Dear Parents,

In Social Studies, we are studying the different regions and environments of the Native Americans who first settled in the Americas. Throughout the unit we will be studying the following cultural regions: the Artic region, Northwest Coastal region, California-Intermountain region, Southwest region, Plateau region, Great Plains region, Eastern Woodlands region, and the Southeast region.

With that in mind, I am calling on you for help!!! I am requesting that each student create a 3-D display of one of the regions we are studying. This display should include the following:

q  The environment (mountains, desert, ice, mesas, canyons, flatlands, rolling hills, grasslands, swamps, etc.

q  The home in which they lived in (wood, teepees, underground, wigwams, igloos, animal skin tents, etc)

q  Artifacts that were made by this group (clothes, tools, totem poles, jewelry, clay pots, baskets, etc.)

q  Type of food available (fish, salmon, seals, whales, berries, animals, big game, crops, roots, etc)

q  Any other important details that you want to include.

** you may use pages 21-37 in the History Alive book to assist you and your child with this project however, you may need to do some additional research in order to get a good idea of what some of these regions really looked like and some of the available resources.

Be Creative!!!

Projects will be due in four weeks, on the date of Wednesday, October 10th. You may begin bringing projects in during any time between now and then. I appreciate your help with this project!

Students + Teachers + Parents = Success


Mrs. VanHook J

Native American Region


q  20 pts. Region labeled with a brief description of region: environment, home, food, and artifacts of this region.

q  20 pts. Display includes a model of the regions environment. (ex. Grasslands, deserts, mountains, arctic ice fields)

q  20 pts. Display includes the Native American home of this region. (ex. Teepee, wood home, pueblo, underground, wigwam, chickee, etc.)

q  20 pts. Display includes different foods available in this region. (ex. Fish, rabbits, ants, berries, roots, vegetables, plants, wild game, etc.)

q  20 pts. Display includes artifacts of this region. (ex. Pottery, clothing, weapons, canoes, baskets, etc.)

Total points possible: 100