Minutes of the Meeting held on the 27th July2009

Public Forum: Three members of the public attended and their names and addresses are recorded with the minutes. The Chairman asked if anyone had any questions and the following issues were raised:-

-Mrs J Bullock asked that the Highways Department repair the sinking road on the left hand side from Charity Street to the bridge and Main Street, Carlton Scroop from corner of Lodge Farm to next corner going towards Grantham.

-It was reported that the hedge at Hall Farm, Carlton Scroop was hanging over the footpath and also the hedge hanging into the road at Stonehorse Farm, Hough Lane, Carlton Scroop.

-Mr J Wright queried the method of reporting under item 10 (d) of the minutes and he also asked why the recent reports of blocked footpaths should have been referred to Mrs M Baines. It was explained that this was because she had dealt with this issue during the period of drawing up the Parish Plan.

-Councillor V Kerr who had given his apologies asked that it be recorded that Beverley Agass had been appointed as Chief Executive of SKDC and that this appointment was unanimous.

Present: Councillors Mrs J Gonzalez,Mrs E Naeem, Mrs M Blades, D Balfe,R Rainthorpe, Mrs B Hankinsonand N Vernon, Clerk.

(1)Welcome by Chairman: The Chairman welcomed everyone to themeeting and thanked them for their attendance.

(2) Apologies of Absence: Councillor V Kerr gave his apologies

(3) Declaration of Interest: There were no Declarations of Interest

(4) Minutes of the Meeting held on the 15th June 2009: The Minutes of theMeeting

held on the 15th June 2009 were agreed, subject to the word Normanton being inserted

after main in the public forumsection and the Chairman signed them as a truerecord.

(5) Matters Arising:Councillor R Rainthorpe advised the meeting that tenders had now been requested for the roof repairs to the Church roof.

(6) Clerk’s Report:

(a) Footpaths: Mrs M Baines reported that both Footpaths Nos 3 and 4 had now been cleared and a further blocked Bridleway No 5 at Normanton was also due to be cleared very soon and the Clerk was asked to send a suitable reply to the letter.

(b) Risk Assessment: Councillor Mrs B Hankinson confirmed that she had inspected the bus shelter at Church Green and everything was satisfactory.

(c) Letter, Freedom from Information Act: The Clerk read out a letter received from

Mr R Baines asking for a copy of a letter sent to the Police in connection with an


alleged incident concerning the discharge of firearms and under-age driving of a quad bike. It was agreed unanimously that this information be released to the letter writer.

(d) Telephone Kiosk: Councillor R Rainthorpe confirmed that he and David Vincent had agreed to paint the telephone kiosk and that this work would be completed shortly.

(e) Notice of Poll, Vacancy of Councillor: The Clerk confirmed that a notice of poll had been put up and this would expire on the 10th August 2009 and assuming that no one had requested a poll to be drawn up, then an advertisement would be placed on the noticeboard asking for anyone who might be interested in being co-opted as a Councillor, which would then be considered at the next meeting. It was agreed unanimously that if more than one person made application that the vote would be done by voting slip and counted by the Clerk at the meeting.

(f) Trees for Free LCC: It was agreed that the application for tree planting be given to Councillor Mrs E Naeem for her to complete and return to LCC by the 30th September 2009.

(7) Parish Plan:

(a) Footpath Carlton Scroop and Normanton-on-Cliffe: The Clerk handed out copies of a letter sent to the Director of Development concerning the outstanding application for planning permission in respect of increased tonnage from 120,000 to 200,000 vehicles and the request to consider a Sec 106 agreement for the installation of activated speed signs in the villages of Carlton Scroop and Normanton and provision of a footpath between both villages. This matter is to be considered on the 27th July 2009 and the parish Council will be informed of the decision in due course, which was noted.

(b) Activated Speed Signs:The information given above applies similarly to this item.

(c) Housing Needs Survey for Affordable Housing: A letter and survey form has been delivered by the Parish Council to every household in both villages with stamped addressed envelope and everyone was reminded of the need for the survey form to be returned by the deadline date of the 31st July 2009. Katie May, Rural Adviser of the Community Council will be coming to the next meeting to report on the outcome of the Housing Needs Survey, which was noted.

(d) Neighbourhood Watch and Recent Breakins: Councillor R Rainthorpe said that at a recent meeting some 20 residents were present and 6 volunteers had been appointed to assist with a neighbourhood watch scheme for the village of Normanton. Councillor Mrs M Blades said she would contact the organiser of the scheme for Carlton Scroop, which had been in operation for several years, so that everyone was aware of the information available.

(8) Planning:

- Mid (UK) Recycling Ltd, Vary Condition No 1 to Allow the Tonnage of

Materials to be brought to the Site to Increase from 120,000 to 200,000,

Station Road, Caythorpe. Transport Survey. Notification of Parish Council


- Mid (UK) Recycling Ltd, To Retain Plant and Machinery Comprising a

Trommel for Separating Composting Material, Full Planning Permission,

Parish Council’s Representations. Approved Conditionally 8th July 2009

-Mr R Dowding, Change of Use of Land from Paddock to Residential Garden


Land. Beechcroft Farm, Main Street, Normanton-on-Cliffe. Full Planning

Permission, Notification of Parish Council’s Representations.

- Mr R Dowding, Erection of Extension to Dwelling, Beechcroft Farm, Main

Street, Normanton-on-Cliffe. Approved Conditionally 16th June 2009

(9) Correspondence: For information: The correspondence listed in (a) to (g) was

given to Membersfor information and distribution.


(a) Cheque Mandate: The Cheque Mandate was listed on the Analysis of Income and

Expenditure schedule and it was agreed unanimously that the payments listed be made. The Chairman, Councillor Mrs J Gonzalez and Councillor Mrs E Naeem signed and counter-signed thecheques accordingly.

(b) Copies of the Statement of Accounts as at 29th June2009 were handed to each Member which were agreed and accepted unanimously.

(11) Training:

(a) Power of Well-Being: The Clerk had attended a seminar on the Power of Well- Being, which is a new provision and enables Parish Councils to promote or improve the economic, social or environmental well-being of their area subject to them satisfying 4 conditions of eligibility relating to :-

- qualified Clerk

- 2/3rds vacancies being filled at the last election

- 80% of Councillors trained in the use of well-being power

- published statement of intent as to community engagement

(b) Rural North Local Forum: the Clerk handed out a précis of the main topics of discussion in relation to Unitary Authorities, Housing Allocations and Social Housing – Service Improvements.

(12)Items from the Public Forum not Requiring a Resolution: All the matters raised did not require a resolution.

(13)Urgent Matters for Discussion Without Resolution:

(a) Councillor Mrs B Hankinson raised an issue concerning a gap between the parapet wall to the bridge at Charity Street, Carlton Scroop and the stream and also cracks in the brickwork.

(b) Councillor Mrs E Naeem reported that she had delivered various documents to the Archives in Lincoln and signed to the effect that these documents could not be reproduced or exhibited without the Parish Council’s permission

(14) Date of Next Meeting: The date of the next meeting is the 28th September 2009

The meeting finished at 8.45pm



Chairman of the Council

Dated: 28th September 2009


It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the meeting which took place and do not become the decisions of the Parish Council until accepted or otherwise at the following meeting.