Linda P. Bryant, President
Linda Schultz, Vice President
Julia C. Bernath • Gail Dean
Catherine Maddox • Katie Reeves
Ashley Widener
Cindy Loe, Ph.D., Superintendent

Fulton County Schools
SharePoint Portal
Governance and Policy

Updated – 2/11/2010


The purpose of this document is to provide site stakeholders, decision makers, development teams and content contributors a reference point for the FCS portal site governance and policy. This document will contain:

  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Polices
  • Guidelines


The Fulton County Schools Portal site’s design, development and content success will directly relate to the commitment to the following group roles and responsibilities below.

Steering Committee
This group consists of key decision makers and a cross section of various team members evolved in FCS web initiatives. The primary responsibilities of this committee are:

  • Conduct regular management meetings which discuss and approve high-level functionality, usability, and major modifications.
  • Make final decisions based on consulting input and web technology presentations
  • Manage the major web site project timelines.

IT Web/Data Integration

This group consists of IT web, and data integration staff. The Web/Data Integration team will have Top-Level Administrative access to all needed site servers, systems and components.

Site/Web Administrators

  • Create web spaces adhering to the global site map
  • Create architectural navigation and page layout structure
  • Design and code site templates and CSS style sheets
  • Setup web page and web part place holders for department and school sub-site managers
  • Configuration of web software (e.g. SharePoint Central Administration)
  • Manage user groups and site collection permissions
  • Technical liaison with steering Committee
  • Create related necessary technical training materials

Database Administrators

  • Configuration of databases and database toolsets (e.g. SharePoint Central Administration)
  • Backup/Restore of site databases files
  • Implement enterprise level code changes and component add-ons
  • Technical liaison with Steering Committee
  • Create related necessary technical training materials

Infrastructure Administrators

  • Configuration of server farm and services (e.g. SharePoint Central Administration)
  • Manage and create user Active Directory accounts and groups
  • Act as technical liaison with Steering committee
  • Create related necessary technical training materials


Content Management Group

This group consists of the departmental and school staff that will be creating page content. Page content consists of text, inserted images, and file/web links. The content management group will have various editorial rights levels to page content based on their specific role access.

Content Champions
Content Champions will have content approval and edit access to allsites of aportal. The primary roles and responsibilities are:

  • Enforce county wide governance
  • Approving page content
  • Management of page,image and document libraries
  • Content liaison with web portal Steering Committee

Content Editor

ContentEditors will have limited content approval and edit access to specific site(s)of a portal. The primary roles and responsibilities are:

  • Quality control of published page content in coordination with the FCS portalgovernance documents
  • Approving page content
  • Manage their site(s) page, image and document libraries
  • Manage their site(s) permissions, alerts and workflows

Content Producers

Content Producers will have limited page creation and edit access to specific site(s)of a portal. The primary roles and responsibilities are:

  • Create and edit page content per the FCS portal governance documents
  • Inserting images
  • Uploading PDF and other web friendly files
  • Create and validate links to resource sites, applications, and files


FSC websites that are on the older production web server(s) will need to have the content migrated to the SharePoint portal platform. IT will help facilitate this migration process with the following mandatory steps.

  1. Consultation with Website Owner
    IT staff will meet with the site owner and give high level introductions to the portal structure, features and common best practices.
  2. Site Assessment
    IT staff will provide a form to the site owner; this form will collect key information about their current site content and needs.
  3. Content Migration Plan
    Based on the assessment form collected, the migration plan’s milestones and time line will be produced and agreed upon.
  4. Content Editing Site Training
    Site owners will provide IT with employee names of who is to have content contributing access and these employees will be required to take prerequisite training. The training will consist of in person and online module courses.
  5. Migration
    The content migration will consist of a manual process, coping and pasting static page content into the new CMS tool.
  6. Quality Check
    Site owners will work with their content contributors to quality check content and web links.
  7. Publish Site Pages
    Once site content is migrated, and checked; IT staff will assist in publishing website and its pages.


Any major modifications and software additions to FCS portal site other than day-to-day operations will need to follow a standard process before being placed into a production web environment. The basic process will follow these steps:

  1. Research – Documented research of proposed change, modification, or software add options will be required
  2. Team Discussion -Content Manager and Web/Data Teams will work in together as needed to discuss possible solutions, pros/cons, assets needed.
  3. Test – Test solutions on a test or development web server, and conduct any usability testing necessary. Testing done on Test Environment, once successful, then implemented on Development environment which will represent the Production environment.
  4. Steering Committee Presentation – Teams will present modification solution(s) to committee in report or personal demonstration format.
  5. Committee Approval – Steering Committee must agree and approve the modification with a standard sign off procedure.
  6. Communicate Modification– Communication to affected users will be supplied at least two weeks prior to implementationvia the FCS proper channels (e.g. email, newsletter, press release, communications department, etc)
  7. Update User Training – Training materials are to be updated and affected user community is to be notified on how to obtain the new training documentation or instructional training.
  8. Implementation – The tested change/modification per documented implementation steps will commence. Implementation will take place in Production environments. Certain implementations may need to take place in regularly scheduled FCS Technology Maintenance Windows.


STS Support Expectations

All Fulton County schools are supplied with at least one School Technology Specialist (STS). The STS is expected to act as a web technology liaison with the school and be the first line of defense for all web related issues.

Minimum Knowledge Requirements

The STSshall be required tomeet the minimum knowledge requirements for the following supported development environments and web related skills.

Site Development Training (Tool of choice)
  • Dreamweaver
  • MS Publisher
  • MS SharePoint
/ Skill Set
  • Using FTP
  • Basic HTML/CSS
  • Image Editing
  • Validating Links

Issue Escalation

The STS, from time-to-time, will have a web based technology issue they may not be able to resolve. Below isthe escalation processan STS should followto escalate a web related support issue.

Level 1 Escalation: HEAT Helpdesk Ticket – The STS assessed the issue and cannot resolve it based on their web development training and skill set. The STS will submit a HEAT ticket to the helpdesk. The request must detail the issue with: a detailed description of the issue, any system errors received, affected website/system and user(s).


Helpdesk Support Expectations

FCShelpdesk representativesare expected to act as initial responders and issue dispatchers for incoming web related issues.If the issue can be resolved by the helpdesk representative no further action is needed and ticket will be closed.

Minimum Knowledge Requirements

Each helpdesk representative shall be required to meet the minimum knowledge requirements relating to web issues.

Skill Set

  • Site permissions verification
  • Gathering proper issue information from customer
  • Active Directory user and user group modifications
  • Dispatching help ticket to proper web channel support specialist
  • Contributing to HEAT helpdesk application’s Knowledgebase

Issue Escalation

The helpdesk representative, from time-to-time, will have a web based technology issue they may not be able to resolve. Below isthe escalation processa helpdesk representative should followto escalate a web related support issue.

Level 2 Escalation: Channel Support - The helpdesk representative assessed the issue and cannot resolve it based their knowledgebase or skill set. The representative will reassign the HEAT ticket to the proper channel support specialist handling web related issues. The channel support specialist provides a resolution and closes the ticket.


This policy is in place to ensure all images uploaded and inserted into the FCS website are owned by the county, fit any size constraints, named with the correct convention and are in the proper format.

The public website image libraries shall contain categorized imagery organized in folders which may be inserted in content web pages using the CMS content editor tool. The images shall be managed and uploaded by users in the Site Manager role or higher. Images in this library shall adhere to the following guidelines:

Rights Management

All images inserted and placed on the FCS portal site shall be owned by and property of Fulton County Schools. Images may be: taken with digital cameras, free stock art from Microsoft, purchased stock art or public domain.

Image Size
The maximum size of an image for placement on a content web page is 720 pixels wide x 900 pixels high. The maximum file size of an image shall not exceed 1mb.

Image Format
The acceptable image formats are

  • .JPG
  • .GIF
  • .PNG

Image Naming Convention
All images must be placed in a folder. Image names should be descriptive, no more than 30 characters and must not contain spaces. Acceptable file name examples are:

  • MyImageName.jpg
  • my_file_name.jpg
  • My_File_Name.jpg

Alternative Text
Every image must contain a descriptive title in the Alternate Text field of the image properties dialog box. This will ensure compliance with Section 508 Standards for images.


This policy is in place to ensure all documents uploaded and linked on the FCS portal site are owned by the county, on proper letterhead, named with the correct convention and in the proper format.

The document libraries shall contain categorized documents organized in folders which may be accessed directly or linked tousing the CMS content editor tool. The files shall be managed and uploaded by users in the Content Producer role or higher. Files in this library shall adhere to the following guidelines:

File Size

  • Public Portal - The maximum size of a file stored in a publicdocument library should be no more than 10 megabytes.
  • Internal Portal - The maximum size of a file stored in an internally used document should be no more 50 megabytes.

File Format
The acceptable file formats are in a public portal are:

  • .PDF

The acceptable file formats are in an internal portal are:

  • .PDF
  • Microsoft Format (excluding MS Access)

File Naming Convention
All files must be placed in a folder. File names should be descriptive, no more than 30 characters and must not contain spaces. Acceptable file name examples are:

  • MyImageName.pdf
  • my_file_name.pdf
  • My_File_Name.pdf

Document Metadata Collection
Most system document libraries should collect at least the following metadata

  • File Name [single text box]
  • Title [single text box]
  • Document Type (Form, Report, Publication,etc) [drop down list]
  • Document Audience (Students, Employees, Parents) [selection list]


This document is in place to provide guidelines for branding the editable regions in various sections of the FCS portal site.All sites within the FCS portal shall be encased in the FCS approved template(s). The Content Management Group shall follow the below guidelines when adding branding elements to a site.

FCS Logo Usage
All FCS logo usage must comply with the Fulton County Schools Logo Usage Guide. For further information, please contact the Communications Department or download the style guide.

Branding Banner Size Constraints

Branding banners should be no more than 720px wide and 250px high. Branding images should comply with the Image Library Usage Policy in this documentation.

Animated Clip Art

It is best practice to NOT use animated or static clip art in a professionally designed website.

Crop and Resize

Prior to uploading an image, make sure it is cropped and re-sized fit your site’s page width. This will ensure best visible quality.

Images Per Page

To ensure an optimal page load time, limit the number of images on a page to 10.


This document is in place to provide guidelines regarding approving page content to the portal. There are two scenarios; each scenario depends on the size of your content contribution team. The Content Management Group shall follow the below guidelines when publishing page content.

Scenario 1: Single Site Owner
In this scenario there is only one person in charge of producing and publishing content to a given portal site. This personhas the highest level of content management access and isentrusted with creating, editing and approving their page content.

In some cases, another Content Management Group user with the access level of Content Champion may override, modify or create content as needed.

Scenario 2: Content Team

In this scenario there is a content team in charge of producing and publishing content to a given portal site. Each person in the team will have a role in the life cycle of the page content. Please see the diagram below.

In some cases, another Content Management Group user with the access level of Content Champion may override, modify or create content as needed.


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