ESIP Point Source Data & Population Density ResourcesNovember 30, 2007
Point Source Data
Ref # / Geogr. location / Link / Entered inGCMD Y/N / Description/COMMENTS
1 / Any US state / / Water discharge data (PCS). Industrial discharges only?; NH and MA data ‘frozen’ after 6-6-2006 pending entry into new system
2 / NH / / EMD (Env. Monitoring data)
3 / CA / / NPRI (National Pollutant Release Inventory) data for 1994-2004 in MS Access format
4 / CA / / On-line NPRI data; 2005 on Google earth; 1994-2004 in MS Access
5 / GOM / / NOAA 1991 Point Source inventory of GOM watersheds US & CA
Population Data and Definitions/Determination of “coastal” towns
Ref # / Geogr. location / Link / Entered inGCMD Y/N / Description/COMMENTS
1 / Any US state /
Can search by county down to town
GCMD under” American Fact Finder” / Total populations/households. Seasonal info not found here
2 / NOAA’s definition of Coastal Counties /
How was this List Developed?
This list was developed using a two-step process. The first step identified those counties that had at least 15 percent of their land area in the coastal watershed. The second step identified those counties that accounted for at least 15 percent of a coastal cataloging unit. This was done only for counties that bisected the coastal watershed, but had less that 15 percent of their total land area in the coastal watershed.
The intent of the second step was to identify those counties that, although not having at least 15 percent of their total area within the coastal watershed, still have a large land area within a coastal watershed. For example, the portion within the coastal watershed for several bisected counties is larger than the total size of many coastal counties that are entirely within the coastal watershed. This allowed for these counties to be included in the NOAA set of coastal counties. The process used to identify these counties is outlined below:
Step 1. Coastal Counties that have 15% of more of their TotalLand Area in the Coastal Watershed (666 counties).
1) Counties that bisected or were entirely within the coastal watershed were identified.
2) The land area was calculated for each county.
3) The coastal watershed land area was calculated for each bisected county.
4) The percentage of a county’s total land area within the coastal watershed was calculated. This figure was determined by dividing the county’s coastal watershed land area by its total land area. If a county’s land area fell entirely within the
coastal watershed, the value was 100 percent. If the coastal watershed covered only part of the county, the value was less than 100 percent.
5) All counties were checked against hard-copy maps (showing counties and coastal watersheds) to determine if they were entirely within, or bisected by, the coastal watershed boundary.
6) Any county that had at least 15 percent of its land area in the coastal watershed was identified as being coastal.
Step 2. Coastal Counties that Comprise at Least 15% of Coastal Cataloging Unit’s Land Area (6 counties).
1) Counties that bisected the coastal watershed and had less than 15 percent of their land area in the coastal watershed were identified.
2) The coastal cataloging units that were identified.
3) The amount of land area in each coastal cataloging unit was calculated (although most coastal cataloging units are located entirely within the coastal watershed, only the area of the cataloging unit within the coastal watershed was determined).
4) The amount of land area where the counties and cataloging units overlapped was calculated.
5) The proportion of a cataloging unit’s land area within this polygon was calculated.
6) If any portion of a county accounted for at least 15 percent of a coastal cataloging unit, the county was identified as being coastal.
3 / Maine / Maine Coastal Zone Definition
Maine=s coastal zone includes the inland line of coastal towns on tidewaters and all islands.Maine's coastal zone encompasses all political jurisdictions in Maine that have land along the coast or a tidal waterway, such as a river or bay.
4 / Maine /
See Sylvia for List of Maine Coastal Towns/Counties / List of Maine Towns (Minor Civil Divisions) in the Coastal Zone.
View a map of Maine's Coastal Zone
5 / Maine CZM / Managing Maine’sNearshore Coastal Resources
6 / MASSACHUSETTS / Massachusetts Coastal Zone Definition
Massachusetts= coastal zone extends 100 feet inland of specified major roads, RR tracks, or other visible right of ways which are located within a half mile of coastal waters or salt marshes. The coastal zone includes all islands, transitional and
intertidal areas, and coastal wetlands and beaches. In instances where the road boundary excludes significant resource areas, the boundary line may depart from the road to encompass.
The Massachusettscoastal zone roughly includes all land within a half-mile of coastal waters and salt marshes as well as all islands.
7 / MACZM Regional Offices / CZM maintains the following five regional offices:
- North Shore
- Boston Harbor
- South Shore
- Cape Cod & Islands
- South Coastal
Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program's North Shore Region Kathryn Glenn
CZM North Shore Regional Coordinator
#2 State Fish Pier
Gloucester, MA01930-3016
(978) 281-3972
Fax: (978) 281-8979
Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program's BostonHarbor Region
Brad Washburn
251 Causeway Street, Suite 800
Phone: (617) 626-1064
Fax: (617) 626-1240
Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management's SouthShore Region
CZMSouthShore Regional Coordinator
C/O: Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
175 Edward Foster Road
Scituate, MA02066
(781) 545-8026 x209
Fax: (781) 545-8036
Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program's Cape Cod & Islands Region
CZMCape Cod & Islands Regional Coordinator
P.O. Box 220
Barnstable, MA02630-0220
(508) 362-1760
Fax: (508) 362-1698
Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program's South Coastal Region
David Janik
CZM South Coastal Regional Coordinator
2870 Cranberry Highway
EastWareham, MA02538
Phone: (508) 291-3625 x20
Fax: (508) 291-3628
8 / MA / Massachusetts Coastal Towns/ and Local contacts List of Counties
See Sylvia for a List of MA Coastal Towns/Counties
(county map}
9 / NH / New Hampshire Coastal Zone Definition
The Coastal Program initially gained federal approval in 1982 for the areas next to the Atlantic Ocean and the lower PiscataquaRiver. In 1988, the Coastal Program added areas bordering the GreatBay and tidal rivers. In 2004, the landward boundary was again expanded to encompass all 17 municipalities along tidal waters.
The first tier provides a wider margin back from the Atlantic Ocean, GreatBay and the lower
PiscataquaRiver than the second tier, which includes only wetlands and banks of the estuarine
rivers. The “Atlantic Ocean” coastal boundary from Seabrook to Portsmouth does not meet on
its landward side with the landward side of the “tidally influenced areas” and GreatBay and
Little Bay coastal boundaries. This leaves a “gap” between the two coastal boundaries. There
are 17 coastal towns with tidal shoreline, but none is included in its entirety within the boundaries of the NHCP. Since the time of that previous program evaluation, such review and deliberation has
occurred. The NHCP considered the benefits and appropriateness of expanding the inland or
landward coastal boundary to be coterminous with the political boundaries of the 17 coastal
municipalities (Dover, Durham, Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, HamptonFalls, Madbury, New
Castle, Newfields, Newington, Newmarket, North Hampton, Portsmouth, Rollinsford, Rye,(Seabrook and Stratham)
10 / NH CZ / New Hampshire CZ Contacts
New Hampshire Coastal Program
Department of Environmental Services
50 International Drive, Suite 200
Pease Tradeport
Portsmouth, NH03801
Phone (603) 559-1500
Fax (603) 559-1510
11 / NH / NH Coastal Towns/Counties
See Sylvia for a List of NH Coastal Towns/Counties
12 / Canada /
an additional resource that contains 2006 census info / Total populations/households
Seasonal info not found here
13 / NS /
go to “key tourism indicators”
2000 – 2007
Can search by county down to community
Census for 1991 ,96 and 2001. 2006 data available in 2008 / This is Tourism Insights, Nova Scotia Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage’s tourism research website
14 / NS / NS Coastal Towns/Counties
See Sylvia for a List of NS Coastal Towns/Counties
/ Coastal Counties/Parishes
15 / NB / NB Coastal Towns/Counties
See Sylvia for a List of NB Coastal Towns/Counties
/ Coastal Counties/Parishes
16 / NB / / The following web site has regional maps
17 / NB Governent / click on Land, Properties and the Environment, Coastal Areas Protection Policy\ / Resource for environmental policies etc.