POLICIES & PROCEDURESMs. Tinnell ,Room 4121 : United States History; Fall 2017
Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility……in the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have….is the ability to take on responsibility. Michael Korda
It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well. Rene Descartes
I. Purpose: The following is offered as a guide to ensure your success in U.S. History this term. Please refer to this throughout the term to stay on task. The purpose of this course is to increase your knowledge, awareness & appreciation of America’s social, political & economic growth from America’s beginnings, up to present day. Any questions, please email Ms.Tinnell at school :(middle initial is an L) Curriculum night, a.k.aOpen House is Thurs. 8/31 at 6:00pm.
II. Materials: Bring all materials to class. You will not be allowed to return to your to your locker for forgotten items. If you need to do so, you will be given a zero in your class work category. TEXTBOOK, PEN & PENCIL and BINDER are required. Please sharpen pencils before class begins. Your materials should be out and ready to begin class by the time roll has been taken. Class will begin promptly. Your textbook barcode # is along with the outside # .
TEXTBOOKS should be returned in the same condition. Let me remind you – The textbooks are not your personal property. Do not write in it or on it! You will be charged full price for damages. You will be given a ZERO as a class work grade for not bringing materials to class. The cost of your textbook is the current replacement value that we are given by the county office. Please do not tear off the bar code, which is found on the back cover. **Textbooks will be issued within the first week of school to account for class changes and/or student #’s.
III. Assignments: Any assignments to be turned in must be on time and legible. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to set up a time for any make-ups. If you do not show up or turn in work during the set make-up time, you will receive a zero. (I will not continually remind you about your make-up work. Be responsible!!) Please follow the specific guidelines for work to be turned in to me. Following these guidelines will insure your success. If you arrive late to school or leave school early you must come by my room and get your assignments. If you don’t return to class with a pass, I am not required to give you make-up work.
IV. Grades: You are responsible for keeping up with your own grades as the term progresses. Periodically, I will give you updated grades. If you have concerns about your grades, please see me ASAP! The school will officially administer grade printouts through out the term. It is the child’s responsibility to communicate with their parents as to their individual progress in my class. Do not wait until the last minute. No outside extra credit will be given...upon occasion bonus may be offered on a quiz/test. No type of bonus will be given on any make-ups. You are to keep all returned graded or un-graded assignments in case of a grade discrepancy. If a student needs additional help, please set up a time individually with Ms. Tinnell.
A = 90 - 100C = 71 – 79B = 80-89D = 70F = below 69
Infinite Campus
Guided, Independent or Group Practice = 45%Collected Works assigned in class
Summative Assessments = 30%Exam. Character Analysis
Assessment During Learning = 25%Q & A Study Guides aka Tests
V. Behavior: It is expected that you know what mature behavior constitutes. Distractions in class will not be tolerated. Behavior will be dealt with on a one to one basis. Please take care of personal needs before class begins. Your behavior does influence your success in this class.
To maintain discipline these steps will be taken. 1) Warning 2) Referral 3) Parental Contact
- No eating or drinking. (H2O is acceptable)
- School tardy policy will be enforced. If tardy to class, no bonus on assessments will be taken in to account. FYI, 15 minutes late is considered skipping.
- School absence policy will be enforced. Admit slips required upon return.
- Any missed assignments must be made up immediately. It is your responsibility to ask the teacher.
- All electronic devices will be collected & turned in to the discipline office. This includes but is not limited to: ipods, headphones, cameras & cell phones. There is no warning. Visibility is considered an offense.
VI. Cheating: DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. The policies on cheating are outlined in the student handbook and will be strictly enforced. Please do not put yourself, your peers, your parents or the teacher in an awkward position. A grade of ZERO will be recorded. You will be turned in with an Administrative Referral. You will receive a Conduct grade of U. You forfeit credibility in my classroom & lose my respect along with my trust. Effective this year, in my classroom, is a two-hand visibility policy.
This is a world of action, and not for moping and groaning in. Charles Dickens
This needs to be returned to Ms. Tinnell within 3 days of receipt for a 25 points as a daily grade.
Receipt & the return of this form constitutes initial parent contact. Any questions, please email Ms.Tinnell at school : (after underscore it is an L)
**Curriculum night, a.k.a Open House isThurs. Aug. 31st at 6:00 pm. Please come meet your child’s teacher.
**Parent-Teacher Conferences are Thurs. Sept. 21stfrom 3:30-5:30. Call the main office to set up your time!! Look out for updates.
Student Name: ______Period: ______
I have read the attached information with my child and understand what is expected for Ms. Tinnell’s
United States History Class during the Fall of 2017. Parents are welcome to contact me during the
day at Chamblee High School. My planning period is 12:45-1:20pm.
The Chamblee High School number is 678-696-6902.Leaving a voicemail is not recommended.
It is suggested that you email Ms.Tinnell for quick & reliable communication.
Parent(s) Signature: ______Date: ______
Please write in the following information. Please print neatly.
Parent(s) or Guardian(s) first & last name : ______
Parent’s email address : ______
Home Address : ______
City & Zip Code : ______
Home Phone # : ______Work Phone # : ______
- Do you have access to a computer and the internet on a nightly basis? Circle YES / NO
- Why are you here?______
- What do you consider are some positive characteristics of a good teacher?______
- What is something I can do that will help you be successful in my class? What works for you? ______
**Political Cartoons**Total of FOUR throughout the term. Each assessed out of 25 pts. Cartoons are REQUIRED to have
the month due printed on the illustration.
1.Name, Due Date, Period & Cartoon # located in top right hand corner. This information must also be typed. Any information provided, which is not typed, will not be accepted and points will be deducted.
2.Cartoon must be neatly cut out & attached to a white, blank piece of paper. The cartoon itself is to be attached to the blank white sheet not scanned or copied onto the paper.
- Summary & opinion are to be TYPED below the cartoon. You will be graded on grammar & punctuation as well as overall analysis & understanding of the cartoon. Please reference guidelines from in class discussion which can also be found on my website.
- Cartoons can be found in newspapers, magazines and each student may use 1 found from an internet site.
5. As part of your overall grade, you will need to keep all returned cartoons. I will recollect them all together at the end of the semester to complete your overall cartoon grade. You will loose 5 points per lost cartoon.
6. On the days in which the cartoons are due, you will hand them to Ms. Tinnell as you enter the room. No in class preparation will be allowed on the date due. If you are tardy, excused or unexcused, the day your cartoon is due, it will not be accepted!
7. If you are absent in my class on the day a cartoon is due: A.) If you were at school any part of the day, you must bring it by for full credit with a pass. B.)If you have an excused absence for the entire day, the cartoon is due the following day by 8:10am with your excused admit slip. NO slip, NO cartoon.
8. Detailed guidelines & tips will be reviewed in class prior to the first assignment due date. Any additional guidance needed by students needs to be addressed individually based on the students initiative.
Tinnell : United States History
Please refer to this to ensure full credit concerning assignments. We may add to this throughout the term.
Vocabulary / Term / People Assignments
1. Name , Period , Due Date located in top right hand corner.
2. Chapter(s) & Topic(s) covered located on first line of paper.
3. Keep a running number of all of the terms within each assignment.
4. Underline each term.
5. The explanation for each term must come from the chapter. You may not look up your answers in the glossary. I want you to understand the relevance / situation of its use within its context.
6. Each missing term is minus 5 points off the total of 100 points. Legibility will be considered in your total grade. For Numbers 1 - 5 explained above : Minus 5 points for each if not followed.
- Please never use red pen on any work you turn in to me.
Main Ideas / Questions
1. Name , Period , Due Date located in top right hand corner.
2. Chapter(s) & Topic(s) covered located on first line of paper.
3. Keep a running number of all the questions.
4. Write the question unless I specify otherwise.
5. Same as # 6 above.