Current Scholarship List

Winter 2011-2012

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution / 11/21/2011 / Open to all senior students in an accredited secondary school. Check with your counselor for other qualifications and how to apply, or get information sheet from the Counseling Center. For more information e-mail Janet Armstrong at .
Comcast Leaders and Achievers / $1000 / 12/1/2011 / Only one will be selected. Need A GPA of 2.8 or higher. Provide the following: HS transcript, first choice school, resume, essay and recommendation. More information on the scholarship paper.
KFC Colonel’s Scholars Program / $20,000 / 12/1/2011 to 2/8/2012 / Must have a minimum GPA of 2.75, enroll in a public instate university or college, plan to pursue a bachelors degree, be a US citizen or permanent residence and demonstrate financial. More information at
Violet Richardson Award / 1st: $1,500
2nd: $1,000 / 12/1/2011 / Scholarship for young women between the ages of 14 and 17. Have significant and noteworthy accomplishments in volunteer work and problem solving. See counselor for forms. Email applications to
Trustee Scholarship Competition / Full Ride / 12/1/2011 / Merit based scholarship for students planning to attend Boston University, highly competitive. Offers full ride to Boston University. Must be nominated by teacher or principle and write an essay. Prompts for essays, and further information on how to apply at:
Elks Scholarship / $1-15,000 a year / 12/2/
2011 / Judged on scholastic achievement, leadership, and financial need
Info at
The NASSP/Herff Jones Principal’s Leadership Award / $12,000 / 12/2/2011 / For information go to
Better Business Bureau / $1,000 / Before Dec 31, 2011 / Meet GPA requirements, and submit an essay on how “sustainable business practices, and ethics are interrelated”
Go to: for more info.
Oregon Cheerleading Coaches Association Academic Scholarship / Minimum of $2000.00 / 1/3/2012 / This is a one year non renewable scholarship. For cheerleaders who will be graduating in 2012. Applicants coach must be a member of OCCA. Need three letters of recommendation, a 500 word essay in how cheerleading will impact your adult life, a resume, an official transcript that shows current GPA and test scores and a schedule of your senior classes. (See application checklist in counseling office for more detail)
Profile in Courage Essay Contest / $5,000 / 1/7/2012 / Write an essay of 1,000 words or less describing a political act of courage by a U.S. Elected Official (cannot be a Kennedy or past Profile in Courage award recipients). Use at least five varied sources. Must demonstrate an understanding of President Kennedy’s definition of political courage (see website). Submit registration form online. Can mail essay or submit online (preferred). For more information go to:
Gresham Optimist Club Essay Contest / $2,500 / 1/9/2012 / Write an essay on how your positive outlook benefits your community. Pick up a copy of the applications and rules at the Counseling Center. For questions and more information email Edward DeSantis at
BK Scholars Program / $1,000-$50,000 / 1/10/2012 / All high school seniors with a 2.5 or higher GPA are eligible. Application period opens Nov. 5. Details at
Gates Millennium Scholars / Wednesday January 11, 2012 / See requirements in file. Or go to:
Kaiser Permanente Health Care Career Scholarship Program / $2,000 / 1/14/2012 / Applicants must be entering a healthcare college program, have a minimum 2.5GPA and be a US citizen, national or permanent legal resident. Special consideration will be given to students with financial need, come from a family were parents haven’t attend college, is multilingual or is a member of an ethnic group underrepresented in healthcare. Apply at
US Bank Scholarship Program / $1,000 / 3/31/2012 / Eligible for high school seniors planning to tend a school in the US Bank Student Loan Program. List of schools and application can be found at No essay is required. 40 winners will be drawn at random.
Al Forthan Memorial Scholarship / $4,000 / 4/9/2012 / Purpose of the scholarship is to encourage students to explore the affects of addiction on the community. For more information and essay prompts go the College and Career canter. More information can also be found by emailing , or calling 503-802-0299. Email essays to . Include your address, phone number, e-mail, and what school you attend.
Scout of the year / 1st Place--$5,000
2nd place-$3,000
3rd place-
$1,0000 / 5/1/2012 / Be a registered active member of a Boy Scout troop, venturing crew or Sea Scout ship.
***See requirements at Career Center (look on website for more details)
Fords Scholarship(s) / Many scholarships available / 5/1/2012 / See Career Center for information on all available scholarships
BigSun Scholarship Award / $500 / 6/22/2012 / Available for high school athletes. Visit website at to learn how to apply.
Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program / $1,000 / 6/1/2012 / Go to the website to apply and for the essay prompt.
Alert Magazine / $500 / None. Considered on yearly basis / Awarded to a graduating senior who writes the best essay concerning drug and alcohol abuse and its preventions. More information can be found at