



A.  This specification includes the design, installation, connection, and testing of a complete condensed aerosol fire suppression system. It shall include, but not be limited to, one or more condensed aerosol generators, a fire alarm releasing control panel, automatic alarm initiating devices, audible and visual alarm notification appliances, abort button(s) and manual pull station(s) for suppression release, and any other required devices and connections, including wire and hardware.

B.  The condensed aerosol fire extinguishing system shall comply with all requirements of NFPA 2010 and NFPA 72, except as modified and supplemented by this specification and/or the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). The system shall be electrically supervised and monitor the integrity of all conductors and connections.

C.  The condensed aerosol fire extinguishing product shall be Hochiki America FirePro Xtinguish or equivalent.

D.  The system and its components shall be Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. listed or listed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) under the appropriate testing standard as listed herein for fire alarm systems and condensed aerosol fire extinguishing systems:
UL 864, Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems
UL 2775, Fixed Condensed Aerosol Extinguishing System Units

E.  Design of the condensed aerosol fire extinguishing system shall be performed by Hochiki America factory-trained personnel. Factory-trained technicians shall be on-site to guide project installation, programming and testing, and to prepare the system for inspection and turn-over to the owner.

F.  All system designs, plans, drawings, calculations, and documentation shall be submitted and approved by the AHJ prior to system installation. Installation shall be in accordance with all applicable Codes and Standards.


A.  General

1.  A new condensed aerosol fire suppression system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the project specifications and drawings.

2.  The condensed aerosol fire extinguishing system shall be a pre-engineered system that may be used for total flooding of the hazard area. The hazard area may be any suitable enclosed space, including but not limited to, data centers, electrical control panels, machinery, computer equipment, storage rooms, warehouses, etc. In the event of a raised floor and/or false ceiling, separate zones of protection shall be provided as required.

3.  The condensed aerosol fire suppression system shall be designed for Class A, B, or C fires as required and as appropriate. Aerosol design concentration shall be according to manufacturer’s requirements based on agency approvals and NFPA 2010 requirements.

B.  Performance

1.  The time required to achieve 95% of the design application density during discharge shall not exceed 60 seconds or as otherwise required by the authority having jurisdiction.

2.  Automatic detection shall utilize cross-zoning or another suitable means to confirm actual fire alarm conditions and guard against unwanted discharges of the aerosol suppression agent.

3.  Automatic detection may be any listed and suitable means, as identified in the system design.

4.  Suppression release manual pull station(s) may be operated to immediately discharge the aerosol agent, or optionally to begin the pre-discharge delay countdown sequence.

5.  Abort switches shall be of the “dead-man” type.

6.  The fire alarm releasing control panel shall have the means to establish Manual-Only operation by key or other suitable means. The Manual-Only operation shall be protected from unauthorized use.

7.  HVAC and dampers shall be shut off / closed prior to discharge of the aerosol.

8.  Power shall be removed from protected equipment, as applicable and required, prior to discharge of the aerosol.

9.  All other performance requirements as deemed necessary to provide effective detection, notification, and suppression system, shall be noted on the submittal documentation, approved, and provided.

C.  Basic Cross-Zone Functional Operation

1.  After the initial automatic cross-zone fire alarm event occurs:

·  The fire alarm releasing control panel shall visibly and audibly indicate the alarm event

·  Annunciators (if installed) shall visibly and audibly indicate the alarm event

·  Audible and visual notification appliances shall be activated according to the approved sequence of operation

·  Signals shall be transmitted to the building’s main fire alarm control panel, as per the system design and approved sequence of operation

·  Other actions shall be taken according to the approved sequence of operation

2.  After the second automatic cross-zone fire alarm event occurs:

·  The fire alarm releasing control panel shall visibly and audibly indicate the alarm event

·  Annunciators (if installed) shall visibly and audibly indicate the alarm event

·  Audible and visual notification appliances shall be activated according to the approved sequence of operation

·  The fire alarm releasing control panel shall start the pre-discharge countdown delay timer (60 seconds maximum)

·  Pre-discharge notification appliances shall be activated.

·  All HVAC equipment supplying the hazard area shall be shut off prior to discharge of the aerosol. Dampers shall be closed as indicated in the approved sequence of operation. Doors or other openings to the hazard area shall be closed, either automatically or manually.

·  Power shall be removed to protected equipment in the hazard area as required by the approved sequence of operation.

·  The Abort switch (if supplied) may be used to pause the pre-discharge time delay countdown. Continuous pressure must be maintained on the switch for proper operation (dead-man switch). The countdown delay time will stop at 10 seconds and not progress until pressure is released from the abort switch.

3.  After the pre-discharge delay has expired:

·  The condensed aerosol generator(s) will be activated, discharging the aerosol into the hazard area

·  The discharge notification appliances shall be activated

4.  Suppression release manual pull stations may be operated at any time to manually discharge the aerosol agent.


A.  General

1.  Working plans and calculations shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction for review and approval before system installation or remodeling begins.

2.  Eight copies of all submittals shall be provided to the Architect/Engineer/AHJ.

3.  All references to manufacturer’s part numbers and other pertinent information herein is intended to establish the standards of performance, function, and quality of the Hochiki America UL-listed condensed aerosol fire suppression system and equipment. Equipment from other manufacturers may be not be substituted for the specified equipment.

B.  Shop Drawings

1.  Sufficient information, clearly presented, shall be included to determine compliance with standards and specifications.

2.  Include all NFPA-required and pertinent information, including but not limited to, manufacturer's name, model numbers, ratings, power requirements, battery calculations, hazard enclosure volume, aerosol calculations, equipment layout, device arrangement, complete wiring point-to-point diagrams, riser diagrams, conduit layouts, and sequence of operation.

3.  Shop drawings shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer.

C.  Manuals

1.  Submit simultaneously with the shop drawings, complete operating and maintenance manuals listing the manufacturer's name(s), including technical data sheets.

2.  Wiring diagrams shall indicate internal wiring for each device and the interconnections between the items of equipment.

3.  Provide a clear and concise description of operation that gives, in detail, the information required to properly operate the equipment and system.

D.  LEED Submittal

1.  If LEED EA Credit 4 applies, submit required documentation showing that the product does not contain ozone-depleting substances.

E.  Personnel Certification

1.  With the shop drawing submittal, submit documentation from Hochiki America indicating that the proposed system designer and installation supervisor have been trained in condensed aerosol extinguishing systems by Hochiki America Corporation.


A.  All work performed and all material and equipment furnished under this contract shall be free from defects and shall remain so for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance.


A.  Furnish extra materials as indicated below, protected and enclosed in original packaging and identified with labels describing package contents. Deliver extra materials to building owner.

1.  Detection devices – not less than 20% of each type included in the system design.

2.  Condensed aerosol extinguishing agent – Not less than 100% of the amount installed in the largest hazard area.



The condensed aerosol agent shall comply with the following requirements:

1.  The condensed aerosol agent shall be Hochiki FirePro Xtinguish, or equivalent.

2.  The aerosol agent shall be listed to UL 2775 and shall comply with NFPA 2010.

3.  The aerosol agent shall be non-toxic in its solid and aerosol phases, as established by laboratory testing.

4.  The aerosol agent shall be non-corrosive, as established by laboratory testing.

5.  The aerosol agent shall contain no chemical substances or compounds that can result in ozone depletion or global warming (no CFCs, HFCs, HCFCs, PFCs, or otherwise).

6.  The aerosol agent shall not produce any acidic or other harmful decomposition byproducts, such as hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, ammonia, or others.

7.  The aerosol agent shall be U.S. EPA SNAP listed.

8.  The aerosol agent shall be classified as a non-pyrotechnic, DOT Class 9 Miscellaneous solid, N.O.S.

9.  The aerosol generators shall be self-contained, non-pressurized units.

10.  The listed lifetime of the aerosol agent shall be ten (10) years.

11.  The aerosol agent shall be manufactured by an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 registered company.

12.  In its non-activated state, the condensed aerosol agent is a solid material. When activated, it is transformed into a rapidly expanding fire extinguishing aerosol based on potassium compounds (key compound K2CO3).

13.  Fire extinguishing is accomplished by interrupting the chemical chain reaction of the fire. Oxygen is not depleted during discharge of the aerosol or suppression of the fire.


1.  The fire alarm releasing control panel shall be the Hochiki America HCVR-3 or equivalent.

2.  The fire alarm releasing control panel shall be UL 864-listed and FM approved.

3.  The fire alarm releasing control panel shall be capable of monitoring and activating up to forty (40) condensed aerosol generators.

4.  The fire alarm releasing control panel shall be compatibility-listed with the condensed aerosol agent.

5.  The fire alarm releasing control panel shall have the means to establish ‘Manual-Only’ or ‘Automatic & Manual’ operation.

6.  The fire alarm releasing control panel shall have relays to indicate system status and for interfacing to other systems. The minimum status indications are General Fire Alarm, Aerosol Agent Released, System Trouble, 1st Stage Alarm, and 2nd Stage Alarm. Additional outputs shall be possible by means of additional relay boards that may be connected to the control panel’s RS485 communication circuit.

7.  The status of the fire alarm releasing control panel, including countdown to discharge of the condensed aerosol, shall be indicated on the control panel fascia and on any annunciators installed and configured as a part of the system.


1.  Two-wire initiating devices shall be compatibility-listed with the fire alarm releasing control panel.

2.  All initiating devices shall be UL listed.

3.  Manual pull stations for release of the aerosol agent shall be a dual-action type, unless otherwise required, and clearly labeled.

4.  Abort switches, where used, shall be of the push-button ‘dead-man’ type, and shall be dual-action “lift and push” units. Abort switches shall be clearly marked for quick identification.


1.  All general alarm notification appliances shall be compatibility-listed with the fire alarm releasing control panel.

2.  All notification appliances shall be UL listed.


1.  Any additional modules connected to the fire alarm releasing control panel shall be compatibility listed for use with the control panel, where such compatibility is required. All modules shall be UL listed.

2.  A UL listed disconnect switch shall be provided and installed to comply with NFPA requirements.



A.  Installation shall be in accordance with the Codes and Standards outlined earlier in this specification, as well as with all local and state codes, per AHJ requirements, as shown on the drawings, and as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.

B.  All conduit, junction boxes, conduit supports and hangers shall be concealed in finished areas and may be exposed in unfinished areas. Smoke detectors shall not be installed prior to the system commissioning, programming, and test period. If construction is ongoing during this period, measures shall be taken to protect smoke detectors from contamination and physical damage, including using the manufacturer's device dust covers.

C.  Manual pull-stations shall be installed not less than 42 inches (1067 mm), nor more than 48 inches (122 mm) above the finished floor. Manual pull-station installation shall comply with ADA requirements and all local building codes.

3.2 TEST

A.  The service of a competent, factory-certified/trained engineer or technician authorized by Hochiki America for the fire alarm and condensed aerosol equipment shall be provided to technically supervise and participate during all of the adjustments and tests for the system, including initial commissioning as well as with post installation service and maintenance testing, as applicable. All testing shall be in accordance with NFPA 72 for the fire alarm panel, detection and annunciation systems, and NFPA 2010 for the condensed aerosol generators and supporting equipment.

B.  Before energizing the system, check for correct connections and test for short circuits, ground faults, continuity, and insulation failures.

C.  System testing shall be conducted according to NFPA 2010, NFPA 72, and manufacturer’s requirements.


A.  At the final inspection, a Hochiki factory-certified/trained representative for the equipment shall demonstrate that the system functions properly in every respect and fully complies with local AHJ requirements.

B.  System operating instructions placard or signage shall be installed at AHJ designated locations.

C.  As-built drawings and a printed “Sequence of Operation” document shall be provided upon completion. A “hands-on” demonstration of system operation shall be provided.

D.  Appropriate quantities of installation and operation manuals shall be provided.


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