
Provision for Disabled pupils


This policy deals with physically disabled pupils.


2.1 The 2001 SEN and Disability Act stipulates that it is imperative that the body responsible for the school takes any reasonable measures to ensure that disabled pupils and prospective disabled pupils are not placed at a significant disadvantage compared to those who are not disabled. The Act also stipulates that the body responsible for a school discriminates against a disabled child if it fails to take reasonable measures without justification, and that the child consequently loses out. This is often referred to as the reasonable adjustments duty.

2.2 The law does not note what is reasonable. This will depend on all the circumstances of an individual case.

2.3 Deciding not to provide education for a pupil in the mainstream should not be taken lightly – against the wishes of parents or the carers. The only instance when refusing to provide mainstream education to a disabled child or young person can be justified is if that impaired the education of other children or young people and that there are no practical measures that the school or LEA could take to avoid that.

3. Mission statement

Gwynedd Schools Service will respond in accordance with its statutory responsibility.

4. Statutory Framework

4.1 2001 SEN and Disability Act

4.3 2002 Code of Practice for Schools (Disability Commission)

4.4 2004 Children’s Act

4.5 1996 Education Act

5. Basic Principles

5.1 There should be no discrimination on grounds of disability when providing education and training for children and young people.

6.Aims of Gwynedd Schools Service

6.1 In accordance with the legal requirement, the Schools Service provides mainstream education for disabled pupils.

Within this context, the schools service will act resaonably within the following considerations:

  • Would implementing the action successfully achieve the aim and objective
  • To what extent is the action practical for the maintained school or the LEA
  • What measures have already been taken to facilitate the child or the young person’s inclusion and how effective were they
  • The financial and resource implications
  • To what extent would the implementation measures impact the school.

6.2 Schools Service has allocated adjustments for schools such as lifts to facilitate access to appropriate activities at the school.

6.3 In accordance with the Act’s requirements, the LEA will carry out strategic planning to make all the maintained schools more accessible for disabled pupils over time. It is imperative that the LEA accessibility strategies deal with:

  • Enhancing opportunities for disabled pupils to participate in the school curriculum.
  • Improve the school’s physical environment for disabled pupils
  • Improve the method used to transfer the information provided in writing for other pupils to disabled pupils

7. Duties of a School Governing Body

7.1 Ensure that the school does not discriminate on grounds of disability when providing education for pupils.

7.2 Ensure that disabled pupils have full access to the curriculum and to suitable activities held at the school.

8. Responsibility of School Head teachers

8.1 It is imperative that a School Head teacher ensures that a disabled pupil is not discriminated against compared to somebody who is not disabled. This involves ensuring

  • Enhancing opportunities for disabled pupils to participate in the school’s curriculum
  • Improving the school’s physical environment for disabled pupils
  • Improve the method for transferring written information for provided in writing for other pupils to disabled pupils.

Work with other agencies

Ensure that staff show sensitivity towards a pupil’s condition

Ensure that a pupil with a disability is not isolated e.g. at Physical Education lessons.

