Minutes from the October 25, 2002 Student Technology Fee Committee meeting are as follows:

In Attendance: Committee members - Mike Asoodeh, Donna Methvien, Lauren Faraone, Adi Karisik, Adi Karisik also served as proxy for Jeremy Price. Also in attendance were Clarissa Schiro, Erik Johansen and Rosalyn Chauvin.

The meeting began at 2:00 p.m.

  • The September 27, 2002 meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Adi Karisik to approve the minutes. Lauren Faraone seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of approving this motion.
  • Report on Action Items:

Monitoring computer labs – Dr. Asoodeh reported that he met with Campus Security regarding possible options for securing the equipment in our computer labs to prevent further thefts. Several recommendations were made and are being implemented by Student Tech Fee.

Public Printing – Dr. Asoodeh reported that a meeting is scheduled with Xerox in approximately two weeks. Once that meeting is held he will report back to the committee.

  • Small Project Proposals – Dr. Asoodeh reported that the Small Project Proposal subcommittee recommended approval of 2 of the 4 proposals submitted totaling $2,241.00. The remaining two proposals were not disapproved but will require further communication with the requesting departments to obtain clarification and additional information. Adi Karisik made a motion that the committee’s recommendations be approved. Lauren Faraone seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of approving this motion. Action Item: Dr. Asoodeh will notify the submitters whose proposals were approved. He will also obtain clarification for the two other proposals and pass that information along to the committee for a possible vote.
  • Surplus Computer Proposals – Donna Methvien reported that the Surplus Computer Proposal subcommittee recommended approving 34 of the 52 computers requested and 3 of the Destination Stations. Lauren Faraone made a recommendation that the committee’s recommendations be approved. Adi Karisik seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of approving this motion.

Dr. Asoodeh informed the committee that there are 89 computers and 10 destination stations remaining to be distributed. He recommended issuing another Surplus Computer Request for Proposal for these. He also informed the committee of two additional needs for surplus computers. One comes from Campus Police to replace the 10 surplus computers awarded to them two years ago, and one is from the Academic Support Lab to increase the number of computers in their lab by six computers due to the increased need in that lab. Lauren Faraone made a recommendation to approve going out for another call for proposals and to approve awarding to Campus Police 10 surplus computers and to the Academic Support Lab six surplus computers. Adi Karisik seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor of approving this motion. Action Item: Donna Methvien will notify the departments that were approved and disapproved of the committee’s vote on their proposal request. She will also handle distribution of the computers that were approved.

  • Large Project Proposals – Dr. Asoodeh reported that 25 proposals totaling $1,257,523 were received. The subcommittee will be meeting to bring their recommendations to the committee at the November meeting.
  • Use of SLU e-mail addresses by committee members – A recommendation was made that all e-mail correspondence be made between committee members using their Southeastern E-Mail address.
  • A motion to adjourn was made by Adi Karisik and seconded by Lauren Faraone. The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
  • Next meeting– The next meeting will be held in November. Rosalyn Chauvin will coordinate a date and time.