For those entering Pony Club dressage competitions, here are a few points to note. Please remember this is a précis only; the full rules for each Pony Club activity can be found in the Pony Club rule books for the different disciplines, published each year, cost £3.00 each). All the Dressage Tests in current use can be found in the rule book. Copies of rule books can be obtained from the DC, or can be downloaded from the Pony Club web-site.


The Pony Club expects competitors to wear plain dress. Any extra detail will be marked down in a tack and turnout competition. New equipment is not expected, but what is worn must be clean, neat and tidy.

1) Hats must be to standards PAS015:1998, EN 1384:1996, BS EN

1384:1997, Snell E2001 or AS/NZS 3838:1998 or 2003 (all with CE mark

and a quality symbol). All hats must be fitted with a Pony Club tag. Hats

with long ventilation slits are not allowed for members over 9 years old.

Chin straps should be fastened at all times whilst mounted, including prize

giving. If the chinstrap comes undone whilst riding, or the hat comes off, it

must be replaced and correctly fastened before continuing. Hat silks must

be dark blue or black. Hairnets should be worn.

2) Jackets should be tweed with a Pony Club tie or a stock, or navy

blue or black with a Pony Club tie or white or cream stock. Competitors

may work-in without a jacket, providing their shirt is fastened at the neck

and has long or short sleeves, and that a stock or tie is worn.

3) Breeches must be light coloured. Black or brown half chaps or gaiters

may be worn with jodhpur boots of the same colour (no tassels).

4) Spurs may only be worn with the approval of the DC. Written authority

must be carried by those members without B test.

5) Footwear must be standard riding or jodhpur boots with a smooth, fairly thin

sole and a well-defined square-cut heel.

6) Jewellery is not allowed for safety reasons (only a watch, wedding ring, stock pin worn horizontally, or a tie clip are permitted).

7) Gloves (any colour) must be worn.

8) Body protectors may be worn.

9) At prize-giving competitors must be correctly dressed in their competition riding clothes. If mounted, tack must be within the rules of the competition.


The Pony Club expects competitors to wear plain saddlery. Any extra detail will be marked down in a tack and turnout competition. New equipment is not expected, but what is worn must be clean, neat and tidy.

1)Saddles must be brown or black, with white, cream or dark coloured girth.

2)Bridles must be of plain black or brown leather, without white piping. Bitless bridles are not allowed.

3)Saddle cloths, including ‘polypads’ should be white, cream, navy, brown or black, with no logo.

4)Stirrups should be the correct size for the rider’s boots, and should have ¼” clearance at either side.

5)Only snaffle bits are permitted (except for the Introductory Test). Bit guards are not allowed. For complete details of permitted bits see the rule book.

6)Martingales and split, running, check, or draw reins are not allowed.

7)Bandages and/or boots are allowed for working-in but not during the test.

8)Neck straps are allowed for working-in but not during the test.

9)Fly fringes and ear-covers may be worn for working-in but not for the test, except for summer competitions outdoors. Nose-nets may be worn for working-in and for the test. See rule book for complete details.

10)Nosebands : either cavesson, drop or flash must be worn. Grackle nosebands are permitted only for eventing. Nosebands must be correctly fitted, must not cause discomfort, and must not include chain or rope.

11)Whips, if used, may be of any length. They may not be picked up if dropped during a test. Whips are not allowed in horse trials dressage at Area level or above. Misuse of the whip will result in elimination.

12)Stallions must wear bridle tags.

GENERAL: 1) Manes should be plaited, and tails preferably plaited or pulled.

2)Pony Club badges and hair nets should always be worn.

3) Unseemly behaviour (including bad language) on the part

of competitors, parents, officials or supporters, may be penalised by

disqualification of the Branch, and suspension for up to 3 years.

4) Tests may be commanded at branch level, but not at Area or Championship

level, or for Eventing (levels 2-5).

5) On the day of competition ponies/horses may be ridden only by their

competitor, or, in exceptional circumstances, and with the permission

of the official steward, by another member of the same team. Horse, or

horse and rider, may be lunged by a third party.

6) Fall of horse or rider, or dismounting for any reason during a test, will not

result in elimination, but will be penalised in the marks for that movement.

7) A horse failing to enter the arena within 60 seconds of the bell, or refusing

to continue the test for 20 consecutive seconds, will be eliminated.

8) Any outside assistance during the test will result in elimination of the

competitor (apart from reading of the test where this is allowed in the rules

of the competition).

9) Use of the voice will be penalised for each movement in which it occurs.

10) Any unusual decoration of the horse such as glitter or ribbons is not

permitted (a red ribbon in the tail is permitted for horses that may kick).