Conference Call 04/09/13

Attendees: Krista & Mark Williamson, Hugh Miller, Mark Trexler, Lisa Smithers Cambridge, Andy Raphael and Dave Northway.

Krista Williamson- President

·  Pre ride trip- Went well.

·  Mark Trexler and Dave Northway will oversee the Ride Marshall's.

·  Support order is in process.

·  All coins and pins have been delivered.

·  Medical & luggage tags are in.

·  "Freddy the Bike Guy" will accompany the Tour.

·  Financial Update:

o  Checking: $24,049.87

o  Money Market: $349,301.04

Mark Williamson- Route Planning

·  Rest Stops are lined up.

·  Discussed route options.

·  Discussed role of Ride Marshall's as they pertain to safety and pace of tour.

Mark Trexler- 1st Vice President

Jerseys- All Ordered

·  1st order is in.

·  2nd order is being delivered.

·  Support Clothing is ordered.


·  230 Members

o  162 Riders

o  42 Support

o  26 Motors

Hugh Miller- 2nd Vice President

·  Bracelets are delivered to Tampa.

·  Send-Off Ceremony planning is complete.

·  Recommended a $100 donation per year to Fife and Drum (Who, like the PUT are dependent on donations) and have participated in Send-Off Ceremony for the past three years.

·  Has fulfilled a request for extra bracelets for family members of a fallen officer.

·  Ride Reminders:

o  Reminded all of Single File at Toll Booth on Day One.

o  Reminded all to be aware of varying levels of rider skill and the need to make accommodations for all on the tour.

Lisa Smithers-Cambridge-Support Director


·  Still working with Tappahannock to secure final hotel rooms.

·  Hardee's will sponsor the Day One breakfast.

·  Day 3 Lunch will be Subway. (Chik-Fil- A is closed on Sundays)

·  Roger Browns Restaurant in Portsmouth, VA will donate 10% of night proceeds to PUT on April 8th.

Andy Ralphael

·  Represented PUT at a recognition ceremony for 2 local officers involved in a shooting incident.

Dave Northway- Secretary

·  Next BOD’s Conference Call will be April 23rd, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m.