**Policy and Legislation Committee Meeting at 6:30 p.m. HS CHORUS ROOM**

** Finance Committee Meeting at 7:30 p.m. HS CHORUS ROOM**


Regular School Board Meeting

High School Chorus Room

Monday, December 10, 2012 8:00 p.m.

I. Call meeting to order in the High School Auditorium by President Tom Opperman and reading of meeting notice. Roll call. Pledge of Allegiance.

II. Approval of agenda:

III. Approval of minutes for:

A.  November 12, 2012 regular meeting.

IV. Auditing and approval of board and lunch bills

V. Treasurer’s Report and Pupil Activity Account

VI. Public input/comments - Members of the public may address the Board at this time. Persons wishing to address the Board must register by filling out a Public Input card before the meeting is called to order. Those wishing to speak must provide their full name, address, and specify the topic they wish to address with the Board. The Board president must first recognize a person wishing to be heard by the Board.

VII. District Administrator’s report:

Elementary-Tess Lecy-Wojcik

Secondary - Sara Anderson

District-Duane Braun

VIII. Old Business:

IX. Committee reports:

A. Finance - Chairperson Peterson (Mr. Beyersdorf, Mr. Opperman)

1. 2012-2013 Budget Status

2. Food Service Report

3. 2013-14 Revenue Cap

4. June 30, 2012 Financial Statement & Audit

B.  Buildings and Grounds - Chairperson Wasrud (Mr. Opperman, Mr. Oppor)

1.  Update of lighting project in Aquatic Center.

2.  School Forest Plan (Todd Snyder & Rhonda Fechter)

C.  Transportation – Chairperson Oppor (Mr. Peterson, Mr. Wasrud)

D.  Curriculum - Chairperson Beyersdorf (Mrs. Hoyord, Mr. Wilhite)

1.  Course Descriptions Book

E. Policy & Legislation – Chairperson Wilhite (Mr. Beyersdorf, Mr. Wasrud)

1. Policy 221 – Administrative Contracts (first reading)

2. Policy 222 – Board-District Administrator Relations (first reading)

3. Policy 223 – Evaluation of Administrative Staff (first reading)

4. Policy 232 – Middle /High School Principal (first reading)

5. Policy 233 – Elementary School Principal/Director of Instruction 4K-12 (first reading)

6. Policy 531.7 – Athletic Director (first reading)

7. Policy 242 – Transportation Director (first reading)

8. Policy 244 – Business Manager (first reading)

9. Policy 246 – Fitness and Aquatic Center Director (first reading)

10. Policy 247 – Food Service Director (first reading)

11. Policy 251 – Organization for Administrative Purposes (first reading)

12. Policy 251 Exhibit – School District of Iola-Scandinavia Chart (first reading)

13. Policy 252 – Policy Implementation (first reading)

14. Policy 252.1 – Development and Approval of Guides or Handbooks (first reading)

15. Policy 270 – School District Reports (first reading)

16. Policy 447.11 – Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint (first reading)

F. Personnel & Nominations – Chairperson Wilhite (Mrs. Hoyord, Mr. Peterson)

1. Recommendation for long term sub position for HS Secretary

G. Negotiations - Chairperson Opperman (Mrs. Hoyord, Mr. Oppor)

(No report until after closed session.)

X. New Business:

A. 2013-2014 School Calendar

XI. Contemplated closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. §19.85(1)(c), (e) and(f)to discuss and take action, if appropriate, concerning:

A. The appointment of staff to extracurricular assignments. (c) and (f)

B. Negotiations with and threatened litigation by the ISAA. (e)

XII. Reconvene in Open Session to act upon Items Discussed in Closed Session, if appropriate, which will include, but may not be limited to:

A. Consider for ratification an agreement with theISAA for a 2012-2013 collective bargaining agreement, pursuant to Wis. Stat. §§ 19.85(3) and 111.70.

XIII. Adjourn: