting
16 / 17 / 18
Page Turners / 19 / 20
Casual Dining
23/30 / 24/31 / 25
Ladies Luscious Luncheons / 26 / 27
Delight / 28
Destination Dinner / 29

2011 - 2012 Board

*Executive Board


*Jan Anderson703-787-0398

1st VP - Programs:

*Susan Ragland703-437-0784