Policy for the Management of
Short Learning Programmes
- Objective
- Definitions
- Status of the NMMU as a provider of SLPs
- Criteria regarding Short Learning Programmes (SLP)
- Quality Assurance
- SLP Approval Process
- SLP Registration Process
- Financial Administration
- The role and responsibilities of the Department of Continuing Education
- Responsibilities of the Faculties and Entities
Annexures A, B, C, D1 and D2
It is the policy of the NMMU to engage and be responsive to the skills and training needs of the external communities it serves byoffering continuing education in the form of short learning programmes (SLPs).The aim is to share its expertise, create knowledge, apply technology and create third stream income.
- Definitions
For the purpose of this document, and for the management of short learning programmes at the NMMU, the definitions as formulated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) will apply.
The term “Short Learning Programme” as used by SAQA, is a collective noun to describe (i) skills programmes and (ii) short courses.
Short Learning ProgrammeThe term Short Learning Programme describes all short programmes, whether credits are awarded or not, and is inclusive of skills programmes, credit-bearing short courses and non-credit-bearing short courses.(i) Skills ProgrammeA Skills Programme is occupationally based and when completed will constitute credits towards a qualification registered on the NQF. Provisioning is undertaken by a training provider accredited by an ETQA (Skills Development Act No. 97 of 1998). A skills programme is a type of short learning programme.
(ii) Short courseA Short course is a type of short learning programme through which a learner may or may not be awarded credits, depending on the purpose of the programme.
Short Learning Programmes, as per the above definitions, exclude bridging programmes, learnerships as well as programmes without structured curricula, like conferences, seminars and workshops.
Note: For a complete list of relevant definitions currently used by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), see Annexure C.
3.1The NMMU is registered with the Department of Education (DOE) as a public higher education provider. The NMMU obtains accreditation for all its formal qualifications from the HEQC, and as such all SLPs which are credit-bearing (less than 120 credits), and linked to a formal qualification on the NMMU’s PQM, are thus formally accredited.
3.2SLPswhich are credit-bearing, but not linked to a formal accredited programme of the NMMU may be offered by an NMMU provider on condition that the provider has been accredited to do so by the relevant ETQA of a Seta or professional body who has registered the qualification with SAQA. These SLPs are credit bearing as they are linked to SAQA registered unit standards.The credits will be awarded by the relevant Seta or professional body who registered the qualification with SAQA.
3.3Credit bearing SLPs linked to a formal accredited programmes forming part of the PQM of another Higher Education Institution(HEI) in South Africa may be offered by the NMMU on the basis of a MOU.The credits obtained are therefore only applicable to the formal programme of the other HEI and not linked to a formal programme offered by the NMMU. The credits will be awarded by the university who in terms of the MOU have accredited the provider within the NMMU to offer the SLP.
3.4In the case of section 3.2 and 3.3 an NMMU certificate will be issued which will reflect the name and logo of the accrediting body or partneruniversity. SLP certificates may only be issued by the Unit for Continuing Education.
3.5In the case of non-credit bearing SLPs approved and registered by the NMMU offered in collaboration with an external partner/organisation, the NMMU certificate issued will reflect the name and logo of the external partner.
3.6Registered SLPs offered by the NMMU are not to be regarded as private work. Only SLPs appearing on the NMMU register of approved SLPs may be offered under the name of the NMMU. Disciplinary action will be taken against staff who offer non-registered SLPs under the name of the NMMU.
3.7SLPs can be offered by individual academics within faculties,via faculty entities and by professional support staff.
3.8SLPs can be offered either as part of an academic`s workload or
in addition to an academics normal workload.
- Criteria regarding Short Learning Programmes (SLP)
4.1Compliance with the NMMU vision and mission
All the SLPs must comply with the vision and mission of the NMMU and be aligned to the NMMU and faculty specific PQMs.
4.2Purpose of SLPs
The purpose of short learning programmes should be aligned to and support faculty/ department/entity engagement missions by:
4.2.1Addressing the educational needs of the public and/or private sector.
4.2.2Responding to the skills development and training needs of the external community.
4.2.3Supporting access to formal programmes, subject to the NMMU approved policies on admission and access.
4.2.4 The SLP contributing to the enrichment of the curriculum of formal programmes
4.3NQF Level of SLPs
SLPs should normally be offered within the HE band of the NQF (levels 5-8). The presentation of SLPs below NQF level 4 should only occur in exceptional circumstances, and should be clearly motivatedwhen applying to offer the SLP.
5.Quality Assurance
5.1.The HEQC has taken the following decision with regards to the SAQA requirements for SLPs: “To delegate the quality assurance for these areas to the institutions and to examine the quality arrangements during HEQC audits”. (Council for Higher Education, 2003).
5.2.HEQC audit visits and other HEQC reporting requirements will require Higher Education Institutions to demonstrate that they have adequate quality assurance systems in place to ensure the quality of SLP provision (HEQC Institutional Audits Criteria 5).
5.3.The relevant academic unit is responsible for the quality assurance of SLPs, which should entail at least the following aspects:
5.3.1 Reviewing the relevance,contents and academic standards of the SLP every three years as part of the SLP renewal process that will be initiated by the UCE.
5.3.2 Validating the qualifications of course presenters who are not academic staff of the NMMU (external facilitators).
5.3.3Obtaining feedback/evidence from students by means of a programme evaluation form. (Annexure B: Short Learning Programme feedback).
5.3.4Involving professional bodies and external specialists in regular reviews where career or profession-specific SLPs are offered.
5.3.5Including the evaluation of SLPsduring the formal programme self-evaluation process.
5.4The Faculty must ensure that the necessary quality assurance mechanisms and documentation for the SLP are in place, by maintaining a SLP portfolio which should include the following:
5.4.1A copy of the completed SLP Registration Form with the FMC resolution number indicating approval of the SLP (Annexure A).
5.4.2Copy of teaching material and assessment material.
5.4.3Copy of assessment results.
5.4.4Proof of the students’ course feedback on the SLPand signed off by the Head of Department (Annexure B).
The SLP portfolio is mandatory for purposes of quality assurance.
5.5 The following additional SLPdocumentary evidence should be keptby the faculty for auditing and control purposes:
5.5.1A budget/feasibility study/business plan for the SLP.
5.5.2Reference to the appointment of the facilitator (copy of contract) with a clear indication of the remuneration of the facilitator.
The documents referred to in sections 5.4 and 5.5 should be kept together in one file by the SLP developer/faculty or Entity SLP administrator for auditing and quality assurance purposes.
- SLP approval Process
6.1Criteria for the approval of SLPs offered by Faculty Academic Departments
Where full-time staff of an academic department are involved in the development and offering of a SLP, the following criteria should be considered by the HOD before approval:
6.1.1The academic’s workload and performance regarding teaching and research are at the required standard set by the department.
6.1.2The qualification and expertise required of the academic to design and present the SLP
6.1.3The success rate of the subjects offered by the academic meet the minimum benchmark set by the department
6.1.4The contribution the SLP can make to enriching the curriculum and engagement activities of the department.
6.2Approval of SLPs offered by Academic Departments:
The Programme Leader/SLP developer completes the SLP Registration form which has to be signed off by the HOD/DOS confirming that they have checked:
6.2.1The course target market, NQF level, outcomes, curriculum contents, assessment criteria, contact hours and that the SLP meets the quality standards of the department and faculty.
6.2.2The correct positioning of the SLP in terms of its alignment to the department and faculty`s PQM.
6.2.3When required or in the case of uncertainty as to the correct positioning of the SLP, cross-faculty consultation and consultation with the UCE has taken place.
6.2.4The NMMU SLP Register to ensure that a similar SLP does not already exist in order to avoid duplication.
6.2.5The necessary administrative and logistical support exists within the department in order to comply with institutional quality assurance requirements as relates to the SLP ITS administrative system.
6.3Approval ofSLPs offered via Entities situated in Faculties:
6.3.1The SLP can be initiated and developed by individuals who have the necessary expertise within the entity or by academics within the faculty or an external expert in the field.
6.3.2The SLP detail as in 6.2.1 is reviewed internally by an academic in the faculty with the necessary expertise or by an external reviewer approved by the FMC.
6.3.3The Director of the Entity checks and signs off the SLP Registration form confirming that the SLP meets criteria listed above(6.2.1 – 6.2.5) and submits the SLP Registration form to the FMC for approval.
6.4Approval of SLPs offered by Academic and Professional Supportstaff:
6.4.1The SLP can be initiated and developed by individuals who have the necessary expertise within support units and centres.
6.4.2The SLP is reviewed internally within the support unit/centre or by an external expert or by NMMU academic with the necessary expertise.
6.4.3The Director of the support unit/centre checks and signs off the SLP Registration form and submits it to the responsible Senior Director/DVC for purposes of final approval by a management committee comprised of the Directors reporting to the Senior Director/DVC.
6.4.4The Senior Director/DVC submits the approved SLP Registration form with resolution number to the UCE who will submit it to the Executive Committee of Senate.
6.5Approval at Institutional level
All SLPs (offered independently, in partnership, franchised or otherwise) must be submitted to the Executive Committee of Senate for noting. Should a dispute arise between faculties with respect to the offering of a SLP, the Director: Academic Engagement may be called upon to assist as a mediator. If the dispute cannot be resolved, the matter will be referred back to the Executive Committee of Senate by the Director: Academic Engagement for a ruling.
7.Registration ProcedureforSLPs offered by departments andentities
7.1The completed Registration Form is submitted to the Faculty Management Committee by the HOD/DOS/Entity Directorfor consideration and approval. The FMC is responsible for the final approvalof the academic aspectsand quality of the faculty`s SLPs. The SLP Registration form is available on the UCE website.
7.2The Faculty Management Committee submits the Registration Form for the SLP, together with the resolution number of the Faculty Management Committee minutes, to the UCE who will forward it to the Executive Committee of Senate for noting.
7.3Credit bearing SLPs forming part of formal programmes must first be submitted to the APQC for institutional approval before being referred to the ECS. The institutional documentation required for this process is available on the NMMU Academic Planning and Quality Advancement and UCE websites.
7.4The UCE will record the SLP andmaintain an electronic register of all approved SLPs offered by the NMMU.
7.5A process flow chart depicting the process that needs to be followed for the approval and registration of credit and non-credit bearing SLPs is provided in Annexure A.
7.6Additional notes on Registration and SLP Renewal
Applications for approval may be submitted at any time during the academic year, and once approved will be valid for a period of three years.The UCE will initiate the renewal process every three years.The following process will be adopted:
Faculties and SLP facilitators will be sent an electronic copy of the details of their SLPs recorded on the NMMU SLP register.
The main focus of the renewal process will be toaudit and update the register of SLPs offered by the NMMU. Faculties (HOD`s) and Directors of Entities will be required to:
7.6.1Discard dormant and outdated SLPs.
7.6.2Ensure that course content remains updated and relevant.
7.6.2The updated faculty specific SLP registers will serve at the FMC’s for final approval.
- Financial Administration
8.1 Pricing
The NMMU regards short learning programmes as an important component of a coordinated strategy for innovation, curriculum enrichment and engagement. While short learning programmes present a source of third stream income, the principles that underlie the pricing of short learning programmes will vary, and include value for money, maximizing profit, contributing to professional development and addressing the needs of the community.
8.2 Economic Feasibility
8.2.1A SLP must be economically feasible and conform to the NMMU policies regulating financial matters, third stream income and levies. Before a SLP is presented a budget/business plan/feasibility study should be developed. A template provided by the UCE can be used for this purpose.
8.2.2The feasibility of the short learning programme will depend on the adequacy of the available information and infrastructural resources, which should be addressed as part of the approval process. The practicalities around physical infrastructure requirements (venues, equipment, etc), special learning materials, course development fees and human resources (administrative assistants, qualified presenters, etc.), should be taken into account when considering the feasibility of the short learning programme.
8.2.3The offering of SLPs must be conducted on the basis of full cost recovery.
8.3 Remuneration
8.3.1Remuneration for NMMU staff and part-time lecturers shall be in terms of the policies and guidelines on remuneration at the NMMU.
8.3.2NMMU staff who are presenters of SLPs are remunerated in terms of a secondary appointment, unless this forms part of their normal workload. The rate of remuneration per hour may vary but must fall within the parameters of the fixed scale set by the NMMU.
8.3.3In the event of remuneration rates exceeding the fixed scale, a written motivation must be provided by the facilitator/line manager to the Dean.In these cases the numeration rates of professional bodies should serve as a guideline.The Dean may also refer the matter to the FMC for guidance and a final decision on remuneration.
8.3.4Remuneration will be determined by factors such as the course development required, course content, level of the SLP, expertise required, contact hours etc.
8.3.5Remuneration is then agreed upon by the Dean and the facilitator and reflected on the secondary appointment contract signed by the Dean.
8.4Budget and Financial Control
8.4.1The Dean or a delegated staff member is responsible for financial control of the budget, income, expenditure and final settlement.
8.4.2All direct costs of the SLP are set off against the programme income. Direct costs include all expenses and costs incurred to present the programme, for example, lecturer remuneration, renting of facilities, costs related to the development and production of the certificates, remunerationof administrative staff, etc.
8.4.3Operational budgets of departments may not be used for cross-subsidising SLP expenditure or bridging capital.
8.4.4All income received must be reflected in the correct SLP cost centre provided by the UCE.
8.4.5Once all operational expenses, levies and remuneration havebeen deducted, surplus funds shall be allocated as determined by the FMC or internal third stream surplus fund model/policy of the department or school.
The model used will be determined by specific operational needs of a department /school or faculty and therefore a one that fits all model cannot be applied. The specific model that is to be used by a department/school or faculty has to be approved by the FMC.
8.4.6The use of surplus funds or the payment of indirect expenses from SLP cost centres by facilitators should be handled according to the following procedure:
a)The relevant line manager of the department that registered and presented the SLP manages and approves the allocation and utilisation of surpluses where the allocation is intended for the following purposes:
- Supporting formal educational initiatives of the department or entity, including human resources, operating and capital expenses.
- Supporting non-formal education initiatives, including cross-subsidisation of other SLPs.
- Outreach and Engagement initiatives.
- Staff development initiatives.
b)The relevant line manager submits a proposal for approval to the FMC for any allocation not aligned with the purposes as per(a) above.
8.5SLP Levy
A fee based on the gross income of each SLP will be charged by the NMMU on completion of the course as a contribution to administrative and infrastructural costs. The levy to be charged on the gross income of each SLP is 15%. The levy will be divided Between the Institution (10%) and the Faculty (5%).
9.The role and responsibilities of the UCE
The UCE is part of the academic support structure of the NMMU. It operates as a service unit and provides a support service to faculties to enhance their capacity to offer SLPs and is responsible for the following:
- SLP Policy development, implementation and oversight.
- Implementation, maintenance and quality assurance of institutional SLP ITS administrative system.
- Quality assurance of SLP administrative processes as relates to SLP approval, registration, certification, verification and institutional SLP data maintenance and risk management.
- Centralised issuing and verification of all SLP offered by the NMMU.
- Maintenance of institutional website and electronic register of approved SLPs.
- Training of faculty SLP administrators on the SLP ITS system and assist with SLP administrative system trouble shooting.
- SLP facilitation and development through the provision of advice and assistance as relates to market requests and policy requirements.
- Generic marketing of NMMU SLPs, respond to enquiries and referral of enquiries to faculties.
- Ensure that the marketing of SLPs on a decentralised bases by faculties and entities conform with the NMMU corporate identity.
- Collation of delegate feedback forms and record keepingfor quality assurance purposes.
- Acting as facilitator between corporate clients and faculties.
- Provide advice and information on Seta/professional body accreditation and CPD points.
- Delegate and market surveys and national benchmarking.