REVISED 9/29/2000

Sheraton Safari, Orlando, Florida: MARCH 30 – APRIL 2, 2001


POM-2001 Conference


General Chairs

Martin Starr

Crummer Graduate School of

Business, Rollins College

Jim Gilbert

Crummer Graduate School of

Business, Rollins College

Program Chairs

Bill Youngdahl

Thunderbird (AGSIM)

Elizabeth Rosenberg

Blue Harbor Consulting

International Committee Chair

Sushil Gupta

Florida International University

Doctoral Consortium Chair

Geoffrey Parker

Tulane University

Exhibits Coordinator

L. Drew Rosen

UNC - Wilmington

Program Consultant

Marilyn Smith

Chair , POM - 2000

Winthrop University

Local Arrangements Chair

Jennifer Janette

Premier Convention Services

POM-2001, the twelfth annual conference of the Production and Operations Management Society will convene in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., from March 30 (Friday) to April 2 (Monday), 2001. The theme of the conference - POM Mastery in the New Millennium - reflects the rapid changes occurring in our POM field.

Plenary Sessions: Special plenary sessions, organized by Martin Starr and Jim Gilbert of the Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, will address POM Mastery in The New Millennium. These plenaries will be noteworthy and remarkable.

Contributed Papers: Contributed papers on all topics related to teaching, research, and POM Mastery in the New Millennium are invited. The deadline for submissions of abstracts is OCTOBER 15, 2000. There is no abstract submission fee. Please see the abstract submission information page for instructions.

DOCTORAL STUDENTS CONSORTIUM: The Doctoral Student Consortium provides an excellent opportunity for career development and networking with prominent academicians and practitioners. Please send a current vita and one-page research statement to the Doctoral Consortium Chair.

CONFERENCE VENUE: The conference will be held at the Sheraton Safari in Lake Buena Vista located in close proximity to Walt Disney World and Epcot Center. The hotel room rates per night are $129.00 (single/double), $159.00 (junior suites) and $179.00 (deluxe suites). For information about the hotel or local attractions, contact Jennifer Janette - Local Arrangements Chair.

DISNEY WORLD RECEPTION: Mr. Lee Cockerell, Vice President of Operations, Walt Disney World, is pleased to announce that Disney World will host a reception on Sunday evening April 1, 2001, at one of the happiest places around: Pleasure Island. The location will be in one of the clubs along the waterfront boardwalk.

ORLANDO ATTRACTIONS: Orlando provides an array of attractions that include the Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Studios, Sea World, Church Street Station and Kennedy Space Center. For those who are returning to Orlando, Universal Islands of Adventure, City Walk, Animal Kingdom and Disney Quest located in Downtown Disney, are among the newer attractions that await you in the Vacation Capital of the World. This conference truly provides an opportunity for family vacation.

THE CASE COMPETITION: Indiana University CIBER is pleased to announce the third CIBER International Case Writing Award in the amount of $2500. For additional information contact Roger Schmenner at (317-274-2481). More details will be posted here soon.

WICKHAM SKINNER AWARDS: Wickham (Wick) Skinner - our POM Guru, is pleased to announce three gifts of $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000 for the POMS-Orlando conference. The Wickham Skinner Awards aim to recognize Excellence in Contributions to the POM field. Details of the awards are posted here.