An illustrated anthology has been provided for the poems in this cluster for the purposes of student annotation. This means students can keep their AQA anthology ‘clean’ for the exam.

Week 1 / Silent Protest’ (Extract from White Teeth) – student copies,
‘Conflicting Cultures’ OHT and student copies,
Which Country a I? Teacher Notes
‘Which Country am I? OHT’,
‘Fashion or Culture’ OHT,
‘Fashion & Culture’ sheets – one per student and one on OHT for modelling,
‘Fashion & Culture help sheet’,
‘Fashion & Culture, teacher copy’,
‘Opinions about Clothes Sheet’ – student copies plus one on OHT,
‘Presents from My Aunts, Plenary’ on OHT,
 ‘Language and Identity’ OHT
Week 2 / OHP
‘Poem Opening’ ( one on OHT and enough paper copies for each student)
student copies of ‘Half-Caste’
‘Reading task Half-Caste OHT’
‘Discussion Cards Half-Caste’ student sets and set on OHT
Half-Caste on OHT
Challenge, Compliment, Suggest Cards
‘Technical Terms Revision’ on OHT
Half-Caste Extract
Half Caste Statements
‘Text Article Opening’ OHT
‘Text Article Cards’
‘Text Translation’ on OHT
Challenge, Compliment, Suggest Cards
student copies of ‘Unrelated Incidents’
‘Unrelated Incidents Questions’
Unrelated Incidents Questions – Teacher Sheet’.
Week 3 / Student copies of ‘Not my Business’
‘Not my Business setting clues’ on OHT
Stanzas 1-3 on OHT
Student copies of ‘Not my Business’
‘Dictatorship context’ sheet on OHT plus student copies
Student copies of ‘Not my Business Plenary’ sheet
‘Hurricane Hits England Starter Teacher Sheet’
‘Hurricane Hits England Starter’ sheet
Student copies of ‘Hurricane Hits England’
‘Hurricane Hits England Structure Card Sort’
‘Connections OHT’
‘Connections Answer Sheet’
Connections Table – enlarged onto A3 one per student.
Connections Table reduced to A4 and copied onto OHT
Connections Table Teacher Sheet.
Week 4 / ‘A Riddle’ on OHT
‘Love after Love Questions’
Student copies of ‘Love after Love’
Student copies of ‘Connections OHT’ from week 3, lesson 3
Plain A3 paper – one sheet per student
‘Making Links OHT’.
Week 5 / Students’ copies of their Connections Table
Acetates and OHT pens
‘Other Cultures Oral Help sheet’
‘Challenge, Compliment, Suggest’ cards
‘Sample Essay Question’ – student copies plus one on OHT
‘Ideas Table’ enlarged onto A3 – one per student
A4 ‘Ideas Table’ on OHT
A student’s ‘Ideas Table’ on OHT
‘Content Descriptors’ card sort – one set of cards per pair
‘Mark Scheme’ – student copies plus one on OHT
‘How to Structure A Response’ – student copies plus one on OHT.


/ Enrichment: Other opportunities for work with Poems from Other Cultures and Traditions